I2M Web Portal for Geoscientists Passes 10,000 Records. Get Ready for the Future: 2021 and Beyond

The I2M Web Portal is made available to geoscientists, and to the general public worldwide with a focus on geoscientific and other matters of interest to I2M management. The database just passed 10,000 records and counting. Searches can be conducted using single words, phrases or exact phrases (if you put them in quotes), for example: a simple phrase might be Russian interests in U.S. uranium whereas an exact phrase is “vapor intrusion”. I2M Consulting personnel and associates also monitor hazardous field conditions around the world via our Field Alerts program, cybersecurity conditions on the Internet in our Security Alert program, and relevant bias in the Media in our Confronting Media Bias Alerts program. Please feel free to contact us if you have any questions, comments or suggestions.
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