The Wise Report

The TCEQ has received a “Petition for Rulemaking to simplify regulatory burdens to the State of Texas and its citizens” from Mr. Jed Anderson. His complaint is, basically, that the TCEQ rules are too complex and need to be simplified. The document can be found at:

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The Wise Report

The TCEQ has issued “Supporting Documentation for the TCEQ’s Ecological Benchmark Tables”, RG-263b (new publication). This publication provides supporting documentation for surface water sediment and soil benchmarks part of the ecological risk assessment process. Use in conjunction with RG-263 and other companion documents and Excel file at The document can be found at:

The TCEQ has issued “Conducting Ecological Risk Assessments at Remediation Sites in Texas”, RG-263 (revised). This is the agency’s primary guidance on how to conduct ecological risk assessments at remediation sites in Texas. Use in conjunction with RG-263B and other companion documents found at The document can be found at:

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AIPG Texas-Section Strikes a Training Deal

AIPG-Texas Section Strikes a Deal with the Midwest Geosciences Group to Offer Member Discounts in their Training Webinars

AIPG-Texas Section Members:

I am pleased to announce that based on your encouragement expressed in the recent survey of Texas Section Membership (more), the American Institute of Professional Geologists – Texas Section is collaborating with Midwest GeoSciences Group in a recently announced 5-part webinar series dedicated to EMERGING TECHNOLOGIES IN HYDRAULIC TESTING FOR FRACTURED ROCK. 

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The Wise Report

The TCEQ updates to the Texas Risk Reduction Program (TRRP) Tier 1 Protective Concentration Levels (PCLs) are now available. You can access these tables using the link:

The 2017 PCL table update has been released as a single Microsoft Excel workbook with each table on a separate worksheet.  We are also releasing the updates as a print only Adobe Acrobat portable document format (PDF) file. The Excel file and the PDF file each contain PCL tables 1 through 10 and the supporting tables in the following order:

•    Summary of Updates
•    Table 1 – Tier 1 Residential Soil PCLs
•    Table 2 – Tier 1 Commercial/Industrial Soil PCLs
•    Table 3 – Tier 1 Groundwater PCLs, Residential and Commercial/Industrial
•    Table 4 – Tier 1 Residential Total Soil Combined PCLs
•    Table 5 – Tier 1 Commercial/Industrial Total Soil Combined PCLs
•    Table 6 – Tier 1 Individual Residential Soil PCLs
•    Table 7 – Tier 1 Individual Commercial/Industrial Soil PCLs
•    Table 8 – Tier 1 Individual Residential and Commercial/Industrial Groundwater PCLs
•    Table 9 – Individual Risk-Based Exposure Limits (RBELs), Residential
•    Table 10 – Individual Risk-Based Exposure Limits (RBELs), Commercial/Industrial
•    Toxicity Factors
•    Chemical/Physical Properties
•    Organic Carbon-Water Partition Coefficient (Koc) Values for Ionizing Organic COCs as a Function of pH
•    Gastrointestinal and Dermal Absorption Fractions (ABSGI and ABD.d Values)
•    2011 List of Updates

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The Wise Report

The TCEQ Remediation Division issued revised guidance and reporting requirements for selecting and developing engineered Corrective Action Plans (CAPs) for LPST sites. The guidance document formerly known as RG-41, Corrective Action Plans for LPST Sites has been reissued as RG-523/PST-10, Corrective Action Plans for LPST Sites.

The Remedial Technology Screening Form (RTS) (TCEQ-00695), Notice of Remediation System Installation (NRSI) (TCEQ-00694) and CAP Worksheets (TCEQ-00707) used in conjunction with the guidance have also been revised. The forms and worksheets are required when submitting a CAP for LPST sites.

The guidance document is available on the TCEQ webpage:

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2017 AIPG Texas Section Field Trip Postponed to Spring, 2021 – Planning Underway

Final Announcement of the 2017 AIPG Texas Section Field Trip to Uranium Country in South Texas / West Texas to Visit REE Mine

Henry M. Wise, P.G., C.P.G., President of AIPG Texas Section, announced today that after detailed discussions with the five uranium mining companies having exploration/recovery operations in south/west Texas,  the AIPG Texas Section Board has decided to postpone the uranium field trip to south Texas indefinitely (circa spring of 2022?). The companies and Board concluded that it would be more interesting to field trip participants if all of the companies’ operations were in production of yellowcake, or the REE mine is ready to provide visit to their mine operations. Other geological sites in west Texas are also being considered.

