Glen Collier Recognized for Outstanding Service to AIPG Texas Section

Henry M. Wise, President of AIPG Texas Section, and Michael D. Campbell, Vice-President – Eastern Texas, made a presentation recently by FedEx of a commemorative plaque to Glen Collier of Nacogdoches, Texas. This gives the Officers and the Advisory Board the opportunity to formally thank Glen for his efforts on behalf of the Texas Section of the AIPG over the past 6 years.

His efforts in guiding the well-received AIPG Texas Section Scholarship program, in managing the highly successful 2018 GeoDayz training program, and in participating as a Counselor-at-Large in the Advisory Board of the AIPG Texas Section are appreciated by the Advisory Board and by those many student who participated in our scholarship awards program and in the training program.

We hope the plaque, once hung in Glen’s office or den, will bring him fond memories of his contributions to the many students of geology he has mentored and to the Texas Section of the AIPG for years to come.

Glen’s response (here).
