AIPG-TX West Texas Field Trip About to Begin; Weather Looks Good

The Texas Section of the American Institute of Professional Geologists will sponsor a three-day field trip (April 21-23) to Hudspeth and Culberson counties.  The field trip will cover tectonics and structural geology, economic geology, basin formation, and hydrogeology in one of the most geologically complex areas of Trans-Pecos Texas.

The field trip will focus on:

  • the Sierra Blanca laccoliths and the rare-earth elements property under development through a joint venture by USA Rare Earths and Texas Mineral Resources Corporation;
  • Daltile’s talc mining operation at Allamoore;
  • Fluorspar deposits in the Eagle Mountains;
  • An excursion to Eagle Peak (elevation 7300 ft, the highest point in Hudspeth County and the seventh highest in Texas) and an examination of the igneous rocks that make of the core of this impressive mountain range;
  • The northern Carrizo Mountains and the role of the Streeruwitz Thrust Fault in the formation of deformed and metamorphosed rocks of the Carrizo Mountains and the Allamoore talc district;
  • Laramide thrust blocks formed by the Quitman, Red Hills, and Devil Ridge thrust faults;
  • The complex hydrogeology of basins formed during Late Tertiary extensional faulting;
  • And the role of the Diablo Plateau as a stable buttress forming the northernmost boundary of much of the area covered by the field trip.

Leaders of the field trip will be:

Bruce K Darling, PhD, P.G., CPG; Phil Goodell, PhD, UTEP Dept. of Geological Sciences; and Michael Jacobs, MS, P.G.  All have extensive experience in the Trans-Pecos region.

The cost of the field trip will be $1,200 per person.  Transportation, lodging, and lunches are included in the total cost.  For more information, visit the following AIPG webpage for further information to register (Here)


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The AIPG-TX Field Trip to West Texas Still Has Space Available and Open for Registration

Henry M. Wise, P.G., C.P.G. announced today that the AIPG-TX Field Trip to West Texas to begin on April 20th through April 23rd is still open for registration. Click (here).

And there is still space available. Plans are being made to meet-up at an El Paso Airport hotel Thursday evening. This will be confirmed soon.

Previous alerts on the status of the planning, see (here)

The 2023 AIPG-TX Field Trip to west Texas will cover subjects such as economic geology (gold & silver, and rare earths, beryllium, and uranium, etc.), hydrogeology and structural geology. At the center of attention will be the Eagle Mountains, having one the most scienic views in all of Texas.

The Google Map of the Eagle Mountains area is shown above. A geologic map of the area that you will experience during the field trip is shown (here).  This file is very large ……

Round Top Mountain area will also be observed and the only developing rare-earth/beryllium/uranium mine in Texas will be discussed. For a current summary of the mining company’s current and historical  activities, click (here). For a brief summary of what that mine will produce, see (here). (From Campbell, et al., 2020, see slide #17, click (here)).

A comprehensive Field Trip Guidebook, especially prepared by the AIPG-TX Field Trip team of professional geologists will be provded at no extra cost.

Register now to reserve your place in the West Texas Field Trip.

For question, contact:
Michael D. Campbell, P.G., P.H., C.P.G.
Vice-President – Eastern Texas

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March 2023 AIPG-TX WEBINAR ANNOUNCEMENT – Tuesday, March 21st, at 7.00 p.m.

 Speaker: Dr. Brian Smith

 Principal Hydrogeologist, Barton Springs/Edwards Aquifer Conservation District


Multiport monitor wells have been used by the Barton Springs/Edwards Aquifer Conservation District (BSEACD) to study complex, multilayer, and stacked aquifers in Hays and Travis Counties, central Texas. Much of the data from water wells that are used for hydrogeological studies are of limited use because of the thickness of the aquifers, vertical variation in hydraulic properties, varying amounts of hydraulic connection between geologic units, and the often-uncertain completion of the wells. To address these concerns, hydrogeologists have employed various methods, such as installation of wells of different depths near one another, multilevel completions in a single borehole, and multiport wells.

The BSEACD has used multiport wells to determine vertical variations in an aquifer and the hydraulic relationships between stacked aquifers. With multiport wells, properties such as hydraulic head, temperature, hydraulic conductivity, and water quality of discrete units within an aquifer, or multiple aquifers, can be determined. The use of multiport wells has shown how portions of the Upper Trinity lithologic units are hydraulically connected to the overlying Edwards lithologic units, and how the Edwards Aquifer is hydraulically isolated from the Middle and Lower Trinity Aquifers. One of these wells installed in southwest Travis County has shown that there is significant depletion of the Middle Trinity Aquifer in that area.

Another multiport well installed in Hays County near Jacob’s Well is helping us understand how groundwater in the porous matrix feeds groundwater to the conduits that discharge water from Jacob’s Well and to the deeper aquifer downgradient east of the spring.


 Brian Smith has been the Aquifer Science Team Leader and Principal Hydrogeologist at the Barton Springs/Edwards Aquifer Conservation District since 2001. At the District, he has guided the science program to support policy makers in management of the aquifers within the District. Most of his 35+ years of professional experience have involved the study of karst and aquifers developed in karst. Prior to working at the District, he worked for private consulting companies doing contaminant hydrogeology. Dr. Smith has a bachelor’s degree from Rice University in Houston and a Ph.D. from the University of Texas at Austin. He is licensed as a Professional Geologist in the state of Texas.

