AIPG-TX Arranges Deal for Members with Midwest Geosciences Group for Continuing Education

The Texas Section of the American Institute of Professional Geologists and Midwest GeoSciences Group have partnered to provide discounted continuing education webinars to AIPG-TX members on important topics such as groundwater and karst, hydrogeology, soil and rock mechanics, seismic hazards, Google Earth PRO, engineering geology, drones, geologic issues with risk assessment, environmental site characterization and remediation, and geologic resource management.

Hydrogeologic and geotechnical webinars available 24/7 via prices reduced for AIPG-TX members. See upcoming webinars.

Michael D. Campbell, AIPG-TX VP, Eastern Texas and the I2M Team Publishes Paper on Gold and Silver Mining Potential in North Vietnam

Members of the the I2M Natural Resources Group, led by Michael D. Campbell, I2M’s  EVP and Chief Geologist and Chief Hydrogeologist, just published a paper on the mining potential in the mountains southwest of Hanoi, Vietnam in the Đồi Bù District, Hòa Bình Region (here). The area was visited during January, 2014. The key conclusions of the assessment were that subject area has not been explored in any detail for many decades.

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The SMU Geothermal Lab is hosting our 9th international energy conference, Power Plays: Drilling into Geothermal Energy Applications

SMU Power Plays Conference

January 10-11, 2018 on the SMU Campus in Dallas, Texas

The SMU Geothermal Lab is hosting our 9th international energy conference, Power Plays: Drilling into Geothermal Energy Applications, January 10-11, 2018 on the SMU campus in Dallas, Texas.

Power Plays will advance the understanding of geothermal resources in conjunction with waste-heat and direct-use applications, providing attendees with strategies for developing clean energy.  Join others with expertise in field operations, project development, technology, finance, engineering, and resource assessment from the geothermal, oil & gas, and renewable energy sectors to explore economic solutions for geothermal energy at the 2018 SMU Power Plays conference.

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The Wise Report

Due to Hurricane Harvey, the Texas Board of Professional Geoscientists (TBPG) has implemented the following for PG licenses, GIT certifications, and Geoscience Firm registrations in a Governor-designated disaster county that were scheduled to expire between August 31, 2017 and November 30, 2017 shall expire on December 31, 2017.

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AAPG Total Solar Eclipse Seminar and K-T Boundary/Impact Crater Field Trip Guide, Casper, Wyoming – August 18-22, 2017

This Seminar and Field-Trip Guide was compiled by Doug Cook who gathered the materials discussed during this Seminar and Field Trip. The primary objective of the seminar was to observe the total solar eclipse that passed over the Casper, Wyoming area. Side field trips were also taken to observe impact craters and K-T boundary in outcrop.

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The Wise Report

The Texas Board of Professional Geoscientists (TBPG) adopts amendments to 22 TAC §§851.10, 851.20, 851.23, 851.25, 851.30, 851.80, 851.157, and 851.203; adopts the repeal of §851.158; and adopts new rules §§851.158, 851.159, and 851.220 concerning the licensure and regulation of Professional Geoscientists. The amendments to §§851.10, 851.20, 851.23, 851.25, 851.30, 851.80, 851.157, and 851.203; the repeal of §851.158; and new rules §851.159 and §851.220 are adopted without changes to the proposed text as published in the July 7, 2017 issue of the Texas Register (42 TexReg 3549). New rule §851.158 is adopted with changes to the proposed text. The repeal of §851.158 will be effective as of the date the new §851.158 takes effect.

Adopted amendments to §851.10 and §851.30 clarify the definition and role of an “Authorized Official of a Firm” (AOF). Adopted amendments to §851.80 amend language to establish a proctored review of a Texas Geophysics Examination for a fee, and provide a reduction of the renewal fee to half price for a person who has a medical disability. Adopted amendments to §851.20 clarify that an applicant who is not a citizen of the United States must provide a copy of a current visa or something equivalent.

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FactSheet on Geoscience in Texas

Workforce in Texas

  • 59,000: geoscience employees (non-federal/self-employed) in 20151
  • $103,500: average median geoscience employee salary1
  • 270,000: jobs in extractive industries in 20152
  • 80: academic geoscience departments3

Water in Texas

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Petrossian and Team Release TWDB Transborder Aquifers Report

Rima Petrossian, Ph.D., P.G., C.P.G., Manager of the Groundwater Technical Assistance Group of the Texas Water Development Board and her team just released: Texas Water Development Board Groundwater Management Report 17-01;  TWDB Trans-Border Aquifers Report: A Summary of Aquifer Properties, Policies, and Planning Approaches for Texas, Surrounding States, and Mexico (here).  Dr. Petrossian also serves as Vice President – Western Texas, of the American Institute of Professional Geologists.

Groundwater in Texas is a valuable natural resource shared with eight national and international states: New Mexico, Oklahoma, Arkansas, and Louisiana, in the United States; and Tamaulipas, Nuevo León, Coahuila de Zaragoza, and Chihuahua, in Mexico. Of the 30 Texas aquifers that provide groundwater, 23 are shared with one or more other states. Internationally, Mexico and Texas share four major aquifers and three minor aquifers, based on the Texas definition of aquifers.

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The Wise Report

The Texas Board of Professional Geoscientists (TBPG) proposes amendments to §851.10 and §851.30 to clarify the definition and role of an “Authorized Official of a Firm” (AOF).

Proposed amendments to §851.80 amend language to establish a proctored review of a Texas Geophysics Examination for a fee, and provide a reduction of the renewal fee to half price for a person who has a medical disability.

Proposed amendments to §851.20 clarify that an applicant who is not a citizen of the United States must provide a copy of a VISA or a Social Security Number.

Proposed amendments to §851.23 provide an alternate process for applicants who cannot provide a professional reference to verify qualifying work experience.

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The Wise Report

The State Legislature is now out of session. Two of the bills we’ve been following were passed and the Governor has vetoed both of them:

HB 2377, by Larson and Lucio III, Relating to the development of brackish groundwater. A landowner may drill and operate a well for a single-family dwelling, a landowner may drill and operate a well if, among other things, the well is used only for outdoor watering of landscape plantings on the property. 6/15/2017 Vetoed by the Governor. For more information go to:

SB 1525, by Perry, Relating to a study by the Texas Water Development Board of water needs and availability in this state. 6/15/2017 Vetoed by the Governor. For more information go to:

Henry M. Wise, P.G.

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