AIPG-TX On-Line Seminars are Coming Soon – Sign Up Now

The Texas Section of the American Institute of Professional Geologists is inaugurating a regular monthly Seminar Series this coming Tuesday, September 21st, at 7.00 pm CST.  Following talks will be at the same time every month on the third Tuesday evening. Each talk counts 0.4  AIPG continuing education units,  and a certificate will be issued to participants on request. In view of this, there is a small charge for each talk, payable through AIPG National (details below). Any funds raised by the lecture series will be used by AIPG-TX to augment its Scholarship Fund.

The first four talks will be on the Geology of Central Texas and will be given by John Berry, P.G., CPG, who serves on the AIPG Texas Section Advisory Board as Councilor-at-Large and has recently completed a four-year tour of duty as Editor of The Professional Geologist. John’s career has ranged from exploration for copper and cobalt in central Africa to utilization of natural oil slicks for evaluating hydrocarbons in deepwater frontier basins, with other projects in mining geology, uranium and gold exploration, mapping thrust-belt structure, and other activities. He has lived in Texas for the last 40 years, and originally prepared these talks on the Geology of Central Texas as a way of familiarizing himself with the fascinating geology of the Llano Uplift.

The AIPG Texas Section management is actively recruiting speakers for future talks. Please contact Henry Wise, P.G., CPG,  Texas Section President, Melissa Hill, Ph.D., P.G., CPG, Vice-President – Western Texas, or Michael D. Campbell, P.G., P.H., CPG, Vice-President – Eastern Texas, if you are interested in giving one (or more) presentations.

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The New AIPG Journal: The Professional Geologist ….. Now Available

The Professional Geologist (TPG) is published quarterly by the American Institute of Professional Geologists and provides a forum for discussion and dissemination of professional and scientific information. TPG publishes peer-reviewed and non-peer-reviewed technical articles in all areas of geology. TPG is distributed to over 18,000 in the geosciences including members, non-members, businesses, libraries, universities/colleges, and government agencies.

All Past TPG’s are available in pdf format free online.


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News: The Bill & Rider to Defund the TBPG has been Tabled and has Died …. for Now.

Important Message from Your AIPG Texas Section President: Henry Wise: STOP the DEFUND of the TBPG


Subject: EFFORT TO DEFUND THE TBPG – Vote is Tomorrow: April 22, 2021

All Licensed Geoscientists in Texas:

Good afternoon.  As a sneak attack, Representative Cason from Bedford has introduced a budget rider to defund the TBPG.  The House will be voting on it tomorrow and the Senate soon thereafter.  PLEASE e-mail your Senator and Representative before close of business today and ask them NOT to support Cason’s amendment (see photo below).  Please pass this e-mail along to any Texas P.G.s and G.I.T.s that you know.  Thank you.

Find out who your Texas State Representative and Senator are:

Click on their name in the results.  You can e-mail them from their page by clicking the e-mail button.

Please take action now …………………….

Henry Wise, C.P.G., P.G.
AIPG Texas Section

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Please join the AIPG National staff as AIPG members host monthly discussions on books that inspire leadership and foster meaningful relationships with the people around us. All events are free, and we encourage our AIPG members to invite a friend or colleague to join the discussions. Events are limited to 100 participants. Grab your favorite beverage and dive in with us to discuss books that have inspired your fellow geoscientists.
 Export to Your Calendar 4/22/2021
When: Thursday, April 22, 2021
Where: United States
« Go to Upcoming Event List
April 22, 2021 at 6:00 Mountain Time (US and Canada) 7:00 PM CDT

Dawn Garcia hosts “Surrounded by Idiots” by Thomas Erikson

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A New AAPG Webinar Presentation by AIPG Texas Section Vice President – Eastern Texas Released Yesterday on Uranium & Rare Earth Supply Chains

This presentation was contributed as part of the AAPG Webinar: “Pivoting 2021: Energy Industry Supply Chains” Moderated by Susan Nash, Ph.D., Director, Innovation & Emerging Science and Technology, AAPG, Tulsa, OK

For the Webinar program, see: (Here)