LINK: Register at On the lower right hand side of the page is a box “CALENDAR”.  This event is the last item in the list. Click on it to register

COST (Includes certificate for 0.1 ceu/1.0 PDH):

AIPG Members: $10.    Non-Members:     $25   AIPG Student Members: Free         Other Students:  $5.00

 AIPG-TX SCHOLARSHIP FUND All moneys generated by this Webinar series go towards the AIPG-TX Scholarship Fund.

 PDF Copy of Announcement (here)

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The Wise Reports – March, February and April – 2023 (8 Reports)

The Wise Report
Henry M. Wise, P.G.
April 30, 2023

The Texas Legislature is back in session through May 29, 2023.   I’m currently checking for bills of general interest to geologists in Texas and will be updating this list as things change.   New information is in bold.

HB 57, by Zwiener,  Relating to climate change planning and reporting.  2/23/2023 Referred to Environmental Regulation.  For more information go to:

HB 570, by Raymond,  Relating to a study by the Texas Division of Emergency Management of the potential effects of droughts and wildfires in this state. 4/28/2023 Reported engrossed.  For more information go to:

HB 583, by Raymond, Companion bill SB-382, identical, Relating to the production by the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality of an annual report on public drinking water supply systems. 4/18/2023 Left pending in committee.  For more information go to:

HB 952, by Dulton, Relating to the carcinogenic risk level used in the development of certain environmental remediation benchmarks.  “The commission shall set each carcinogenic risk level used by the commission in the development of a protective concentration level, risk-based exposure limit, or any other remediation standard used in connection with this chapter or a rule adopted under this chapter, including the Texas Risk Reduction Program (30 T.A.C. Chapter 350) or a similar program established by the commission, at a rate not greater than one in one million.” 3/2/2023 Referred to Environmental Regulation.  For more information go to:

HB 1093, by Cunningham, Relating to planning and financial responsibility requirements for certain aggregate production operations; providing for the imposition of an administrative penalty.  “The responsible party must submit to the commission certification of the restoration plan, within the appropriate area or discipline, issued by a licensed engineer or licensed geoscientist. Components of the restoration plan may be  independently certified, as appropriate.”  3/2/2023 Referred to Natural Resources.  For more information go to:

HB 1276, by Hinojosa, Relating to the reduction of methane gas flaring on land dedicated to the permanent university fund.  3/3/2023 Referred to Energy Resources,  For more information go to:

HB 1318, by Darby, Relating to the regulation of brine mining.  4/3/2023 Left pending in committee.  For more information go to:

HB 1570, by Holland, SB1659, Identical, Relating to the sunset review process and certain governmental entities subject to that process.  “The Texas Board of Professional Geoscientists is subject to Chapter 325, Government  Code (Texas Sunset Act). Unless continued in existence as provided by that chapter, the board is abolished and this chapter expires September 1, 2033 [2025].”  4/11/2023 Committee report sent to Calendars.  For more information go to:

HB 1687, by Murr, Relating to the regulation of certain aggregate production operations by the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality; authorizing an increase in the amount of a fee.  Scheduled for public hearing on 5/4/2023.  For more information go to:

HB 1721, by Raymond, Relating to the regulation of oil and gas waste; imposing a fee.  “An applicant shall submit an additional nonrefundable fee of $200 for a permit to drill, deepen, plug back, or reenter a well for which the applicant proposes to use a reserve pit located at the well site to dispose of oil and gas waste, as defined by Section 91.1011, from the well.”  3/7/2023 Referred to Energy Resources.  For more information go to:

HB 1777, by Darby, SB 786 identical, Relating to the regulation by the Railroad Commission of Texas of closed-loop geothermal injection wells.  “The railroad commission has jurisdiction over closed-loop geothermal injection wells and may issue permits for closed-loop geothermal injection wells, including individual permits, general permits, or permits by rule.”  4/10/2023 Left pending in committee.  For more information go to:

HB 1782, by Hinojosa, Relating to a requirement that an applicant for a permit to drill an oil or gas well submit a gas capture plan for the well.  4/24/2023 Committee report sent to Calendars.  For more information go to:

HB 1915, by Zafirini, SB 604, identical, Relating to land services performed by a landman.  4/24/2023 Committee report sent to Calendars.  For more information go to:

HB 2443, by Cody Harris, Relating to the authority of certain persons to petition a groundwater conservation district to change certain rules.  4/4/2023 Committee report sent to calendars.  For more information go to:

HB 2941, by Zwiener, Relating to the authority of the Railroad Commission of Texas to require water pollution abatement plans for certain pipelines; creating a criminal offense; providing for the imposition of a civil penalty.  4/11/2023 Committee report sent to Calendars.  For more information go to:

