The Texas GeoDayz Program Date Has Moved to Spring, 2025

Based on discussions among the Texas AIPG Board of Directors, Henry Wise, P.G., C.P.G., President, announced yesterday that planning efforts have moved the date for next GeoDayz program to Spring, 2025. This decision was made to avoid conflicting with the Texas Hydro Workshop, which the AIPG-TX strongly supports. As in the past, Board Members will be managing a booth-table at the Texas Hydro Workshop in early October for the purpose of having discussions with students and young professionals concerning their educational and training needs and to advise them of the coming GeoDayz 2025.

Previous GeoDayz programs at  Nacogdoches and Austin have been rousing sucesses for the students and young professionals, which contributed substantially to the AIPG-TX Scholorship Fund.

In 2025, The Collier Consulting Group will be hosting the GeoDayz program.

Additional information will provided as the program develops here on

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AIPG TEXAS SECTION WEBINAR SERIES – Carbon Capture and Storage: A New Frontier in Geoscience

Dr. Alex Bump will opine on July 16, 2024 – Tuesday that Carbon Capture and Storage (CCS) is a key technology in climate change mitigation. It can be applied to any point source of CO2, and it can abate emissions that are otherwise intractable, such as the process emissions from cement, steel and petrochemical production.  Without CCS, mitigation costs double and the paths to NetZero narrow dramatically, and yet, CCS is increasingly controversial—some see it as prolonging fossil fuel use, some see it as a waste of public money, some see it as dangerous, others see it as routine, and most simply don’t know what to think.This talk will explore the context, geology and future of CCS, with particular emphasis on the geology. Despite its apparent similarity to petroleum geology, the goals, constraints and boundary conditions for CCS combine to create a very different idea of what “good” looks like, with profound implications in the current land rush for storage space.

Dr. Alex Bump is a geologist with the Gulf Coast Carbon Center at the Bureau of Economic Geology.He holds a PhD in structural geology and tectonics from the University of Arizona and spent the better part of two decades in petroleum exploration, with experience on six continents. His current work focuses on adapting petroleum exploration tools for CCS to efficiently identify and de-risk carbon storage prospects.


Another Webinar

This is another webinar by John Berry. P.G., C.P.G. to be held on November 21, 2024. He will discuss his views on the abundance of natural oil slicks suggesting that approximately 600,000 tonnes of oil seeps into the oceans worldwide every year from oil accumulations in the sediments beneath the continental shelves and slopes. Title of webinar: “The Use of Natural Oil Slicks inExploration and Oceanography.”

Since the late 1980s rapid mapping of these seeps using various types of satellite imagery has been possible and has been used to guide oil exploration offshore, particularly in deep water, as they form the best pre-drilling evidence of an active charge in offshore basins. However, these slicks can tell us about much more than the mere presence of oil in the subsurface: they contain information about the gravity of the oil and about the structures from which it is seeping, as well as information about surface and subsurface ocean currents and weather patterns. In addition, during the process of mapping these slicks it is necessary to distinguish them from slicks of biological origin and from those slicks due to bilge pumping and other types of pollution. One occasionally also observes evidence for seepage of natural gas, arson on the high seas, and underwater volcanic eruptions.

John Berry, currently serves as a Councilor-at-Large on the AIPG Texas Section Advisory Board. He was Editor of The Professional Geologist from 2017-2020, and has been an AIPG Certified Professional Geologist since 1977. He has a BA (Geology) from University of Pennsylvania (1963) and a MA in Geology from Columbia University (1966), with a focus on geophysics, oceanography and Arctic studies. He has been a mineral exploration geologist (Cu, Au, U), oil company research geologist and consultant, and has worked on five continents.

Register soon (here)

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First Notice: GeoDayz 2024 Planning is Underway for October, 2024

Henry Wise, P.G., C.P.G., President, AIPG Texas Section, announced today that the planning for GeoDayz 2024 has begun in ernest. The Collier Consulting Group, located in north-central Texas, will be hosting the GeoDayz 2024 program.

As information becomes available, we will advise the students and young professionals in the Texas and elsewhere on dates, program content, and cost.

