Dr. Rima Petrossian Recognized for Outstanding Service as an Officer of the AIPG Texas Section

Henry M. Wise, President of AIPG Texas Section, and Michael D. Campbell, Vice-President – Eastern Texas, made a presentation recently by FedEx of a commemorative plaque to Dr. Rima Petrossian. This action allows the Officers and the Advisory Board the opportunity to formally thank Rima for her efforts on behalf of the Texas Section of the AIPG over many years since the Texas Section was revitalized 10 years ago.

Her efforts in guiding the planning and execution of the 2016 AIPG TX Field Trip of 2016 to Central Texas, and in serving as Vice-President-Western Texas, in your support of AIPG in several committees, such as the scholarship awards program of the AIPG Texas Section are appreciated by the Officers and Advisory Board and by those many students who participated in our scholarship awards program under the mentorship of Dr. Petrossian.

We hope the plaque will bring her fond memories of her contributions to the Texas Section of the AIPG as she begins a new life in East Texas.

Rima’s Response (Here).