HB 3707, by Patterson, SB 624, Identical, Relating to the permitting of renewable energy generation facilities by the Public Utility Commission of Texas; authorizing fees.  “This subchapter applies to a renewable energy generation facility regardless of whether the facility is the subject of a wind power facility agreement or solar power facility agreement entered into under Chapter 301 or 302.  Sec. 35.202.  LEGISLATIVE POLICY AND PURPOSE. The conservation and development of all the natural resources of this state are declared to be public rights and duties. It is also declared that the protection of the wildlife, water, and land of this state against the impacts of renewable energy generation facilities is in the public interest. In the exercise of the police power of this state, it is necessary and desirable to provide additional means so that the installation and removal of renewable energy generation facilities is placed under the authority and direction of the commission.”  3/20/2023 Referred to State Affairs.  For more information go to:

HB 3746, by Goldman, Relating to the repeal of registration and other regulatory provisions applicable to code enforcement officers and sanitarians.  Makes exceptions for geoscientific work performed by non geologists.  3/29/2023 Left pending in committee.  For more information go to:

HB 3839, by Goodwin, Relating to financial security requirements for operators of oil and gas wells.  3/20/2023 Referred to Energy Resources.  For more information go to:

HB 3840, by Goodwin, Relating to the extension of the deadline for plugging certain inactive wells under the jurisdiction of the Railroad Commission of Texas.  3/20/2023 Referred to Energy Resources.  For more information go to:

HB 4047, by Guillen, Relating to a study on uranium deposits in this state.  The TCEQ shall conduct a study on the uranium deposits in this state and how utilizing those deposits could lessen the United States’ reliance on foreign sources of uranium.  The Report shall be submitted o the governor, lieutenant governor, and speaker of the house of representatives by December 1, 2024.  5/2/2023 Placedon Local, Consent, and Res. Calendar.  For more information go to:

HB 4086, by Kuempel, SB 2196 Identical, Relating to the identification and mapping of aggregate production operations by The University of Texas Bureau of Economic Geology.  4/20/2023 Left pending in committee.  For more information go to:

HB 4119, by Guillen, Relating to procedural requirements for uranium mining production area authorizations.  5/2/2023 Placedon Local, Consent, and Res. Calendar.  For more information go to:

HB 4120, by Guillen, Relating to the inspection of the location of a proposed Class I injection well.  “For a proposed Class I injection well, the executive director may satisfy the requirements of Subsection (a) by accepting an inspection report prepared by an engineer or geoscientist licensed in this state.”  4/25/2023 Committee report sent to calendars.  For more information go to:

HB 4225, by Zweiner, Relating to a study conducted by the Railroad Commission of Texas to determine the net reduction in the amount of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere resulting from the use of carbon capture, utilization, and storage technology.  4/3/2023 Left pending in committee.  For more information go to:

HB 4532, by Kacal, Lalani, and Price, SB 2397, Identical, and SB 2540, Identical, Relating to the consideration of modeled sustained groundwater pumping in the adoption of desired future conditions in groundwater conservation districts.  4/28/2023 Reported engrossed.  For more information go to:

HB 5279, by Wilson, Relating to a prohibition on interbasin transfers of state water.  3/24/2023 Referred to Natural Resources.  For more information go to:

HJR 119, by Goodwin, Proposing a constitutional amendment guaranteeing the right to a clean and healthy environment.  “(a) The public, individually and collectively, has the right to a clean and healthy environment, including clean water, clean air, healthy soil, and diverse and abundant native flora and fauna, and to the preservation of the natural, cultural,scenic, recreational, and healthful qualities of the environment.  The right to a clean and healthy environment is inherent, inalienable, indefeasible, and equal with other protected inalienable rights of liberty reserved to the public. The state shall equitably protect this right for the public and may not take any action to infringe on this right.

“  (b)  The public natural resources of this state are the common property of all persons, including future generations.  The state, including the legislative, judicial, and executive branches and each state agency and political subdivision, shall conserve, protect, and maintain the state’s public natural resources for the benefit of the public, including future generations.”  3/13/2023 Referred to Natural Resources.  For more information go to:

HJR 142, by Talarico, Proposing a constitutional amendment guaranteeing the right to a clean, healthy, and sustainable environment.  “(a) The public, individually and collectively, has the right to a clean, healthy, and sustainable environment , including access to clean air, clean water, and an environment generally favorable to each person’s well-being.

(b)  The legislature shall enact laws to combat climate change and improve this state’s resilience to climate change by systematically reducing greenhouse gas emissions.”  3/15/2023 Referred to Natural Resources.  For more information go to:


SB 257, by Eckhardt, Relating to the reduction of methane gas flaring on land dedicated to the permanent university fund.  Prohibits routine methane flaring, operators must adhere to the USEPA’s new source performance standards for methane emissions, implement quarterly inspections, etc.  2/15/2023 Referred to Natural Resources & Economic Development. For more information go to:

SB 382, by Zafirini, Companion Bill HB 583, Identical,  Relating to the production by the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality of an annual report on public drinking water supply systems.  2/15/2023 Referret to Water, Agriculture, & Rural Affairs.  For more information go to:

SB 519, by Zaffirini, Relating to the issuance of a permit for a municipal solid waste landfill facility located in a special flood hazard area.  2/17/2023 Referrecd to Natural Resources & Economic Development.  For more information go to:

SB 604, by Zafirini, HB 1915, identical, Relating to land services performed by a landman.  4/14/2023 Referred to Energy Resources.  For more information go to:

SB 624, by Kolkhorst and Middleton, HB 3707, Identical, Relating Relating to the permitting of renewable energy generation facilities by the Public Utility Commission of Texas; authorizing fees.  “This subchapter applies to a renewable energy generation facility regardless of whether the facility is the subject of a wind power facility agreement or solar power facility agreement entered into under Chapter 301 or 302.