Here are summaries for the past GeoDayz programs:

Austin: Ge0Dayz 2022

Nacogdoches: GeoDayz 2018

Stay tuned …

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M. David Campbell Receives The AIPG-TX Oustanding Contributions Award – 2024

Citation by Letter:

The Board of Directors of the Texas Chapter of the American Institute of Professional Geologist (AIPG-TX), at the recommendation of the Scholarship and Awards Committee Chair, Dr. Regina Capuano, and by approval of the AIPG-TX President, would like to extend our heartfelt gratitude for your 30 years of outstanding contributions to our organization (1994-2024). Your exceptional work in designing, maintaining, and protecting our website ( and the AIPG Membership Management Google Database, the I2M Web Portal, etc. over the years has been invaluable.

We have consistently been impressed not only by the professional quality but also by the beautiful aesthetics of the site. It rivals those of national organizations and large companies. In recognition of your remarkable talent and invaluable contributions, we are delighted to present you with our Outstanding Service Award, accompanied by the enclosed plaque.

We wish you continued success in all your future endeavors.

Best regards,

Henry M. Wise, P.G., C.P.G.
President, AIPG Texas Chapter
Regina M. Capuano, Ph.D., P.G., C.P.G.
Chair, Scholarship and Awards Committee AIPG-TX”

[Note: Michael D. Campbell, P.G., P.H., C.P.G., Vice-President – Easterm Texas, abstained from the initiation and any involvement in this award.]

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2024 AIPG-TX Section Scholarship Awardee Anouncements And Presentations

Henry Wise, President of the Texas Section of the AIPG, and Dr. Regina Capuano, Chair, AIPG-TX Scholarships Committee anounced recently that:

  1. Kaylah Arnold at the Sam Houston State University has been awarded a Ted H. Foss Undergraduate AIPG-TX Scholarship ($1,000.00)…Presentation (here); (plaque).
  2. Jack McLaughlin at the University of Houston has been awarded a Gene Shoemaker Graduate AIPG-TX Scholarship ($2,500.00) …. Presentation (here); (plaque), (citation).
  3. Rowann Remie at the Midwestern State University has been awarded a Gene Shoemaker Graduate AIPG-TX Scholarship ($2,500.00)….. Presentation (here); (plaque), (citation).

Formal presentations of the checks, plaques, with photography, were made by the AIPG-TX District Representatives in District III, and District IV and other available AIPG Board Members at the respective Texas universities in May.

For information on the Texas Statewide Virtual Student Chapter of AIPG-TX, see (here).

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Cognition Guided Learning in the Geosciences – 2024

In this video, Stephen J Reynolds and Julia K Johnson discuss how learning can be enhanced if educators take into consideration the way humans process information. Our hosts will talk about cognition load and discuss ways to incorporate visual, verbal, and auditory pathways into a coherent whole that works in complement to enhance learning.

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What is the American Institute of Professional Geologist (AIPG) all about?

Join AIPG Past-President Dawn Garcia for this illuminating talk on the benefits of AIPG membership. Whether it’s building a network, finding job opportunities, getting new information on a particular resources, being a mentor or mentoring others, or giving back to the profession, AIPG provides a fantastic opportunity forcareer development!


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Society of Economic Geologists (SEG) Webinars for Students and Professionals – 2024

SEG hosts a series of webinars to address the needs of professionals in the field of economic geology. Restrictions in travel further amplify the need to have accessible content on career resources, technical training, and scientific discoveries.

The webinar series serve as a resource for all professionals in the industry.
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The Climate Case for a Career in Mining

Grist reported on January 31, 2024 that the clean energy transition requires minerals mining, but graduating students are reluctant to join an industry known for “exploitation” as believed based on their experiences in college.

Mansur Arief never imagined himself working in mining. As an artificial intelligence researcher finishing a PhD at Carnegie Mellon University, he developed safety algorithms for self-driving cars. But then he took a postdoctoral position at Stanford University, where he met Jef Caers, the director of the new research program Mineral-X.

Caers’ program seeks to reinvent mining for the clean energy economy by using advanced data science tools to help companies find and extract critical minerals like lithium in a more sustainable manner — and by developing protocols to engage local communities at the exploration phase, so they can decide whether or not new mining should be permitted on their land.

Read on by clicking (here).

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Texas Chapter AIPG Scholarship Application Deadline Extended to February 14, 2024

Dr. Regina Capuano, Chair of the Texas AIPG Scholarship Committee, announced today that the deadline to apply for both the Ted H. Foss Undergraduate Scholarship ($1,000.00) and the Gene Shoemaker Graduate Scholarship ($2,500.00) have been extended to February 14, 2024.

For additional details on how to apply for one of the scholarships, see (Here).


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