3rd Quarter Search Results for Top Ten Web Portal Categories

The I2M Web Portal is made available to I2M Clients, Associates, AIPG members and other geoscientists, and the general public worldwide with a focus on geoscientific and other matters deemed important to I2M management listed under the general and specific categories.  The site contains thousands of selected online resources including industry and government reports, industry news items, and other sources of information available on the Internet today. I2M Web Portal editors review the selections for relevancy and for bias  providing comments when appropriate.This is a focused database, Google, on the other hand, will eventually find whatever you need to find.

The Web Portal’s database contains almost 8,800 focused records of resources as of October 27, 2019. The Top 10 categories as of mid-2019 are listed (here). The Top 10 Search Results, which will update chronologically using the “Date” or “Relevance” filter follows:

1. Uranium (here).

2. Nuclear Power (here).

3. Health and Safety (here).

4. Astrogeology (here).

5. Rare Earths (here).

6. Hydrogeology, Geology, and Environmental Issues (here).

7. Commodity Economics (here).

8. Carbon Use (Graphene, coal, etc.) (here).

9. Gold and Silver (here).

10. Consultants and Vendors (here).

For many other Categories, see (here).

For more focused searching, the I2M Web Portal is a multi-word search database. That said, the search is not only based on the words in the title, but also on all words in the abstract/comments section. For example, the word “vendors” occurs many times in some papers/articles/reports. For specific combinations, use ”       ” bracketing 2 or more words. That will focus your search even further.

Remember, if you have a report or article you want stored, so you’ll always know where to find it, send a PDF of it to us and we’ll incorporate it into the I2M Web Portal.

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