Mar, 2025

2025 AIPG-TX Section Scholarship Awardees
Henry Wise, P.G., C.P.G., President of the Texas Section of the AIPG, and Dr. Regina Capuano, P.G., C.P.G., Chair, AIPG-TX Scholarships Committee anounced recently that:
- Anna Heikes at Trinity University has been awarded a Ted H. Foss Undergraduate AIPG-TX Scholarship ($1,000.00)….. To be Presented (here) and (plaque).
and - Jayla (Jay) Braddock at the University of Houston has been awarded a Ted H. Foss Undergraduate AIPG-TX Scholarship ($1,000.00)…. To be Presented (here) and (plaque).
and - Christian Adjoh at the The University of Texas Perian Basin has been awarded a Gene Shoemaker Graduate AIPG-TX Scholarship ($2,500.00)….. To be Presented (here), (plaque), and (citation).
and - Roberto Reyna at the University of Houston has been awarded a Gene Shoemaker Graduate AIPG-TX Scholarship ($2,500.00)….. To be Presented (here), (plaque), and (citation).
Formal presentations of the checks, plaques, with photography, will be made soon by Department Chairpersons, and AIPG-TX District Representatives (District IV) and other available AIPG Board Members.
For information on the Texas Statewide Virtual Student Chapter of AIPG-TX, see (here).