AIPG National Award – The 2022 Ben H. Parker Memorial Distinguished Service Medal to Dr. Scott Tinker, P.G., CPG

The Ben H. Parker Memorial Distinguished Service Medal is the American Institute Professional Geologist’s most distinguished award. The Award was made to Dr. Scott Tinker by Henry M. Wise, P.G., CPG, President of AIPG Texas Section with Michael D. Campbell, P.G., P.H., CPG, Vice-President – Eastern Texas.

The Award was established by the Executive Committee in 1969 in honor of a truly great leader, who devoted much of his life to improve the quality of geology and geologists and the services they provide. The medal is awarded to individuals who have long records of distinguished and outstanding service to the profession. The most important criterion for this medal is a continual record of contribution to the profession of geology. A wide variety of contributions can be considered, such as (a) the education and training of geologists, (b) professional development of geologists, (c) service to the Institute, (d) leadership in the surveillance of laws, rules, and regulations affecting geology, geologists, and the public, and (e) activity in local and regional affairs of geologists.

Dr. Tinker is Director of the 250-person Bureau of Economic Geology, the State Geologist of Texas, and a professor holding the Edwin Allday Endowed Chair in the Jackson School of Geosciences at The University of Texas at Austin. Scott Tinker works to bring industry, government, academia, and nongovernmental organizations together to address major societal challenges in energy, the environment, and the economy.

With BEG Director Harry Lynch, Dr. Tinker coproduced and is featured in the award-winning energy documentary film “Switch,” which has been screened in over 50 countries to more than 15 million viewers and is used on thousands of K-through-12 and college campuses. Dr. Tinker formed the nonprofit Switch Energy Alliance in 2016 and has completed two new films: “Switch On”, a feature length documentary addressing global energy poverty, and “Energy Makes our World,” a 5 minute, Hollywood-quality film made for global museums and giant screens. He is the voice of “EarthDate”, a two-minute weekly program that focuses on remarkable stories of Earth. “EarthDate” is produced by the Bureau of Economic Geology and is featured on over 400 NPR and public radio stations in all 50 United States.

Dr. Tinker has served as president of several associations including the American Geosciences Institute (AGI), the Association of American State Geologists (AASG), the American Association of Petroleum Geologists (AAPG), and the Gulf Coast Association of Geological Societies (GCAGS). Dr. Tinker is an AGI Campbell Medalist, AAPG Halbouty Medalist, GCAGS Boyd Medalist,  a Geological Society of America Fellow, and now holder of the AIPG Ben H. Parker Memorial Distinguished Service Medal.   In his visits to some 65 countries, he has given over 850 keynote and invited lectures.

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AIPG Texas Chapter Vice President Gave Interview on National Radio Discussing Uranium and Nuclear Power

The weekend of Saturday and Sunday, September 3th and 4th, at both 11 am (EDT) and 8 pm (EDT) on THE OTHER SIDE OF THE STORY radio program on America Out Loud Talk Radio, Michael D. Campbell was interviewed by Dr. Jay H. Lehr, who was one of Mr. Campbell’s geology professors at Ohio State in the 1960s. They discussed the future of nuclear power in the U.S. and around the world.
For details, see the introductory article on nuclear power, the Radio Interview link, and the supporting references discussed during the interview (here).

The podcast version of the interview has been listed on the I2M Consulting, LLC YouTube Channel (here).

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AIPG Texas Section Field Trip to West Texas in October, 2022 Postponed to Spring, 2023


The Field Trip being planned for October, 2022 to West Texas has been postponed to Spring, 2023.

There will be a fixed number of attendees. Sign up will now begin in early January, 2023.

See Update (here).

Henry Wise, P.G., CPG
President, AIPG Texas Section

 Export to Your Calendar
When: Spring, 2023
Where: El Paso, West Texas


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2022 Shoemaker Scholarship Award Made By AIPG Texas Section District I Representative.

Regina M. Capuano, Ph. D., P.G., CPG, Chair of the AIPG Texas Section’s Scholarship Committee announced that one Texas Section scholarship has been awarded for 2022 to the following student in Texas:

 Gene M. Shoemaker Graduate Scholarship ($2,500.00)

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AIPG-TX GeoDayz 2020 Schedule and Program Presenters

A Message from:

Henry Wise, P.G., CPG, AIPG-TX President
Roger Lee, Ph.D., GeoDayz 2022 Convener
Melissa Hill, Ph.D., PG., CPG, AIPG-TX  Vice-President-Western Texas

Registration is heating up but there is still room for new registrations, so don’t wait.


The GeoDayz 2022 Schedule (Here). 

