Texas House Bill Passes by Wide Majority, Now to Senate

Sunset Update – Texas Legislature Activities

HGS’s Clint Moore reports that folks should use the following link that takes you to the House bill, and then click the “companions” tab and you will see Senate bill 609, which is still in committee over on the senate side.


HB 1311 was passed with 121 yes, 16 no, with about a dozen absent or not voting. Some absent either did not get to their desk fast enough to vote or were otherwise not pushing the button on their desk. So, check back tomorrow for a final vote tally. The absent dozen can vote long after the initial floor vote is posted.

Now, on to the Senate, Need to get it set on calendar for a committee hearing.  The bill’s sponsor Sen. Watson is not on the Bus. & Commerce Committee, whose Vice Chair is Nichols,  fortunately Nichols is listed as a co-author of the bill with Watson. Need to ask Nichols to get it on the committee calendar next step.