The presentation: “Uranium & Rare Earth Supply Chains: A Brief Discussion” is available on the AAPG EMD YouTube Channel: (Here)

For the PDF version of this presentation with hyperlinks, see: (Here)

The rest of the Webinar presentations are now available on the AAPG EMD YouTube Channel playlist: (Here)

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Mini-Webinar on the I2M Web Portal

This Mini-Webinar explains the purpose, the function, and how to use the I2M Web Portal. It now contains a database of more than 10,500 records consisting of: enhanced hyperlinks in abstracts, comments and hyperlinks to industry and government reports, technical papers, and technical news releases, all involving geoscience topics selected by the I2M management team, and now made available to the geoscience community in industry, university, and government. Members of the general public might also find the I2M Web Portal contents of interest.

The I2M Web Portal reflects our client-research activities over the years and our research in support of the AAPG Energy Minerals Division’s Uranium (Nuclear & REE) Committee.

We now begin many of our projects by search-checking the Web Portal for what information is available in the Portal even before we check Google. The I2M Web Portal is uploaded weekly with new reports, technical papers, technical news items, which are summitted for review by the I2M editors that meet focused criteria in some 30 categories. These range in topical coverage from astrogeology (yes, even on UFOs) to uranium with an overall emphasis on matters related to offworld (Moon, Mars, Venus, etc.), energy resources (O&G, coal, nuclear power, hydroelectric, wind, solar, and other renewables), climate change (issues, data, reports, politics, etc.), critical minerals and mining (uranium, REE, battery components, precious and other metals, etc.), and hydrogeology (mining and associated environmental considerations), and health and safety.

See the Guide page for active hyperlinks:

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Texas has Lost Four Great Geologists Due to COVID-19 in 2020

Henry Wise, President of the AIPG Texas Chapter, released this special note on the passing of four great Texas geologists due to Covid-19:

James Word Sansom Jr.

Jim Sansom died of Covid-19 on February 27, 2021 at the age of 82. He graduated from University of Texas (Austin), majoring in Geology. His professional career began in 1962 with the Texas Highway Department. In 1965, he joined the Texas Department of Water Resources (now the Texas Water Development Board). In 1980 he joined the Texas Railroad Commission’s Surface Mining and Reclamation Division, where he worked until retirement in 1989. Jim worked afterward as an independent consulting geologist providing professional geological services to Austin engineers, City and State agencies, and private individuals. He was also an active member of the American Institute of Professional Geologists, and the Association of Engineering Geologists. Jim was involved in the long, but ultimately successful campaign for licensure of Texas Professional Geoscientists, for which he was honored by both AIPG and AEG (more).

Robert William Rodgers

Bob Rodgers, retired University of Texas Pan American geology professor passed away Thursday due to Covid-19, January 28, 2021 at the age of 85. Born April 28, 1935 in Huntsville, Texas. A graduate of Baylor University, he taught geology at Pan American for 30 years where he influenced many future geologists and as well as many students who passed through his classroom. Following his retirement from teaching, he began a new career in consulting. A lifelong member of the Geological Society of America (GSA)  and of the American Institute of Professional Geologists (AIPG), he was involved in promoting and researching geothermal energy and alternative fuel sources (more).

Dennis Trombatore

Dennis Trombatore was born on Aug. 26, 1952 in Killeen, Texas and died peacefully Sat., July 18th, 2020 after a long illness. Dennis grew up in Baton Rouge, Louisiana, where he attended St. Aloysius School and soon-to-be-renamed Lee High, graduating in 1970.  He went to LSU, graduating with a BA in Philosophy in 1975 and an MLS in 1977.  He lived in New Orleans and worked at Loyola Library from 1977 to 1980. In 1980 he married Kathryn Dinstuhl; they divorced in 1994. He moved to Athens, GA in 1980 to work in the Science Library of the University of Georgia. In 1985 he accepted the position of Head of the Walter Geology Library at the University of Texas Libraries in Austin, where he was honored to receive several staff excellence awards through the years.  He made Austin his happy home and worked tirelessly for his second family in the Jackson School of Geosciences until his death on June 18th, 2020 from complications of recurrent prostate cancer.