“Sec. 35.202.  LEGISLATIVE POLICY AND PURPOSE. The conservation and development of all the natural resources of this state are declared to be public rights and duties. It is also declared that the protection of the wildlife, water, and land of this state against the impacts of renewable energy generation facilities is in the public interest. In the exercise of the police power of this state, it is necessary and desirable to provide additional means so that the installation and removal of renewable energy generation facilities is placed under the authority and direction of the commission.”  4/25/2023 House Received from the Senate.  For more information go to:

SB 786, HB 1777 identical, by Birdwell, Relating to the regulation by the Railroad Commission of Texas of closed-loop geothermal injection wells.  “The railroad commission has jurisdiction over closed-loop geothermal injection wells and may issue permits for closed-loop geothermal injection wells, including individual permits, general permits, or permits by rule.”  4/18/2023 Reported favorably without amendments.  For more information go to:

SB 788, by Eckhardt, Alvarado, Gutierrez, LaMantia, and Miles, Relating to the creation of the Office of Environmental Justice within the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality. 3/1/2023 Referred to Natural Resourcew & Economic Development.  For more information go to:

SB 1186, by Hughs, Relating to the regulation by the Railroad Commission of Texas of brine mining.  4/28/2023 Referred to Energy resources.  For more information go to:

SB 1659, by Schwertner, HB 1570, Identical, Relating to the sunset review process and certain governmental entities subject to that process.  “APPLICATION OF SUNSET ACT. The Texas Board of Professional Geoscientists is subject to Chapter 325, Government Code (Texas Sunset Act). Unless continued in existence as provided by that chapter, the board is abolished and this chapter expires September 1, 2033 [2025].”  4/20/2023 Reported favorably without amendment(s).  For more information go to:

SB 2196, by Hancock, Schwertner, and Eckhardt, HB 4086 Identical, Relating to the identification and mapping of aggregate production operations by The University of Texas Bureau of Economic Geology.  4/26/2023 Reported favorably without amendment(s).  For more information go to:

SB 2213, by Blanco, Relating to establishing and funding a grant program to plug leaking water wells in certain counties.  3/22/2023 Referred to Finance.  For more information go to:

SB 2291, by Zaffirini, Relating to the plugging of abandoned or deteriorated water wells; authorizing a fee.  3/22/2023 Referred to Water, Agriculture, & Rural Affairs.  For more information go to:

SB 2379, by Schwertner, Relating to the definition of the Edwards Aquifer for the purposes of an aquifer storage and recovery project.  4/28/2023 Referred to Natural Resources.  For more information go to:

SB 2397, by Zaffirini, HB 4532, Identical, and SB 2540, Duplicate, Relating to the consideration of modeled sustained groundwater pumping in the adoption of desired future conditions in groundwater conservation districts.  3/23/2023 Referred to Water, Agriculture, & Rural Affairs.  For more information go to:

SB 2540, by Blanco, HB 4532, Identical, and SB 2397, Duplicate, Relating to the consideration of modeled sustained groundwater pumping in the adoption of desired future conditions in groundwater conservation districts.  3/23/2023 Referred to Water, Agriculture, & Rural Affairs.  For more information go to:

Henry M. Wise, P.G.
The Wise Report


The Wise Report
Henry M. Wise, P.G.
April 16, 2023

The Texas Legislature is back in session through May 29, 2023.   I’m currently checking for bills of general interest to geologists in Texas and will be updating this list as things change.   New information is in bold.

HB 57, by Zwiener,  Relating to climate change planning and reporting.  2/23/2023 Referred to Environmental Regulation.  For more information go to:

HB 570, by Raymond,  Relating to a study by the Texas Division of Emergency Management of the potential effects of droughts and wildfires in this state. 4/10/2023 House Committee report sent to Local & Consent Calendar.  For more information go to:

HB 583, by Raymond, Companion bill SB-382, identical, Relating to the production by the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality of an annual report on public drinking water supply systems. Scheduled for public hearing on 4/18/2023.  For more information go to:

HB 952, by Dulton, Relating to the carcinogenic risk level used in the development of certain environmental remediation benchmarks.  “The commission shall set each carcinogenic risk level used by the commission in the development of a protective concentration level, risk-based exposure limit, or any other remediation standard used in connection with this chapter or a rule adopted under this chapter, including the Texas Risk Reduction Program (30 T.A.C. Chapter 350) or a similar program established by the commission, at a rate not greater than one in one million.” 3/2/2023 Referred to Environmental Regulation.  For more information go to:

HB 1093, by Cunningham, Relating to planning and financial responsibility requirements for certain aggregate production operations; providing for the imposition of an administrative penalty.  “The responsible party must submit to the commission certification of the restoration plan, within the appropriate area or discipline, issued by a licensed engineer or licensed geoscientist. Components of the restoration plan may be  independently certified, as appropriate.”  3/2/2023 Referred to Natural Resources.  For more information go to:

HB 1276, by Hinojosa, Relating to the reduction of methane gas flaring on land dedicated to the permanent university fund.  3/3/2023 Referred to Energy Resources,  For more information go to:

HB 1318, by Darby, Relating to the regulation of brine mining.  4/3/2023 Left pending in committee.  For more information go to:

HB 1570, by Holland, SB1659, Identical, Relating to the sunset review process and certain governmental entities subject to that process.  “The Texas Board of Professional Geoscientists is subject to Chapter 325, Government  Code (Texas Sunset Act). Unless continued in existence as provided by that chapter, the board is abolished and this chapter expires September 1, 2033 [2025].”  4/11/2023 Committee report sent to Calendars.  For more information go to:

HB 1687, by Murr, Relating to the regulation of certain aggregate production operations by the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality; authorizing an increase in the amount of a fee.  3/7/2023 Referred to Environmental Regulation.  For more information go to:

HB 1721, by Raymond, Relating to the regulation of oil and gas waste; imposing a fee.  “An applicant shall submit an additional nonrefundable fee of $200 for a permit to drill, deepen, plug back, or reenter a well for which the applicant proposes to use a reserve pit located at the well site to dispose of oil and gas waste, as defined by Section 91.1011, from the well.”  3/7/2023 Referred to Energy Resources.  For more information go to:

HB 1777, by Darby, SB 786 identical, Relating to the regulation by the Railroad Commission of Texas of closed-loop geothermal injection wells.  “The railroad commission has jurisdiction over closed-loop geothermal injection wells and may issue permits for closed-loop geothermal injection wells, including individual permits, general permits, or permits by rule.”  4/10/2023 Left pending in committee.  For more information go to:

HB 1782, by Hinojosa, Relating to a requirement that an applicant for a permit to drill an oil or gas well submit a gas capture plan for the well.  3/7/2023 Referred to Energy Resources.  For more information go to:

HB 1915, by Zafirini, SB 604, identical, Relating to land services performed by a landman.  4/3/2023 Reported favorably without amendment(s).  For more information go to:

HB 2443, by Cody Harris, Relating to the authority of certain persons to petition a groundwater conservation district to change certain rules.  4/4/2023 Committee report sent to calendars.  For more information go to:

HB 2941, by Zwiener, Relating to the authority of the Railroad Commission of Texas to require water pollution abatement plans for certain pipelines; creating a criminal offense; providing for the imposition of a civil penalty.  4/11/2023 Committee report sent to Calendars.  For more information go to:

HB 3707, by Patterson, SB 624, Identical, Relating to the permitting of renewable energy generation facilities by the Public Utility Commission of Texas; authorizing fees.  “This subchapter applies to a renewable energy generation facility regardless of whether the facility is the subject of a wind power facility agreement or solar power facility agreement entered into under Chapter 301 or 302.  Sec. 35.202.  LEGISLATIVE POLICY AND PURPOSE. The conservation and development of all the natural resources of this state are declared to be public rights and duties. It is also declared that the protection of the wildlife, water, and land of this state against the impacts of renewable energy generation facilities is in the public interest. In the exercise of the police power of this state, it is necessary and desirable to provide additional means so that the installation and removal of renewable energy generation facilities is placed under the authority and direction of the commission.”  3/20/2023 Referred to State Affairs.  For more information go to:

HB 3746, by Goldman, Relating to the repeal of registration and other regulatory provisions applicable to code enforcement officers and sanitarians.  Makes exceptions for geoscientific work performed by non geologists.  3/29/2023 Left pending in committee.  For more information go to:

HB 3839, by Goodwin, Relating to financial security requirements for operators of oil and gas wells.  3/20/2023 Referred to Energy Resources.  For more information go to:

HB 3840, by Goodwin, Relating to the extension of the deadline for plugging certain inactive wells under the jurisdiction of the Railroad Commission of Texas.  3/20/2023 Referred to Energy Resources.  For more information go to:

HB 4047, by Guillen, Relating to a study on uranium deposits in this state.  The TCEQ shall conduct a study on the uranium deposits in this state and how utilizing those deposits could lessen the United States’ reliance on foreign sources of uranium.  The Report shall be submitted o the governor, lieutenant governor, and speaker of the house of representatives by December 1, 2024.  4/3/2023 Left pending in committee.  For more information go to:

HB 4086, by Kuempel, SB 2196 Identical, Relating to the identification and mapping of aggregate production operations by The University of Texas Bureau of Economic Geology.  Scheduled for public hearing on 4/20/2023.  For more information go to:

HB 4119, by Guillen, Relating to procedural requirements for uranium mining production area authorizations.  4/4/2023 Left pending in committee.  For more information go to:

HB 4120, by Guillen, Relating to the inspection of the location of a proposed Class I injection well.  “For a proposed Class I injection well, the executive director may satisfy the requirements of Subsection (a) by accepting an inspection report prepared by an engineer or geoscientist licensed in this state.”  4/4/2023 Left pending in committee.  For more information go to:

HB 4225, by Zweiner, Relating to a study conducted by the Railroad Commission of Texas to determine the net reduction in the amount of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere resulting from the use of carbon capture, utilization, and storage technology.  4/3/2023 Left pending in committee.  For more information go to:

