Planning for GeoDayz 2020 has begun in Austin

Henry Wise, President, AIPG Texas Section, announced during a meeting held in Austin last week that planning has begun for holding the GeoDayz 2020 training program for senior students and young professionals in the Austin area in September or October, next year. Those attending the initial planning meeting were (L to R): Steve Musick, Robert Rice, Mary Musick, John Berry, Henry Wise, Mike Cooper, and Roger Lee. The above photo was taken by Michael Campbell.

The previous GeoDayz 2018 program was a great success. It was held over three days in Nacogdoches, Tx. For a summary of that program, see (here).  The 2020 GeoDayz program will likely be held in the Austin area in cooperation with other area groups such as those involved in the Hydrogeoworkshop, the Austin Geological Society (AGS), the Texas Section of the Association of Engineering Geologists (AEG), and the Bureau of Economic Geology (BEG).

The program will be similar to the 2018 GeoDayz, but in addition to training  on environmental project methods,  it will also include presentations on subject relating to central and western Texas and associated mineral exploration, mining, and oil and gas projects. A field trip may also be included in the program to be held before or after the central program of presentations.

Look for updates as planning develops for GeoDayz 2020.

AIPG Texas Section