Texas AIPG Team Produces Series of Publications over Past Two Years
Michael D. Campbell (AIPG-TX VP-Eastern Texas), Henry M. Wise (AIPG-TX President), Roger W. Lee (AIPG-TX Councilor-at-Large), Glen Collier (AIPG-TX Councilor-at-Large), M. David Campbell (AIPG-TX Webmaster), and others have produced a number of papers over the past two years.
Some are chapters/sections in papers and some are stand-alone papers for the Energy Minerals Division (AAPG), while others are papers based on earlier I2M-precursor projects involving:
1) brine contamination of rural groundwater in Ohio;
2) uranium, thorium, and REE in Alaska;
3) siderite in Oklahoma-Arkansas;
4) editorials to encourage professional geologists to publish in the new open-access journals involving:
- media and academic bias against uranium mining and nuclear power; and
- impact of current conditions in the U.S. on natural resource development.
To review the papers in the series, see the list (and associated links) in chronological order (here).