AIPG Texas Section Survey Results

AIPG-Texas Section Membership:

A survey was conducted of the Texas Section membership during December, 2016 through January, 2017. The attached survey results contain the actual survey questionnaire form, the tabulated data, and the individual responses with comments (Survey with Results).

The survey returned a response of approximately 23% from the total 451 members surveyed in Texas.

When you review the above survey results, please note that Question #1  is flawed, and the associated responses have to be examined in a number of ways. Because the answers were not limited to three responses, as requested, the coding also allowed one, two, and more than three responses, which made the percentages shown on the results page problematic. In referring to Question #1, the following qualifications need to be considered:

Of 96 responses to Question #1, … 49% of the respondents checked: Petroleum Geology,

but 8 of which checked only one Choice, and
8 of which checked two Choices, and
3 of which checked more than 3 choices.

Of the 96 responses to Question #1, … 42% of the respondents checked: Unconventional Hydrocarbon Resources,

but  1 of which checked only one Choice, and
3 of which checked two Choices, and
3 of which checked more than 3 Choices.

Of the 96 responses to Question #1, … 22% of the respondents checked: Mineral Exploration and Development,

but 1 of which checked only one Choice, and
2 of which checked two Choices, and
1 of which checked more than 3 Choices.

Of the 96 responses to Question #1, … 49% of the respondents checked: Hydrogeology / Groundwater Resources Evaluation,

but 1 of which checked only one Choice, and
1 of which checked two Choices, and
2 of which checked more than 3 Choices.

Of the 96 responses to Question #1, … 34% of the respondents checked: Groundwater  Contamination and Remediation,

but 2 of which checked only one Choice, and
3 of which checked two Choices, and
3 of which checked more than 3 Choices.

Of the 96 responses to Question #1, … 34% of the respondents checked: Engineering Geology,

but 1 of which checked only one Choice,
4 of which checked two Choices, and
3 of which checked more than 3 Choices,

Of the 96 responses to Question #1, … 30% of the respondents checked: Geological Service Business Ownership & Management,

but 2 of which checked only one Choice,
5 of which checked two Choices, and
0 of which checked more than 3 Choices.

The  other Questions and Responses of the survey are much less ambiguous than Question #1. In any event, perfect Questions for such surveys are difficult to construct.

For those of you who devoted a few minutes to take the survey, we thank you for helping us focus in on the ways we might be able to help some of you in your search for professional employment.

Doug Hall, Chair of the Section’s Geology Business and Training Committee, is reviewing the various training programs available online and, with input from the recent survey, will be selecting some programs for your consideration. You will be hearing from Mr. Hall in the near future.

If you have any questions, feel free to e-mail me.

My best to all,

Henry M. Wise, P.G., C.P.G.
AIPG Texas Section