The GeoDayz 2022 Program Presenters (Here).

For GeoDayz 2022 Registration (Here).

If you have any questions, contact any of us above.

We look forward to seeing you in Austin next week.

HW, RL, and MH.

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GeoDayz 2022 Registration Filling Up Fast: Sponsorships Still Available

Texas GeoDayz Sponsorship Opportunities

Join us as a sponsor for GeoDayz 2022, hosted by the Texas Chapter of the AIPG. This is a great opportunity to promote your company and increase your brand exposure to professionals locally and throughout the US.

Who is AIPG? See (here) for details.

This 3-day training seminar, August 3-5, 2022, is designed to introduce students and new professionals to information they will be expected to know as they enter industry or when they initiate their careers in the environmental field or in fields requiring knowledge of environmental investigations and the methods employed therein.

The 2nd purpose of GeoDayz 2022 is to raise money for Texas scholarships.

All sponsors receive the following standard benefits:

• Recognition via your marketing materials and advertising of your company brand in GeoDayz 2022 hand-out materials
• Ad links and logos on the AIPG Texas Chapter website for a specified period of time
• Recruit personnel during GeoDayz 2022

Also, 10 booth spaces for vendors and/or corporate sponsors are available at the Copper Rate for each during the registration and meet & greet event at the Hilton Garden Inn on Wed. Aug. 3 from 4-9 pm

For additional details, see (here).

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GeoDayz 2022 is Approaching! Make Your Reservations Now.

AIPG GeoDayz 2022 — Methods & Applied Science in the Field and Laboratory for Geologic Research & Other Investigations: 

Hosted by Texas Chapter of American Institute of Professional Geologists

Convenor — Roger W. Lee, Ph.D., P.G. and Oversight by Vice-President – Western Texas: Melissa Hill, Ph.D., P.G.

Attending PG’s can collect Education Credits for attending sessions.

Who is AIPG? See (here) for details. Continuing Support of Students Majoring in Geology and Earth Sciences and Professional Geologists and Hydrogeologists in Texas and Surrounding States in District I, District II, District III and District IV of Texas.

Dr. Lee suggests that sometimes, as geoscientists, we encounter new and interesting work performed by others. They do field and lab research as applied to issues with which we are unfamiliar. They have been funded by seemingly mysterious sources that we did not know were available.  These are scientists, skilled, such as ourselves, who have assembled the resources and obtained the funding to do these remarkable investigative science contributions that improve aspects of our society through applied science and research.


GEODAYZ, a conference series created by the Texas Chapter of the American Institute of Professional Geologists, August 3-5, 2022, Austin, Texas, offers a two-day series of workshops/presentations that will provide answers to this important compounded query. Below is a list of subjects for the workshops that you, as geoscientists, might not have encountered in your curricula or even in your present job.

Highlights of GEODAYZ presentations are listed below:          

  • DAY 1-Aug.3-Hotel Meet & Greet and Registration 5-9 pm; get an overview of conference logistics for Thursday and Friday.
  • DAY 2 Aug. 4 at Pickle Research CenterProject Management Practices: Scope of Work, Health and Safety, Laboratory Selection, Project Preparation, Practices, QA/QC in data collection, and Case Histories.
  • Geophysical Applications: Use of geophysical technologies to obtain subsurface geology & physical characteristics of subsurface materials.
  • Surface Resistivity Geophysical Methods and mapping: Demonstrate aquifer delineation by mapping of sands, silts, clays, carbonates, and other aquifers using state-of -the-art geophysical methods.
  • Drone uses for airborne geophysics and other airborne applications: Demonstrate utilization of drones for surveys and mapping.
  • Tour and lectures regarding purposes and uses of the Core Repository at the Texas Bureau of Economic Geology
  • Sampling of soils, sediments, and bedrock, using various technologies such as direct-push, drilling and coring methods, methods of environmental soil sampling, OVM screening, logging, & decontamination protocols, and construction of wells.
  • Storage and retrieval or sequestration research in the deep subsurface formations such as salt domes. BEG research will be presented for new technologies such as hydrogen generation, storage, and retrieval, carbon dioxide sequestration, and exploitation potential for use of geothermal energy in the US.
  • Technical support from Earth Sciences to support Federally funded improvements and updating the current infrastructure for drinking-water supplies throughout the U.S.
  • DAY 3 Aug. 5 at Zilker Park-Historical and present efforts of combined public awareness and actions, Local and Federal government support, law interpretations and legal actions, and ongoing monitoring and scientific investigations that delineate geology, hydrogeology, geochemistry, and ecology in the Barton Creek watershed and at spring discharges and serve to protect the iconic Barton Creek & Barton Springs in Austin, Texas, for the present and for posterity.  This part of GEODAYZ will consist of a field tour of Barton Springs, lectures on geology and geophysics of subsurface Edwards aquifer, streamflow measurement and sampling, and management of endangered species in Barton Creek.
  • A Panel of the principal founders of the protect Barton Creek and Barton Springs movement will assemble for a discussion of their various roles, experiences, and the importance of geological and environmental sciences in guiding the past, present, and future preservation of Barton Springs and Barton Creek.
  • A walking tour and lecture featuring the constructed wetland in nearby Zilker Botanical Gardens and its significance to improving surface water quality. 