Invitations will be extended to the Chair, Vice-Chairs, and Advisory Group of the Uranium (Nuclear and Rare Earth) Committee of the Energy Minerals Division (AAPG) to join us in sponsoring and participating in the field trip. Invitations will also be extended to the members of the  South Texas Geological Society and other local geological societies.



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The Wise Report

The State Legislature is now in session.

The following is a list of bills of potential interest to geologists. There are no new bills of interest this week. New information is listed in bold:

HB 484, by Spring, Relating to training required to qualify for or renew a license issued by the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality. The TCEQ must provide a location within 100 miles of the place of employment of a person who is required to receive the training, reimbursement for travel and lodging expenses incurred if training isn’t available within 100 miles, or online training. 3/14/2017 Left pending in committee. For more information go to:

HB 815, by Burkett, Dale, Rick Miller, and Paul, Relating to the regulatory analysis of rules proposed by the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality. “Before adopting an environmental rule, the commission shall conduct a regulatory analysis that considers the costs and environmental effects and benefits expected to result from implementation of and compliance with the rule.” 3/14/2017 Withdrawn from schedule. For more information go to:

HB 1515, by Elkins, Relating to the expiration of the dry cleaner environmental response program. “A corrective action, including any administrative duties associated with the action, for which remediation of a contaminated site has begun before September 1, 2050, shall be completed in accordance with this chapter using money from the fund, to the extent possible, but money may not be collected for or added to the fund on or after that date.” Scheduled for public hearing on 3/21/2017. For more information go to:

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The Wise Report

The State Legislature is now in session. The following is a list of bills of potential interest to geologists. There are 15 new bills of interest this week. The deadline for the unrestricted filing of bills and joint resolutions other than local bills, emergency appropriations, and bills that have been declared an emergency by the governor was Friday, March 10, 2017.  Therefore, few new bills are anticipated this session, but we will continue to look for new bills of interest in case they come up. New information is listed in bold:

HB 484, by Spring, Relating to training required to qualify for or renew a license issued by the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality. The TCEQ must provide a location within 100 miles of the place of employment of a person who is required to receive the training, reimbursement for travel and lodging expenses incurred if training isn’t available within 100 miles, or online training. Scheduled for public hearing on 3/14/2017. For more information go to:

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Recent Survey Brings Response to Membership: Sources of Training for the Big Three Fields of Interest in Texas

In December, 2016, the Texas Section of AIPG began an online survey of Texas membership about career opportunities and choices. We asked Texas members to tell us what subjects they needed most to improve/broaden their careers. We indicated that we would then search for online resources addressing the top three areas of interest. For more on the survey, click here.

The results of the survey indicated the top three interest areas were:

  • Petroleum Geology – Principally concerned with the evaluation of seven key elements applicable in the search for hydrocarbons: source, reservoir, seal, trap, maturation and migration.
  • Hydrogeology / Groundwater Resource Evaluation – Groundwater quality and availability issues. Before water resources can be developed and managed, they must be evaluated, i.e., what portion of those resources can be sustainably developed for various uses, after setting aside a proportion for environmental or ecological needs.
  • Unconventional Hydrocarbon Resources – Distribution and production of oil and gas from shale (fracking) and gas from coal bed methane. Unconventional hydrocarbon deposits are very diverse and difficult to characterize overall, but in general are often lower in resource concentration, dispersed over large areas, and require well stimulation or additional extraction or conversion technology.

We generated a list of online courses (with links), webinars and resources, all of which address the above three career paths.

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The Wise Report

Bills of Potential Interest to Texas Geologists

The State Legislature is now in session.

The following is a list of bills of potential interest to geologists. There one new bill this week. New information is listed in bold:

HB 484, by Spring, Relating to training required to qualify for or renew a license issued by the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality. The TCEQ must provide a location within 100 miles of the place of employment of a person who is required to receive the training, reimbursement for travel and lodging expenses incurred if training isn’t available within 100 miles, or online training. 2/20/2017 Referred to Environmental Regulation. For more information go to:

HB 815, by Burkett, Dale, Rick Miller, and Paul, Relating to the regulatory analysis of rules proposed by the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality. “Before adopting an environmental rule, the commission shall conduct a regulatory analysis that considers the costs and environmental effects and benefits expected to result from implementation of and compliance with the rule.” 2/21/2017 Referred to Environmental Regulation. For more information go to:

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