The Wise Report
On July 6, 2016, TCEQ commissioners approved publication of a proposed rule on the use of graywater. The proposed rule implements House Bill 1902, 84th Texas Legislature, which requires the TCEQ to:
- Develop standards to allow the reuse of graywater for toilet and urinal flushing;
- Create a new regulatory classification for “alternative onsite water” which the bill defines as “rainwater, air conditioning condensate, foundation drain water, storm water, cooling tower blowdown, swimming pool backwash and drain water, reverse osmosis reject water, or any other source of water considered appropriate by the commission” and develop standards for the reuse of alternative onsite water similar to the standards for graywater;
- Allow an adjustment in the drainfield size of an on-site sewage facility (OSSF) if used in conjunction with a graywater reuse system; and
- Develop a regulatory guidance manual to explain the graywater and alternative onsite water regulations.