AIPG Texas Section Field Trip to Central Texas a Success!
Aside from dodging a few raindrops, the central Texas field trip was enjoyed by all!
25 participants including members of the Premier Silica mining operations near Brady, Texas joined the field party over the 2-day event. Many photos were taken and new information has been uncovered that will be incorporated in a Post-Field Trip Guidebook revision that will be made available to the participants and the geoscience community online via a PDF in the near future. Participation in the Field Trip by Diane Carrico, a geology student attending the University of Texas, Austin, was sponsored by I2M Associates, LLC (May 20th I2M News Release).
I want to publicly thank Premier Silica and the staff who spent time and effort during our visit to the Voca Mine. I also want to thank Chris Caran, P.G., who provided a field review on the Los Almagres Mine history.
AIPG Texas Section District II Representative, Renee Ryan, P.G. C.P.G., and District I Representative, Michael Jacobs, P.G., provided outstanding leadership in the field, and Rima Petrossian, Ph.D., P.G., C.P.G., AIPG Vice President – Western Texas, and Michael D. Campbell, P.G., P.H., C.P.G., AIPG Vice President – Eastern Texas provided pre-field trip support in a number of functions, although they could not attend the field trip due to previous commitments.
I thank all of you for making this field trip worthwhile and rewarding. I enjoyed meeting many of you for the first time in person.
On new matters, we are about to embark on planning for a uranium field trip to south-central Texas for some time in the early Fall, 2016 or Spring, 2017. We are looking at the costs for a weekend bus trip originating in Houston, stopping by Austin to pick up more attendants and even more, perhaps in San Antonio. Stay tuned.
Henry M. Wise, P.G., C.P.G.
President – AIPG Texas Section
Houston, TX