The Wise Report
The Texas Commission on Environmental Quality (TCEQ) Petroleum Storage Tank (PST) program has revised the “Release Determination Report” Form (TCEQ-00621, Rev. 1/15) to be used to report the results from the investigation of a suspected or confirmed release from an underground storage tank (UST) or above ground storage tank (AST), or permanent removal from service of a UST or any routine environmental site assessment at PST sites. This form (TCEQ-00621, revised 1/15) replaces all prior versions and effective July 1, 2015, the TCEQ will only accept information submitted on the revised form. Previous versions are considered obsolete and information received by the TCEQ on or after July 1, 2015 on previous versions of the form will need to be resubmitted on the current version.
The RDR Form (TCEQ-00621, Rev. 1/15) is now interactive and is able to be completed electronically. The revised RDR form is available on the TCEQ webpage:
The following bills that may be of interest to Texas geologists have been filed. New information is listed in bold (two new bills listed):
HB 30, by Larson, Relating to the development of brackish groundwater. Filed 1/21/2015. For more information go to:
HB 163, by Larson, Relating to interstate cooperation to address regional water issues. Sets up the Southwest Water Commission to discuss water needs of the region with other states and Mexico. Filed 11/10/2014. For more information go to:
HB 190, by Burkett, Relating to the regulatory analysis of rules proposed by the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality. Sets up guidelines for TCEQ analyses. Filed 11/10/2014. For more information go to:
HB 201, by Leach, Identical to companion bill SB 109, Relating to the procedure for action by the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality on an application for a water right. The bill sets up deadlines for reviews of applications by the TCEQ. Filed 11/10/2014. For more information go to:
HB 281, by Simmons, Relating to a limitation on the expansion of certain landfills. This is for Type I municipal solid waste landfills that are located in a municipality in a county with a population of more than 600,000 persons and not more than 500 feet from another municipality. Filed 11/12/2014. For more information go to:
HB 835, by Larson, Relating to research, development and utilization of brackish groundwater resources. Filed 1/21/2015. For more information go to:
HB 836, by Larson, Relating to the development of brackish groundwater. Filed 1/21/2015. For more information go to:
HB 898, by Larson, Relating to the confidentiality of certain water well reports. Filed 1/23/2015. For more information go to:
HB 930, by Miller and Doug, Relating to water well drillers and pump installers; authorizing fees. Copies of well logs must also be sent to the local groundwater conservation district. Filed 1/26/2015. For more information go to:
SB 77, by Ellis, Relating to the development of a climate adaptation plan by certain entities. By 9/1/2016 twelve governmental entities, including the TCEQ, General Land Office, and the Texas Water Development Board, and every four years thereafter, shall publish a climate adaptation plan that will assess the entity’s role with respect to climate change. 1/26/2015 Referred to Natural Resources & Economic Development. For more information go to:
SB 78, by Ellis, Relating to the matters to be considered in developing the state water plan.The bill sets up deadlines for reviews of applications by the TCEQ. Future water availability and water use must be considered. Availability includes conservation, purification and reuse. 1/26/2015 Referred to Agriculture, Water, & Rural Affairs. For more information go to:
SB 109, by Taylor and Van, Identical to companion bill HB 201, Relating to the procedure for action by the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality on an application for a water right. Future water availability and water use must be considered. The bill sets up deadlines for reviews of applications by the TCEQ. 1/27/2015 Referred to Agriculture, Water, & Rural Affairs. For more information go to:
SB 118, by Taylor and Van, Relating to unit operations for oil, gas, or oil and gas production from depleting reservoirs or carbon dioxide storage; authorizing a fee. 1/27/2015 Referred to Natural Resources & Economic Development. For more information go to:
SB 253, by Ellis, Relating to applications for permits issued by the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality for certain new or expanded facilities in certain low-income and minority communities. 1/28/2015 Referred to Natural Resources & Economic Development. For more information go to:
SB 413, by Seliger, Relating to qualifications for membership on the Texas Water Development Board. “The board is composed of three members who are appointed by the governor with the advice and consent of the senate. One member must have experience in the field of engineering, one member must have experience in the field of public or private finance, and one member must have experience in the field of production agriculture.” Filed 1/29/2015. For more information go to:
I’ll be updating this list in the future, throughout the upcoming legislative session.
Henry M. Wise, P.G.
The Wise Report