AIPG National Award – The Matthew J. Rhoades 2022 National Presidential Certificate of Merit to John L Berry, P.G., CPG

The Matthew J. Rhoades 2022 National Presidential Certificate of Merit was made to John L Berry, P.G., CPG for his outstanding contributions to the AIPG Texas and imolementations of the highly sucessful AIPG AIPG Texas Section webinar series. The Award was made to John Berry by Henry M. Wise, P.G., CPG, President of AIPG Texas Section with Michael D. Campbell, P.G., P.H., CPG, Vice-President – Eastern Texas providing the photography.

Each year, the AIPG President awards one or more certificates of merit to individuals who, through dedicated and meritorious service, have made an outstanding contribution to the Institute. John has certainly made sigificant contributions over the years in serving the AIPG Texas Section as a Councilor-at-Large, convenor of the AIPG-TX webinars, and earlier as the AIPG Editor of the Professional Geologist.