AIPG Student Members – See What Gallup Polling Reports on Your Job-Related Skills

Clark of the Gallup Poll firm reports that 31 percent of recent college graduates “strongly agree” that they gained “important job-related skills” while completing their undergraduate degrees, which suggests that a majority of students feel they are lacking in this area when they graduate.

Recent graduates most frequently wish they had received more training in networking and computer software skills. They are much more content with their instruction in traditional subjects like math and writing.

See what else the Gallup polling has reported on this subject. Click (here).

Don’t forget the Texas Statewide AIPG Student Chapter was designed for your needs as you get ready to enter the professional workforce.

President Wise Also Announces that there will be Scholarships Awarded in 2021.

President Wise also announced today that in 2019 and 2020 no scholarships could be awarded becasue of the cost required to defend the Licencing Board from attacks by the Sunshine Commission, amounting to some $6,000. Although the defense was successful, that effort drained the AIPG Section bank account.

Now, we have built back some funds, but due to the COVID-19 virus pandemic that required us to postpone fund-raising Section field trips and GeoDayz training activities, only two scholarships will be offered this coming spring of 2021, a Foss Undergraduate Scholarship and a Shoemaker Graduate Scholarship.  For more information go to Scholarships | AIPG-TX. 

Due Date for Applications: May 1, 2021. Send to: Henry Wise, President

A Virtual Student webpage is now available for Texas student use. For Q&A, see: Christian Martinez, the Senior Student Councilor of the Texas Statewide AIPG Student Chapter.


President Wise Appoints Boyd Handley as New AIPG Texas Section Treasurer

Henry Wise, P.G., C.P.G, President of the AIPG Texas Section announced at the June Meeting of the Officers and Advisory Board of the AIPG Texas Section that John Greiner, current Treasurer of the Texas Section, has stepped down because he is moving his residence to New Mexico. In his place, Mr. Wise has proposed (and has received approval from the Texas Board) for the appointment of Boyd Handley as Secretary/Treasurer of the Texas Section effective immediately.  Mr. Wise thanked Mr. Greiner for his commitment over the years to the Texas Section, and welcomed Mr. Handley during the recent Board meeting.

I2M Web Portal for Geoscientists Passes 10,000 Records. Get Ready for the Future: 2021 and Beyond

The I2M Web Portal is made available to geoscientists, and to the general public worldwide with a focus on geoscientific and other matters of interest to I2M management. The database just passed 10,000 records and counting. Searches can be conducted using single words, phrases or exact phrases (if you put them in quotes), for example: a simple phrase might be Russian interests in U.S. uranium whereas an exact phrase is “vapor intrusion”. I2M Consulting personnel and associates also monitor hazardous field conditions around the world via our Field Alerts program, cybersecurity conditions on the Internet in our Security Alert program, and relevant bias in the Media in our Confronting Media Bias Alerts program. Please feel free to contact us if you have any questions, comments or suggestions.
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AIPG-TX Section’s Vice President – Eastern Texas Presented the 2020 Annual Uranium (Nuclear and Rare Earth) Report at AAPG’s EMD Zoom Conference

Michael D. Campbell, P.G., P.H. CPG, also serves as Chairman of the Uranium (Nuclear and REE) Committee (UCOM). He presented a summary of the 2020 Annual UCOM report to the Energy Minerals Division‘s Executive Committee, Commodity Chairs, other Committee Chairs, and special guests during a special Zoom presentation during the EMD Annual Meeting on June 6, 2020.  The Annual AAPG-EMD Conference was originally scheduled for early June, 2020 in Houston, but has been cancelled because of the increasing spread of the coronavirus in the the Houston area and in the cities around Texas in general. The final 2020 UCOM Annual report is now available (here).

Henry Wise, P.G., CPG, President of AIPG Texas Section, also serves as Vice-Chair (Industry) to UCOM and contributed to the 2020 UCOM report. Others also serve on the UCOM Advisory Committee, such as:

Kevin T. Biddle, Ph. D., P.G., Houston
Michael A. Jacobs, P.G., Midland
Roger W. Lee, Ph.D., P.G. Austin
Mark Pelizza, P.G., Plano, and
David Rowlands, Ph. D., P.G.

I2M Senior Principal/Project Manager, M. David Campbell, P.G., also serves as Special Consultant to UCOM.

Dr. Rima Petrossian Recognized for Outstanding Service as an Officer of the AIPG Texas Section

Henry M. Wise, President of AIPG Texas Section, and Michael D. Campbell, Vice-President – Eastern Texas, made a presentation recently by FedEx of a commemorative plaque to Dr. Rima Petrossian. This action allows the Officers and the Advisory Board the opportunity to formally thank Rima for her efforts on behalf of the Texas Section of the AIPG over many years since the Texas Section was revitalized 10 years ago.

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President Henry Wise Appoints New Senior Student Councilor to the AIPG-TX Board

President Henry Wise announced today the appointment of Christian Martinez as the new Senior Student Councilor to the AIPG-TX Board. Mr. Martinez received his B.S. degree in geology with a minor in geophysics in 2018 from the University of Houston (Main Campus). He is finishing his work on a M.S. in geology. His thesis is on determining the magmatic history/ages of extraterrestrial materials and their relationships to early planetary evolution using Pb-Pb chronology and petrology, under Dr. Thomas Lapen. His relevant course work to date involved: Hydrogeology, Environmental Geochemistry, GeoChemical Reaction Transport Modeling, Geospatial Information’s Systems, Sequence Stratigraphy, Structural Geology, Mineralogy, Field Methods, and Field Camp.

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The Wise Report

The Texas Commission on Environmental Quality (TCEQ) is providing an opportunity for public comment and a notice and comment hearing on the draft Oil and Gas General Operating Permit (GOP) Numbers 511, 512, 513, & 514. The draft GOPs contain revisions based on recent federal and state rule changes, which include updates to the requirements tables; the addition of new requirements tables; and updates to the terms. The renewal also corrects typographical errors and updates language for administrative preferences. For more information go to:

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Glen Collier Recognized for Outstanding Service to AIPG Texas Section

Henry M. Wise, President of AIPG Texas Section, and Michael D. Campbell, Vice-President – Eastern Texas, made a presentation recently by FedEx of a commemorative plaque to Glen Collier of Nacogdoches, Texas. This gives the Officers and the Advisory Board the opportunity to formally thank Glen for his efforts on behalf of the Texas Section of the AIPG over the past 6 years.

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Texas Earthquakes

Pennington and Davis, both of the Institute of Geophysics of the University of Texas at Austin.Texas. reported that Texas has experienced more than 100 earthquakes of magnitude 3 or greater since 1847. However, because the density of both seismographs and people has been very low in Texas, knowledge of the state’s seismicity is undoubtedly incomplete. The largest known earthquake in Texas occurred on Aug. 16, 1931, near the town of Valentine in Jeff Davis County. The total felt area exceeded one million square kilometers (about 400,000 square miles).

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