Henry M. Wise, P.G., C.P.G.
Houston (Sugarland), Texas
Mining, Geological & Environmental Consultant
Email: hmwise@yahoo.com | Cell: 713-569-7814
Michael D. Campbell, P.G., C.P.G., P.H.
Principal and Chief Geologist (Mining) / Chief Hydrogeologist (Environmental),
I2M Consulting, LLC, Houston (Katy), Texas
Email: mdc@i2mconsulting.com | Cell: 713-248-1708
John L. Berry, P.G., C.P.G.
Principal, John Berry and Associates, LLC. Austin, Texas
Email: JohnBerry@aipg-tx.org
Roger W. Lee, Ph.D., P.G.
Geochemical Consultant, Austin, Texas
Email: rlee@pioneer-technical.com
Regina M. Capuano, Ph.D., P.G., C.P.G.
Associate Professor, Department of Earth and Atmospheric Sciences,
University of Houston, Main Campus, Houston, Texas
Email: capuano@uh.edu
Hughbert Collier, Ph.D., P.G.
Senior Vice-President,
Collier Consulting, Inc. Stephenville, Texas
Email: hughbert@collierconsulting.com
Roberto Reyna, B.S. (Geology & Geophysics) and B.S. (Environmental Studies). Curently working on a Masters Degree at the University of Houston. Department of Earth and Atmospheric Sciences, University of Houston, Main Campus, Houston, Texas
Email: rrreyna3@cougarnet.uh.edu
Bruce Handley, P.G., Project Manager,
Geological & Environmental Consultant
Houston, Texas
Email: bhandley2@comcast.net
James Henderson, Ph.D., P.G., C.P.G.President and Founder,
Geochem Data, Inc. Dallas, Texas
Email: JamesHenderson@aipg-tx.org
Matthew R. Cowan, P.G.
Project Geologist,
Terrain Solutions Inc. Houston, Texas
Email: wrcowan1@hal-pc.org