Texas Section AIPG Invites more than 50 Geology (and Earth Science) Department Chairs at Texas Universities to Encourage Student Scholarship Applications

Glen A. Collier, P.G, C.P.G., and Chair of the AIPG-TX Scholarship Committee, announced today that AIPG-TX will once again award scholarships to outstanding geology students in the year 2018 (more). Scholarships consist of $1,000 each to outstanding undergraduate majors (a Foss Scholarship) and $2,500 each to outstanding graduate students (the Shoemaker Scholarship) in geological sciences enrolled in a Texas university. Winners of the scholarship awards are based on non-academic achievement, scholastic performance, recommendations of a professor, and a written essay. See previous winners (more).

Preliminary notice of the 2018 scholarships has been sent to over 50 department chairs and other interested parties. A more detailed announcement will be made in January 2018. Applications should be received by email no later than February 15, 2018 for consideration of one of these scholarships.