Results of the AIPG Climate Change Questionnaire
David Abbott, in cooperation with Peter Dohms and John Berry, on behalf of the AIPG, asked its members to select one of ten statements that summarized a view about climate range. The range of statements varied from climate alarmist through those denying that humans have any effect on climate change to those with no opinion at all. Those summarizing statements were:
A. If drastic worldwide measures are not begun immediately to combat climate change, civilization as we know it will end in 10 to 12 years.
B. Climate change caused by human activity is a serious threat requiring significant corrective action in the near term.
C. Corrective actions to combat climate change caused by human activity should be intensified above the present.
D. Human activity is causing measurable changes in climate; corrective action may be needed.
E. I agree that human activity can have some effects on climate; Quantification of such effects requires further study.
F. The science of climate change is not settled; I cannot judge whether it’s occurring.
G. I am not convinced that human activity can cause planet-wide climate change.
H. If climate change is occurring, it is due to naturally occurring fluctuations.
I. I have not conducted enough personal research into the topic to have an opinion.
J. I am too busy to learn about this entirely theoretical subject.
In addition, respondents were asked to supply AIPG membership category, age range, area of main geoscience specialty, and main employer type. This article presents the results from the questionnaire.
In addition to the summarizing statements and demographic data, 49 comments were received:
One comment was, “I appreciate AIPG for polling its members on this important topic.”
Another opined, “Well worded questions covering gamut of stances/opinions.”
Yet another commented on the character of the summarizing statements observing that, “essentially your survey is one question and multiple answers are possible.”
Read the article for the results and the interpretations of the results: