News: The Bill & Rider to Defund the TBPG has been Tabled and has Died …. for Now.

Important Message from Your AIPG Texas Section President: Henry Wise: STOP the DEFUND of the TBPG


Subject: EFFORT TO DEFUND THE TBPG – Vote is Tomorrow: April 22, 2021

All Licensed Geoscientists in Texas:

Good afternoon.  As a sneak attack, Representative Cason from Bedford has introduced a budget rider to defund the TBPG.  The House will be voting on it tomorrow and the Senate soon thereafter.  PLEASE e-mail your Senator and Representative before close of business today and ask them NOT to support Cason’s amendment (see photo below).  Please pass this e-mail along to any Texas P.G.s and G.I.T.s that you know.  Thank you.

Find out who your Texas State Representative and Senator are:

Click on their name in the results.  You can e-mail them from their page by clicking the e-mail button.

Please take action now …………………….

Henry Wise, C.P.G., P.G.
AIPG Texas Section