Throughout his life, Dennis had a great love for geology and for handcrafts, particularly pottery, which he discovered in college.  He was never happier than when in the studio or on a field trip.  He belonged to the Austin Geological Society, the Geoscience Information Society, and the National Council of Educators in the Ceramic Arts for many years.  He was a stalwart contributor to the Austin Empty Bowl Project (well over two thousand of his bowls are in use around the city), and a life-long supporter of arts education and higher education (more).

Edmund Gerald (Jerry) Wermund

Edmund Gerald Wermund Jr. Ph.D, “Jerry” was born on April 15, 1926 and passed away on July 15, 2020 at age 94 in Austin, Texas after a short illness from complications of Covid-19. After graduating from Port Chester High School – during World War II – he enlisted in the U.S. Navy. As part of his Naval training, and after his tour of duty, he was enrolled at Franklin and Marshall College in Lancaster, Pa., receiving his Bachelor’s degree in geology in 1948. Jerry was attending Graduate School at Washington University in St. Louis, Mo. when he was called to another tour of duty during the Korean War. He served in the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers at Fort Belvoir, Va. where he helped develop training manuals for Army engineers in principles of geology. After being discharged from the Army, Jerry enrolled in the graduate geology program at L.S.U in Baton Rouge, La. where he began his chief professional focus on the geology of the Gulf Coast Region. He obtained his Ph.D in geology in 1961.

Dr. Wermund was employed from 1957-1970 by Mobil Research and Development Corp. in Dallas, Tx., where he researched petroleum and mineral exploration in the Gulf. From 1970-1971 he worked as technical manager at Remote Sensing Incorporated in Houston, Tx., where he was the consultant to the United Nations Transport Saharan Highway Project. In 1971, Jerry accepted a position at the Bureau of Economic Geology at The University of Texas at Austin where he worked for 27 years. He became the Bureau’s Associate Director and Director of the Bureau’s Land Resource Laboratory. He specialized in remote sensing and surface/ subsurface geological mapping to assess petroleum resources both onshore and offshore. Jerry served on many geological panels and commissions for The University of Texas, as well as Texas State agencies and several programs for the U.S. Department of Interior. Jerry received several lifetime achievement awards for dedication and service including a resolution from the Texas Mapping Advisory Committee. For two decades Jerry served the Gulf Coast professional community through his work with Austin Geological Society, where he served as President and Vice President and received a distinguished service award (more).

The Texas geological profession has lost four of it’s best in 2020
Our condolences go out to their families.

Henry Wise
March 21, 20121

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Final Announcement for Applying for AIPG Texas Section 2021 Undergraduate and Graduate Scholarships

President Wise announced today that two scholarships will be offered this coming spring of 2021, one undergraduate: Foss Undergraduate Scholarship, and one graduate scholarship: Shoemaker Graduate Scholarship..  For more information go to Scholarships | AIPG-TX. 

Due Date for Applications: May 1, 2021. Send to: Henry Wise, President

A Virtual Student webpage is now available for Texas student use. For Q&A, see: Christian Martinez, the Senior Student Councilor of the Texas Statewide AIPG Student Chapter.

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AIPG Texas Chapter Now Offers Twitter, Facebook and LinkedIn

Henry Wise, President of the AIPG Texas Chapter, and the AIPG-TX Board announced today that social media accounts are now available on the AIPG Texas Chapter website, such as:




It’s now up to all of us to use them and to encourage others to do so as well.

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The Wise Report

The Texas Legislature is now in session and bills are being filed and worked on. New information are shown in bold.

HB 632, by Darby, Relating to the establishment of an advisory committee for the TexNet seismic monitoring program. Filed 11/23/2020. For more information go to:

HB 666, by Harris, Companion bills HB 668 (Duplicate) and SB 152 (Identical), Relating to the regulation of groundwater conservation districts. A person with groundwater ownership and rights may petition the district to adopt modify a rule. This bill lists what the petition must contain.  Filed 11/30/2020.  For more information go to:

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