AIPG Texas Chapter Announces GEODAYZ 2022 Training Program in Early August, Austin, Texas

Henry Wise, P.G., CPG, President of the AIPG-TX Chapter, announced today the group is planning the 2022 GEODAYZ Training Program to be held August 4th and 5th 2022, in Austin, Texas.

The Convener for the program is Dr. Roger Lee, P.G,, Austin, Texas.

Featuring Demonstrations and Presentations for Students and Professionals:

  • Project Management Practices: Scope of Work, Health and Safety, Laboratory Selection, Duplicates and Blanks, Project Preparation, Practices, and Case Histories.
  • Tour and lectures regarding purposes and uses of the Core Repository at the Texas Bureau of Economic Geology
  • Sampling of soils, sediments and groundwater, using various technologies such as direct-push, drilling and coring methods, methods of environmental soil sampling, OVM screening, logging, & decontamination protocols, and construction & testing of monitor wells
  • Demonstration of sampling methods of surface water and groundwater using micropurge technique.
  • Geophysical Well Logging: Use of well-logging technologies to obtain subsurface geology & physical characteristics.
  • Surface Resistivity Geophysical Methods and mapping: Demonstrate aquifer mapping through the use of identification and mapping of sands, silts, clays, carbonates, and other aquifers using state-of -the-art geophysical methods.
  • Drone uses for airborne geophysics and other applications: Demonstrate utilization of drones for surveys and mapping.
  • Storage and retrieval or sequestration research in the deep subsurface formations such as salt domes. BEG research will be presented for materials such as hydrogen storage and retrieval and carbon dioxide sequestration.
  • Historical and present efforts of combined public awareness and actions, Local and Federal government support, law interpretations and legal actions, and ongoing scientific investigations to delineate hydrogeology, geochemistry, and ecology in the Barton Creek watershed and at spring discharges, to protect the iconic Barton Springs in Austin, Texas for the present and for posterity.


August 3rd; 4-7pm, registration at Hilton Garden Inn hospitality room; Happy Hour Meet and Greet

August 4th: Hosted by Texas Bureau of Economic Geology, at J.J. Pickle Research Center Austin, Texas

August 5th: Hosted by the Save Barton Creek Association, at Zilker Park, Austin, Texas

Estimated Cost:
Student (Undergraduate and Graduate): $85.00
Professionals (Member of AIPG): $150.00
Professionals (Non-Member of AIPG): $200.00

There will be a limited enrollment of 60 people: To reserve your place now, e-mail us that you plan to attend, and you will be placed on the List of Attendees (to be paid by credit card before July 15, 2022)

Send your e-mail reservation to Dr. Melissa Hill, P.G., CPG, Vice President, Western Texas at:


1. The Hilton Garden Inn has a  block of rooms set aside for attendees. To get the Room Rate Discount, Registration must be no later than July 13, 2022.

2. Hilton Garden Inn Austin North-Near the Domain
Address 2600 Brockton Dr., Austin, TX 78758   Phone +1 737-484-0975

Easy walking distance to the JJ Pickle Research Center


The previous GeoDayz program was presented in 2018 at Nacogdoches, Texas. This is the Guidebook from that 2018 training program: (here).

The Post-2018 GeoDayz wrap-up summary of the proceedings is also available as an example of what to expect for the 2022 GeoDayz program (more).