First Notice: GeoDayz 2024 Planning is Underway for October, 2024

Henry Wise, P.G., C.P.G., President, AIPG Texas Section, announced today that the planning for GeoDayz 2024 has begun in ernest. The Collier Consulting Group, located in north-central Texas, will be hosting the GeoDayz 2024 program.

As information becomes available, we will advise the students and young professionals in the Texas and elsewhere on dates, program content, and cost.

Here are summaries for the past GeoDayz programs:

Austin: Ge0Dayz 2022

Nacogdoches: GeoDayz 2018

Stay tuned …

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M. David Campbell Receives The AIPG-TX Oustanding Contributions Award – 2024

Citation by Letter:

The Board of Directors of the Texas Chapter of the American Institute of Professional Geologist (AIPG-TX), at the recommendation of the Scholarship and Awards Committee Chair, Dr. Regina Capuano, and by approval of the AIPG-TX President, would like to extend our heartfelt gratitude for your 30 years of outstanding contributions to our organization (1994-2024). Your exceptional work in designing, maintaining, and protecting our website ( and the AIPG Membership Management Google Database, the I2M Web Portal, etc. over the years has been invaluable.

We have consistently been impressed not only by the professional quality but also by the beautiful aesthetics of the site. It rivals those of national organizations and large companies. In recognition of your remarkable talent and invaluable contributions, we are delighted to present you with our Outstanding Service Award, accompanied by the enclosed plaque.

We wish you continued success in all your future endeavors.

Best regards,

Henry M. Wise, P.G., C.P.G.
President, AIPG Texas Chapter
Regina M. Capuano, Ph.D., P.G., C.P.G.
Chair, Scholarship and Awards Committee AIPG-TX”

[Note: Michael D. Campbell, P.G., P.H., C.P.G., Vice-President – Easterm Texas, abstained from the initiation and any involvement in this award.]

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