SIPES- Fort Worth Symposium: “Tools for Modern Explorationists”
One-Day Symposium
Successful Independents’ “Tools for the Modern Explorationists”
To be Held on Wednesday, October 30th, 2019
8:00 a.m.- Registration
8:45 a.m. to 4:45 p.m. – Program
5:00 -7:00 p.m. – Networking Session
Martin University Center, Texas Wesleyan University
1201 Wesleyan Street, Fort Worth, TX 76105
Interested in learning about become an independent geologist or starting a privately funded company? Join the FW SIPES for a can’t-miss opportunity to gain critical insights on how to start and grow a successful business as a prospect generator, project investor, or consultant in the upstream oil and gas industry. Nine dynamic and experienced independent professionals will impart personal stories, case histories, and lessons learned from experience. Breakfast, lunch, and a post-conference networking session are included with registration.
Featured talks:
“Rose’s Rules for the Oil Business and Life,” Pete Rose, Rose and Associates
“Current Trends in Private Equity Financing,” David Hopson, Petrocap LLC
“Discovering critical information: Mining the Subsurface Library,” Kathryn Canty and Jack Deans, Oil Information Library of Fort Worth
Schedule: See Here: http://www.aipg-tx.org/_docs/SIPESFW2019FallSymposiumSchedule.pdf
Online registration, full technical program, and payment options are available at https://www.fwgs.org/events-1/sipes-fort-worth-conference
Sponsorship opportunities are also available by contacting Robert Springer at springerresources@gmail.com, or William J. Moulton at wjm@oilandgashunter.com