The Energy Transition and/or Revolution? – 2020

Edith Newton Wilson, President of the Energy Minerals Division of AAPG, asked: A Revolution? What’s in a name? Should we call it a transition? A convergence? A transformation? A revolution? A tipping­ point? A paradigm shift?  Consider that perhaps the name is largely irrelevant, except to sell conference tickets. There’s a radical shift afoot that affects the business model for global energy delivery and consumption. And with it comes with a wealth of opportunities for energy geoscientists, as well as an obligation for every professional society to help its members prepare for the future.

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AAPG Climate Change Poll Results – 2020

In September – October 2019, Aldrich and Shoup designed and oversaw the AAPG email-based poll of all members concerning whether or not AAPG should have a position paper and, specifically, should AAPG have a statement on anthropogenic climate change. The AAPG Executive Committee has reviewed the results of that poll and considered every comment provided by the members. We now wish to share the results of that poll with the membership. The raw numbers are shown in the table below. However, the Executive Committee spent some time to sort through the data to try and understand the distribution of responses and the demographics of those that took the time to respond.

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The Wise Report

The TCEQ discovered and fixed several errors found in the soil TPH calculator (columns E and I of the excel sheets) for the >C12-C16 Aliphatic, >C16 – C21 Aliphatic, and the >C21-C35 Aliphatic carbon ranges. The errors were caused by the incorrect referencing of cells within the PCL calculation equation for the listed aliphatic carbon ranges. Instances of the errors occurred in the TotSoilCombGWSoilIngGWSoilClass3, and AirSoilInh-V TPH excel sheets.

The soil TPH calculator has been updated and posted on the TCEQ external webpage: The revised version (V 3.0 – 02/2020) should be used moving forward.

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Ignite Your Career to Success – National AIPG Conference Call

A New Idea from Your National AIPG Center

It is time to ignite your career to success by writing strategic resumes and developing talking points that transform your job interviews. AIPG is conducting the fifth annual “Ignite Your Career to Success” Conference Call on Friday, January 24, at 4 pm PST (5 pm MST, 6 pm CST and 7 pm EST, 5:30 am Saturday morning India time zone).

Senior AIPG members that have demonstrated success in the earth sciences and a successful young professional will be led by Stephen Baker, hydrogeologist and AIPG Executive National Committee member.

This one-hour session will direct you towards success in the earth sciences job market. AIPG will be providing interested participants with valuable articles that further discuss effective resume writing and interviewing ideas. Have your questions answered and be the one that is chosen for the on call mock job interview.

Check your time zone at (4 pm PST, 5 pm MST, 6 pm CST and 7 pm EST, 5:30 am Saturday
morning India time zone) and ignite your career to success by participating in the January 24, 2020 interactive conference call.

4 PM Pacific Standard Time
CALL-IN: (515) 606-5119

Mentions of AIPG-Texas Section’s Vice-President by AAPG’s EMD President in Editorial

See EMD’s Uranium (Nuclear and REE) Committee (Here)

Results of the AIPG Climate Change Questionnaire

David Abbott, in cooperation with Peter Dohms and John Berry,  on behalf of the AIPG, asked its members to select one of ten statements that summarized a view about climate range. The range of statements varied from climate alarmist through those denying that humans have any effect on climate change to those with no opinion at all. Those summarizing statements were:

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Planning for GeoDayz 2020 has begun in Austin

Henry Wise, President, AIPG Texas Section, announced during a meeting held in Austin last week that planning has begun for holding the GeoDayz 2020 training program for senior students and young professionals in the Austin area in September or October, next year. Those attending the initial planning meeting were (L to R): Steve Musick, Robert Rice, Mary Musick, John Berry, Henry Wise, Mike Cooper, and Roger Lee. The above photo was taken by Michael Campbell.

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The Wise Report

The TCEQ has updated the Texas Risk Reduction Program (TRRP) Tier 1 Protective Concentration Levels (PCLs).  You can access these tables at:

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The Wise Report

The Railroad Commission of Texas proposes amendments to §3.40, relating to Assignment of Acreage to Pooled Development and Proration Units. The amendments are proposed to allow the same surface acreage to be assigned to more than one well in an unconventional fracture treated (UFT) field when mineral ownership is severed at different depths below the surface.

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3rd Quarter Search Results for Top Ten Web Portal Categories

The I2M Web Portal is made available to I2M Clients, Associates, AIPG members and other geoscientists, and the general public worldwide with a focus on geoscientific and other matters deemed important to I2M management listed under the general and specific categories.  The site contains thousands of selected online resources including industry and government reports, industry news items, and other sources of information available on the Internet today. I2M Web Portal editors review the selections for relevancy and for bias  providing comments when appropriate.This is a focused database, Google, on the other hand, will eventually find whatever you need to find.

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