AIPG-TX On-Line Seminars are Coming Soon – Sign Up Now

The Texas Section of the American Institute of Professional Geologists is inaugurating a regular monthly Seminar Series this coming Tuesday, September 21st, at 7.00 pm CST.  Following talks will be at the same time every month on the third Tuesday evening. Each talk counts 0.4  AIPG continuing education units,  and a certificate will be issued to participants on request. In view of this, there is a small charge for each talk, payable through AIPG National (details below). Any funds raised by the lecture series will be used by AIPG-TX to augment its Scholarship Fund.

The first four talks will be on the Geology of Central Texas and will be given by John Berry, P.G., CPG, who serves on the AIPG Texas Section Advisory Board as Councilor-at-Large and has recently completed a four-year tour of duty as Editor of The Professional Geologist. John’s career has ranged from exploration for copper and cobalt in central Africa to utilization of natural oil slicks for evaluating hydrocarbons in deepwater frontier basins, with other projects in mining geology, uranium and gold exploration, mapping thrust-belt structure, and other activities. He has lived in Texas for the last 40 years, and originally prepared these talks on the Geology of Central Texas as a way of familiarizing himself with the fascinating geology of the Llano Uplift.

The AIPG Texas Section management is actively recruiting speakers for future talks. Please contact Henry Wise, P.G., CPG,  Texas Section President, Melissa Hill, Ph.D., P.G., CPG, Vice-President – Western Texas, or Michael D. Campbell, P.G., P.H., CPG, Vice-President – Eastern Texas, if you are interested in giving one (or more) presentations.


Registration details

Title:  Geology of Central Texas Part 1: The Mountains beneath our Feet – Precambrian and Paleozoic

Example slide from Tuesday’s Talk: Supercontinent Rodinia from 1.3 – 1.0 Ga. Red star shows location of Central Texas (here).

Date and Time:  Tuesday, September 21st, 7.00pm

Cost:      AIPG Members:  $10.   Student Members:  Free.

Non-Members:   $25.   Student non-members: $5.00

How to sign up:  On-line at Scroll down to Calendar on click on “more”  Click on Register.  You will be sent the Zoom link.

Help or more Information on Registering: Call AIPG HQ at (303)412-3605 and ask for Wendy Davidson or Cathy Duran.


Future Talks

Tues., October 19:     Geology of Central Texas 2: Rifting, Drifting, Drowning and getting Bombed!

Tues., November 16: Geology of Central Texas 3:   Coal, Clay, Canyons, and Faulting: the Cenozoic

Tues,  Dec. 21st:         Forum discussion.

Tues., Jan.18, 2022:   Geology of Central Texas 4:  Geomorphology, Resources and the Quaternary