AIPG certifies the qualifications of professional geologists to the public. Through a process of peer review, the qualifications of applicant geologists are investigated, and their education, technical competence, performance, and ethical standards are evaluated. Applicants found to meet AIPG’s standards are granted the designation, “CPG” (Certified Professional Geologist), and become Members. For the protection of the public and the profession, Members found guilty of violating the AIPG’s Code of Ethics may be decertified and expelled from the Institute. The Institute assures the general public that its Certified Members have (1) a college degree with at least 36 hours of geology credit; (2) a minimum of five years’ professional work experience; and (3) a sustained record of ethical conduct.
The Institute makes known the significance of certification and its CPG designation. AIPG makes available to its Members, at cost, insignia items such as membership certificates, wall plaques, stamps, seals, and other items bearing the Institute’s logo.
AIPG, at both the National and Section levels, provides a variety of continuing education programs and materials designed to enhance the scientific, technical, and professional knowledge of its Members.
To encourage and assure quality in continuing education opportunities offered by vendors of short courses, seminars, and workshops, AIPG administers a Continuing Education Accreditation Program.
Short courses, seminars, workshops, and field trips on timely and appropriate scientific, technical, and professional topics, accredited by AIPG, are offered throughout the country. These provide unique educational opportunities for professional geologists to hear from knowledgeable experts on useful and interesting subjects. Participants gain valuable insights to problems and learn the latest on-the-job skills and techniques.
Regular meetings held by the Institute’s Sections include scientific and technical presentations as well as presentations on professional subjects. By their attendance, Members increase their knowledge, not only of their science, but also on the status of geology as a profession. Attendees have opportunities to make valuable personal contacts with fellow geologists and to learn from them.
AIPG’s annual meetings include outstanding educational presentations. Prominent speakers give attendees the latest information on developments in professional affairs; governmental legislation and regulation; the science of geology: professional techniques; scientific/technical information; and the outlook for the profession.
AIPG disseminates information to its Members and to the public in a number of ways.
The Institute publishes its magazine, The Professional Geologist (TPG), monthly. TPG includes news of AIPG activities, as well as timely information on all aspects of the geologic profession. It is an important source of information on Institute programs and events; proposed federal and state legislation and regulations of concern to geologists; business news; public attitudes and trends: on-the-job techniques; current research; and recent publications of interest.
Each year AIPG publishes a comprehensive membership directory which lists Members and Affiliates alphabetically, geographically, and by specialty. It gives names, mailing addresses, phone and fax numbers, employers, and geologic specialties. Thousands of copies of the directory are distributed to government, libraries, consulting firms, industries, and other potential purchasers of geologic services.
The Institute periodically publishes monographs on pertinent subjects related to the profession and the practice of geology.
The Institute prepares and distributes a number of “Issues and Answers” publications defining the issues and providing the recommendations of professional geologists on current legislative/regulatory matters of public concern. These factual, well documented, unbiased publications are of great value to government at all levels (particularly congressional staff), as well as to the general public.
For facts, data, and answers to many questions, members call AIPG Headquarters. The staff answers hundreds of requests for information each year.
In order to facilitate communication with members, AIPG has FAX equipment at Headquarters. This may be found particularly useful for the transmittal of items for TPG, notices, and documents of immediate concern. The Headquarters FAX number is (303) 431-1332. The headquarters e-mail address is
AIPG Headquarters has a modest library of videotapes and publications on all aspects of professional geology. Items are loaned to Members.
AIPG represents the interests of its Member geologists in relations with government, education, and the general public. The Institute promotes both its Members and the profession of geology, explains their value, and enhances their images.
AIPG arranges for expert testimony by Member geologists before legislative and regulatory government bodies at the federal, state, and local levels and at hearings in Washington and around the country. In lieu of personal testimony on complex legislative or regulatory proposals, AIPG prepares and submits written testimony which is carefully considered and entered into the record of government bodies.
The Institute’s staff, Member representatives, and officers meet often with key elected and appointed officials for meaningful exchanges on governmental issues having geologic implications. Similar activities are undertaken at the state level, primarily by the appropriate Section.
Through its developing links with corresponding professional societies in other countries, AIPG works to attain acceptance of its members for practice in those countries.
To the benefit of the future of the profession, AIPG works closely with college and university earth science and geology department faculties, department heads, and deans on program and curriculum planning, proper career preparation of students, and necessary facilities and resources.
News releases are made to newspapers, magazines, and radio and television stations around the country about AIPG and its activities, as well as those of its Members. Institute publications are produced and distributed to the public to explain, in lay terms, complex current national issues with geologic implications.
Providing knowledgeable speakers to appear before meetings of various groups, societies, clubs, and professional organizations is another way AIPG works to represent its Members’ interests in keeping the public properly informed on geologic matters.