August 3rd; 4-8 pm, Registration, Hilton Garden Inn hospitality room; Happy Hour Meet and Greet
August 4th: Hosted by Texas Bureau of Economic Geology, at J.J. Pickle Research Center Austin, Texas
August 5th: Hosted by the Save Barton Creek Association, at Zilker Park, Austin, Texas

Registration limited to 60 attendees. 

For more information and to register, visit the AIPG website (Here).

What are you to expect? See the last GeoDayz – 2018 (Here) but even more in GeoDayz 2022.

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AIPG Texas Chapter Announces GEODAYZ 2022 Training Program in Early August, Austin, Texas

Henry Wise, P.G., CPG, President of the AIPG-TX Chapter, announced today the group is planning the 2022 GEODAYZ Training Program to be held August 4th and 5th 2022, in Austin, Texas.

The Convener for the program is Dr. Roger Lee, P.G,, Austin, Texas.

Featuring Demonstrations and Presentations for Students and Professionals:

  • Project Management Practices: Scope of Work, Health and Safety, Laboratory Selection, Duplicates and Blanks, Project Preparation, Practices, and Case Histories.
  • Tour and lectures regarding purposes and uses of the Core Repository at the Texas Bureau of Economic Geology
  • Sampling of soils, sediments and groundwater, using various technologies such as direct-push, drilling and coring methods, methods of environmental soil sampling, OVM screening, logging, & decontamination protocols, and construction & testing of monitor wells
  • Demonstration of sampling methods of surface water and groundwater using micropurge technique.
  • Geophysical Well Logging: Use of well-logging technologies to obtain subsurface geology & physical characteristics.
  • Surface Resistivity Geophysical Methods and mapping: Demonstrate aquifer mapping through the use of identification and mapping of sands, silts, clays, carbonates, and other aquifers using state-of -the-art geophysical methods.
  • Drone uses for airborne geophysics and other applications: Demonstrate utilization of drones for surveys and mapping.
  • Storage and retrieval or sequestration research in the deep subsurface formations such as salt domes. BEG research will be presented for materials such as hydrogen storage and retrieval and carbon dioxide sequestration.
  • Historical and present efforts of combined public awareness and actions, Local and Federal government support, law interpretations and legal actions, and ongoing scientific investigations to delineate hydrogeology, geochemistry, and ecology in the Barton Creek watershed and at spring discharges, to protect the iconic Barton Springs in Austin, Texas for the present and for posterity.
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TBPG Proposed Amendments and Repeals

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New Uranium District in the Seward Peninsula, Unusual Rare Earth Elements, and Possible New Impact Crater ?

AIPG Texas Section’s Vice President – Eastern Texas and  Chief Geologist/Hydrogeologist of I2M Consulting, LLC, Michael D. Campbell, P.G., P.H., CPG, presented a 23-min summary on the title subjects during the IMAGE 21 International Conference for Applied Geoscience & Energy on September 28, Afternoon Section of Theme 9 (Abstract). The presentation was released on the I2M YouTube Channel after the conference presentation. The PDF of the presentation is available with reference links (here).  The narrated version is available via the link on the first slide of the PDF version.

For Conference Technical Program, see (here), scroll down to “Tuesday Afternoon Online Oral Presentation: Theme 9: Session Chairs: Michael D. Campbell and Silvia Gerado.”

A plaque is to be presented during the 2021 IMAGE Conference on September 29th, Noon DEG-EMD Luncheon in Denver:

Inscribed:  “The AAPG Energy Minerals Division’s 2021 Distinguished Service Award to:

“Michael D. Campbell ….. For his many years of dedicated service to EMD with distinction. He is a Founding Member of  EMD (1977), was elected EMD President (2010-2011), and has led the Uranium (Nuclear & REE) Committee as Chair over the past 17 years along with related publications, presentations, and has supported the EMD Critical Minerals Committee and the AAPG  Astrogeology Committee.”

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