Ignite Your Career to Success – National AIPG Conference Call
A New Idea from Your National AIPG Center
It is time to ignite your career to success by writing strategic resumes and developing talking points that transform your job interviews. AIPG is conducting the fifth annual “Ignite Your Career to Success” Conference Call on Friday, January 24, at 4 pm PST (5 pm MST, 6 pm CST and 7 pm EST, 5:30 am Saturday morning India time zone).
Senior AIPG members that have demonstrated success in the earth sciences and a successful young professional will be led by Stephen Baker, hydrogeologist and AIPG Executive National Committee member.
This one-hour session will direct you towards success in the earth sciences job market. AIPG will be providing interested participants with valuable articles that further discuss effective resume writing and interviewing ideas. Have your questions answered and be the one that is chosen for the on call mock job interview.
Check your time zone at (4 pm PST, 5 pm MST, 6 pm CST and 7 pm EST, 5:30 am Saturday
morning India time zone) and ignite your career to success by participating in the January 24, 2020 interactive conference call.
4 PM Pacific Standard Time
CALL-IN: (515) 606-5119