AIPG-TX Section’s Vice President – Eastern Texas Presented the 2020 Annual Uranium (Nuclear and Rare Earth) Report at AAPG’s EMD Zoom Conference

Michael D. Campbell, P.G., P.H. CPG, also serves as Chairman of the Uranium (Nuclear and REE) Committee (UCOM). He presented a summary of the 2020 Annual UCOM report to the Energy Minerals Division‘s Executive Committee, Commodity Chairs, other Committee Chairs, and special guests during a special Zoom presentation during the EMD Annual Meeting on June 6, 2020.  The Annual AAPG-EMD Conference was originally scheduled for early June, 2020 in Houston, but has been cancelled because of the increasing spread of the coronavirus in the the Houston area and in the cities around Texas in general. The final 2020 UCOM Annual report is now available (here).

Henry Wise, P.G., CPG, President of AIPG Texas Section, also serves as Vice-Chair (Industry) to UCOM and contributed to the 2020 UCOM report. Others also serve on the UCOM Advisory Committee, such as:

Kevin T. Biddle, Ph. D., P.G., Houston
Michael A. Jacobs, P.G., Midland
Roger W. Lee, Ph.D., P.G. Austin
Mark Pelizza, P.G., Plano, and
David Rowlands, Ph. D., P.G.

I2M Senior Principal/Project Manager, M. David Campbell, P.G., also serves as Special Consultant to UCOM.