The Wise Report
The Texas State Legislature is now in session and bills are being filed and worked on. New information is listed in bold (four new bills listed):
HB 223, by Reynolds, Relating to the funding through greenhouse gas emissions fees of energy efficiency programs administered by certain utilities; authorizing a fee. Referred to State Affairs, 2/19/2019. For more information go to: https://capitol.texas.gov/BillLookup/history.aspx?LegSess=86R&Bill=HB223
HB 225, by Reynolds, Relating to the analysis of inspection and maintenance requirements for air quality permits issued by the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality for certain oil and gas facilities. Regulates fugitive emissions from all oil field equipment, the use of venting and flaring, etc. Referred to Environmental Regulation, 2/19/2019. https://capitol.texas.gov/BillLookup/history.aspx?LegSess=86R&Bill=HB225