Showing Results for: GeoDayz 2022 (42)

GeoDayz 2022 Registration Filling Up Fast: Sponsorships Still Available


Texas GeoDayz Sponsorship Opportunities Join us as a sponsor for GeoDayz 2022, hosted by the Texas Chapter of the AIPG. This is a great opportunity to promote your company and increase your brand exposur...

GeoDayz 2022 is Approaching! Make Your Reservations Now.


AIPG GeoDayz 2022 — Methods & Applied Science in the Field and Laboratory for Geologic Research & Other Investigations:  Hosted by Texas Chapter of American Institute of Professional Geolog...

AIPG Texas Chapter Announces GEODAYZ 2022 Training Program in Early August, Austin, Texas


Henry Wise, P.G., CPG, President of the AIPG-TX Chapter, announced today the group is planning the 2022 GEODAYZ Training Program to be held August 4th and 5th 2022, in Austin, Texas. The Convener for the program is Dr. Roger Lee, P.G,, Austin, Texas. Featuring Demonstrations and Presentations for ...

GeoDayz 2025 Planning is Beginning Now for April 2025


Henry Wise, P.G., C.P.G., has announced today that AIPG-TX's GeoDayz 2025 will be held in April 2025. Dr. Roger  Lee, P.G. and Bruce Handley, P.G., both members of the Board of Directors of the AIPG-TX, will be attending the Hydro-Geo Workshop in early October...

The Texas GeoDayz Program Date Has Moved to Spring, 2025


Based on discussions among the Texas AIPG Board of Directors, Henry Wise, P.G., C.P.G., President, announced yesterday that planning efforts have moved the date for next GeoDayz program to Spring, 2025. This decision was made to avoid conflicting with the Texas Hydro Workshop, which the AIPG-TX strongly supports. As in the past, Board Members will be managing a booth-...

First Notice: GeoDayz 2024 Planning is Underway for October, 2024


Henry Wise, P.G., C.P.G., President, AIPG Texas Section, announced today that the planning for GeoDayz 2024 has begun in ernest. The Collier Consulting Group, located in north-central Texas, will be hosting the GeoDayz 2024 program. As information becomes available, we will advise the studen...

Premiere of AIPG Texas Section YouTube Channel – 1:00 PM October 26, 2022 and more Begining 8:00 PM


The premiere of the AIPG Texas Section YouTube Channel will include three videos of lectures presented during the 2022 AIPG GeoDayz training program held in early August, 2022 in Austin, Texas. Convenor: Roger Lee, Ph.D., P.G. The three lecture premieres will be presented at 30-minute intervals. Others will soon follow....

AIPG-TX GeoDayz 2020 Schedule and Program Presenters


A Message from: Henry Wise, P.G., CPG, AIPG-TX President Roger Lee, Ph.D., GeoDayz 2022 Convener Melissa Hill, Ph.D., PG., CPG, AIPG-TX  Vice-President-Western Texas Registration is heating up but there is still room for new registrations, so don't wait.   Th...

AIPG YouTube Channel Now Has New Videos Available

9. Bhagwat, YouTube video (here). (2020). For additional YouTube Videos: "Year of Space" from The Geological Society of London, see (here). Additional Videos from: AIPG-TX  GeoDayz 2022 Program on the AIPG-TX YouTube Channel (here). I2M Consulting, LLC YouTube Channnel (here). I2M Institute of Energy and Critical Resources YouTube Channel (here). _______________...

Texas Statewide AIPG Student Chapter


...tegory from time to time for matters impacting current students and young professionals (Here). _______________________________________________________________ STUDENT NEWS AIPG-TX GeoDayz 2024 Planning is gearing up for October, 2024 (more). Program Details and Sign-Up Sheet will be available soon. _______________________________________________________ AIPG-TX SCHOLARSHIPS:...