HB 4532, by Kacal, SB 2397, Identical, and SB 2540, Identical, Relating to the consideration of modeled sustained groundwater pumping in the adoption of desired future conditions in groundwater conservation districts.  4/4/2023 Reported favorably without amendment(s).  For more information go to:

HB 5279, by Wilson, Relating to a prohibition on interbasin transfers of state water.  3/24/2023 Referred to Natural Resources.  For more information go to:

HJR 119, by Goodwin, Proposing a constitutional amendment guaranteeing the right to a clean and healthy environment.  “(a) The public, individually and collectively, has the right to a clean and healthy environment, including clean water, clean air, healthy soil, and diverse and abundant native flora and fauna, and to the preservation of the natural, cultural,scenic, recreational, and healthful qualities of the environment.  The right to a clean and healthy environment is inherent, inalienable, indefeasible, and equal with other protected inalienable rights of liberty reserved to the public. The state shall equitably protect this right for the public and may not take any action to infringe on this right.

“  (b)  The public natural resources of this state are the common property of all persons, including future generations.  The state, including the legislative, judicial, and executive branches and each state agency and political subdivision, shall conserve, protect, and maintain the state’s public natural resources for the benefit of the public, including future generations.”  3/13/2023 Referred to Natural Resources.  For more information go to:

HJR 142, by Talarico, Proposing a constitutional amendment guaranteeing the right to a clean, healthy, and sustainable environment.  “(a) The public, individually and collectively, has the right to a clean, healthy, and sustainable environment , including access to clean air, clean water, and an environment generally favorable to each person’s well-being.

(b)  The legislature shall enact laws to combat climate change and improve this state’s resilience to climate change by systematically reducing greenhouse gas emissions.”  3/15/2023 Referred to Natural Resources.  For more information go to:


SB 257, by Eckhardt, Relating to the reduction of methane gas flaring on land dedicated to the permanent university fund.  Prohibits routine methane flaring, operators must adhere to the USEPA’s new source performance standards for methane emissions, implement quarterly inspections, etc.  2/15/2023 Referred to Natural Resources & Economic Development. For more information go to:

SB 382, by Zafirini, Companion Bill HB 583, Identical,  Relating to the production by the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality of an annual report on public drinking water supply systems.  2/15/2023 Referret to Water, Agriculture, & Rural Affairs.  For more information go to:

SB 519, by Zaffirini, Relating to the issuance of a permit for a municipal solid waste landfill facility located in a special flood hazard area.  2/17/2023 Referrecd to Natural Resources & Economic Development.  For more information go to:

SB 604, by Zafirini, HB 1915, identical, Relating to land services performed by a landman.  4/14/2023 Referred to Energy Resources.  For more information go to:

SB 624, by Kolkhorst and Middleton, HB 3707, Identical, Relating Relating to the permitting of renewable energy generation facilities by the Public Utility Commission of Texas; authorizing fees.  “This subchapter applies to a renewable energy generation facility regardless of whether the facility is the subject of a wind power facility agreement or solar power facility agreement entered into under Chapter 301 or 302.

“Sec. 35.202.  LEGISLATIVE POLICY AND PURPOSE. The conservation and development of all the natural resources of this state are declared to be public rights and duties. It is also declared that the protection of the wildlife, water, and land of this state against the impacts of renewable energy generation facilities is in the public interest. In the exercise of the police power of this state, it is necessary and desirable to provide additional means so that the installation and removal of renewable energy generation facilities is placed under the authority and direction of the commission.”  4/13/2023 Vote taken in committee.  For more information go to:

SB 786, HB 1777 identical, by Birdwell, Relating to the regulation by the Railroad Commission of Texas of closed-loop geothermal injection wells.  “The railroad commission has jurisdiction over closed-loop geothermal injection wells and may issue permits for closed-loop geothermal injection wells, including individual permits, general permits, or permits by rule.”  4/14/2023 Received from the Senate.  For more information go to:

SB 788, by Eckhardt, Alvarado, Gutierrez, LaMantia, and Miles, Relating to the creation of the Office of Environmental Justice within the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality. 3/1/2023 Referred to Natural Resourcew & Economic Development.  For more information go to:

SB 1186, by Hughs, Relating to the regulation by the Railroad Commission of Texas of brine mining.  4/11/2023 Committee report printed and distributed.  For more information go to:

SB 1659, by Schwertner, HB 1570, Identical, Relating to the sunset review process and certain governmental entities subject to that process.  “APPLICATION OF SUNSET ACT. The Texas Board of Professional Geoscientists is subject to Chapter 325, Government Code (Texas Sunset Act). Unless continued in existence as provided by that chapter, the board is abolished and this chapter expires September 1, 2033 [2025].”  4/17/2023 Placed on intent calendar.  For more information go to:

SB 2196, by Hancock, HB 4086 Identical, Relating to the identification and mapping of aggregate production operations by The University of Texas Bureau of Economic Geology.  4/12/2023 Vote taken in committee.  For more information go to:

SB 2213, by Blanco, Relating to establishing and funding a grant program to plug leaking water wells in certain counties.  3/22/2023 Referred to Finance.  For more information go to:

SB 2291, by Zaffirini, Relating to the plugging of abandoned or deteriorated water wells; authorizing a fee.  3/22/2023 Referred to Water, Agriculture, & Rural Affairs.  For more information go to:

SB 2379, by Schwertner, Relating to the definition of the Edwards Aquifer for the purposes of an aquifer storage and recovery project.  4/13/2023 Vote taken in committee.  For more information go to:

SB 2397, by Zaffirini, HB 4532, Identical, and SB 2540, Duplicate, Relating to the consideration of modeled sustained groundwater pumping in the adoption of desired future conditions in groundwater conservation districts.  3/23/2023 Referred to Water, Agriculture, & Rural Affairs.  For more information go to:

SB 2540, by Blanco, HB 4532, Identical, and SB 2397, Duplicate, Relating to the consideration of modeled sustained groundwater pumping in the adoption of desired future conditions in groundwater conservation districts.  3/23/2023 Referred to Water, Agriculture, & Rural Affairs.  For more information go to:

Henry M. Wise, P.G.
The Wise Report


The Wise Report
Henry M. Wise, P.G.
April 2, 2023

The Texas Legislature is back in session through May 29, 2023.   I’m currently checking for bills of general interest to geologists in Texas and will be updating this list as things change.   New information is in bold.

HB 57, by Zwiener,  Relating to climate change planning and reporting.  2/23/2023 Referred to Environmental Regulation.  For more information go to:

HB 570, by Raymond,  Relating to a study by the Texas Division of Emergency Management of the potential effects of droughts and wildfires in this state. 3/30/2023 Reported favorably without amendments.  For more information go to:

HB 583, by Raymond, Companion bill SB-382, identical, Relating to the production by the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality of an annual report on public drinking water supply systems. 2/23/2023 Referred to Natural Resources.  For more information go to:

HB 952, by Dulton, Relating to the carcinogenic risk level used in the development of certain environmental remediation benchmarks.  “The commission shall set each carcinogenic risk level used by the commission in the development of a protective concentration level, risk-based exposure limit, or any other remediation standard used in connection with this chapter or a rule adopted under this chapter, including the Texas Risk Reduction Program (30 T.A.C. Chapter 350) or a similar program established by the commission, at a rate not greater than one in one million.” 3/2/2023 Referred to Environmental Regulation.  For more information go to:

HB 1093, by Cunningham, Relating to planning and financial responsibility requirements for certain aggregate production operations; providing for the imposition of an administrative penalty.  “The responsible party must submit to the commission certification of the restoration plan, within the appropriate area or discipline, issued by a licensed engineer or licensed geoscientist. Components of the restoration plan may be  independently certified, as appropriate.”  3/2/2023 Referred to Natural Resources.  For more information go to:

HB 1276, by Hinojosa, Relating to the reduction of methane gas flaring on land dedicated to the permanent university fund.  3/3/2023 Referred to Energy Resources,  For more information go to:

HB 1318, by Darby, Relating to the regulation of brine mining.  Scheduled for public hearing on 4/23/2023.  For more information go to:

HB 1570, by Holland, SB1659, Identical, Relating to the sunset review process and certain governmental entities subject to that process.  “The Texas Board of Professional Geoscientists is subject to Chapter 325, Government  Code (Texas Sunset Act). Unless continued in existence as provided by that chapter, the board is abolished and this chapter expires September 1, 2033 [2025].”  3/29/2023 Left pending in committee.  For more information go to:

HB 1687, by Murr, Relating to the regulation of certain aggregate production operations by the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality; authorizing an increase in the amount of a fee.  3/7/2023 Referred to Environmental Regulation.  For more information go to:

HB 1721, by Raymond, Relating to the regulation of oil and gas waste; imposing a fee.  “An applicant shall submit an additional nonrefundable fee of $200 for a permit to drill, deepen, plug back, or reenter a well for which the applicant proposes to use a reserve pit located at the well site to dispose of oil and gas waste, as defined by Section 91.1011, from the well.”  3/7/2023 Referred to Energy Resources.  For more information go to:

HB 1777, by Darby, SB 786 identical, Relating to the regulation by the Railroad Commission of Texas of closed-loop geothermal injection wells.  “The railroad commission has jurisdiction over closed-loop geothermal injection wells and may issue permits for closed-loop geothermal injection wells, including individual permits, general permits, or permits by rule.”  3/7/2023 Referred to Energy Resources.  For more information go to:

HB 1782, by Hinojosa, Relating to a requirement that an applicant for a permit to drill an oil or gas well submit a gas capture plan for the well.  3/7/2023 Referred to Energy Resources.  For more information go to:

HB 1915, by Zafirini, SB 604, identical, Relating to land services performed by a landman.  3/27/2023 Left pending in committee.  For more information go to:

HB 2443, by Cody Harris, Relating to the authority of certain persons to petition a groundwater conservation district to change certain rules.  3/23/2023 Reported favorably as substituted.  For more information go to:

HB 2941, by Zwiener, Relating to the authority of the Railroad Commission of Texas to require water pollution abatement plans for certain pipelines; creating a criminal offense; providing for the imposition of a civil penalty.  3/28/2023 Left pending in committee.  For more information go to:

HB 3707, by Patterson, SB 624, Identical, Relating to the permitting of renewable energy generation facilities by the Public Utility Commission of Texas; authorizing fees.  “This subchapter applies to a renewable energy generation facility regardless of whether the facility is the subject of a wind power facility agreement or solar power facility agreement entered into under Chapter 301 or 302.  Sec. 35.202.  LEGISLATIVE POLICY AND PURPOSE. The conservation and development of all the natural resources of this state are declared to be public rights and duties. It is also declared that the protection of the wildlife, water, and land of this state against the impacts of renewable energy generation facilities is in the public interest. In the exercise of the police power of this state, it is necessary and desirable to provide additional means so that the installation and removal of renewable energy generation facilities is placed under the authority and direction of the commission.”  3/20/2023 Referred to State Affairs.  For more information go to:

HB 3746, by Goldman, Relating to the repeal of registration and other regulatory provisions applicable to code enforcement officers and sanitarians.  Makes exceptions for geoscientific work performed by non geologists.  3/29/2023 Left pending in committee.  For more information go to:

HB 3839, by Goodwin, Relating to financial security requirements for operators of oil and gas wells.  3/20/2023 Referred to Energy Resources.  For more information go to:

HB 3840, by Goodwin, Relating to the extension of the deadline for plugging certain inactive wells under the jurisdiction of the Railroad Commission of Texas.  3/20/2023 Referred to Energy Resources.  For more information go to:

HB 4047, by Guillen, Relating to a study on uranium deposits in this state.  The TCEQ shall conduct a study on the uranium deposits in this state and how utilizing those deposits could lessen the United States’ reliance on foreign sources of uranium.  The Report shall be submitted o the governor, lieutenant governor, and speaker of the house of representatives by December 1, 2024.  Scheduled for publioc hearing on 4/3/2023.  For more information go to:

HB 4086, by Kuempel, SB 2196 Identical, Relating to the identification and mapping of aggregate production operations by The University of Texas Bureau of Economic Geology.  3/20/2023 Referred to Environmental Regulation.  For more information go to:

HB 4119, by Guillen, Relating to procedural requirements for uranium mining production area authorizations.  Scheduled for public hearing on 4/4/2023.  For more information go to:

HB 4120, by Guillen, Relating to the inspection of the location of a proposed Class I injection well.  “For a proposed Class I injection well, the executive director may satisfy the requirements of Subsection (a) by accepting an inspection report prepared by an engineer or geoscientist licensed in this state.”  Scheduled for public hearing on 4/4/2023.  For more information go to:

HB 4225, by Zweiner, Relating to a study conducted by the Railroad Commission of Texas to determine the net reduction in the amount of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere resulting from the use of carbon capture, utilization, and storage technology.  Scheduled for public hearing on 4/3/2023.  For more information go to:

HB 4532, by Kacal, SB 2397, Identical, and SB 2540, Identical, Relating to the consideration of modeled sustained groundwater pumping in the adoption of desired future conditions in groundwater conservation districts.  3/28/2023 Left pending in committee.  For more information go to:

HB 5279, by Wilson, Relating to a prohibition on interbasin transfers of state water.  3/24/2023 Referred to Natural Resources.  For more information go to:

HJR 119, by Goodwin, Proposing a constitutional amendment guaranteeing the right to a clean and healthy environment.  “(a) The public, individually and collectively, has the right to a clean and healthy environment, including clean water, clean air, healthy soil, and diverse and abundant native flora and fauna, and to the preservation of the natural, cultural,scenic, recreational, and healthful qualities of the environment.  The right to a clean and healthy environment is inherent, inalienable, indefeasible, and equal with other protected inalienable rights of liberty reserved to the public. The state shall equitably protect this right for the public and may not take any action to infringe on this right.

“  (b)  The public natural resources of this state are the common property of all persons, including future generations.  The state, including the legislative, judicial, and executive branches and each state agency and political subdivision, shall conserve, protect, and maintain the state’s public natural resources for the benefit of the public, including future generations.”  3/13/2023 Referred to Natural Resources.  For more information go to:

HJR 142, by Talarico, Proposing a constitutional amendment guaranteeing the right to a clean, healthy, and sustainable environment.  “(a) The public, individually and collectively, has the right to a clean, healthy, and sustainable environment , including access to clean air, clean water, and an environment generally favorable to each person’s well-being.

(b)  The legislature shall enact laws to combat climate change and improve this state’s resilience to climate change by systematically reducing greenhouse gas emissions.”  3/15/2023 Referred to Natural Resources.  For more information go to:


SB 257, by Eckhardt, Relating to the reduction of methane gas flaring on land dedicated to the permanent university fund.  Prohibits routine methane flaring, operators must adhere to the USEPA’s new source performance standards for methane emissions, implement quarterly inspections, etc.  2/15/2023 Referred to Natural Resources & Economic Development. For more information go to:

SB 382, by Zafirini, Companion Bill HB 583, Identical,  Relating to the production by the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality of an annual report on public drinking water supply systems.  2/15/2023 Referret to Water, Agriculture, & Rural Affairs.  For more information go to:

SB 519, by Zaffirini, Relating to the issuance of a permit for a municipal solid waste landfill facility located in a special flood hazard area.  2/17/2023 Referrecd to Natural Resources & Economic Development.  For more information go to:

SB 604, by Zafirini, HB 1915, identical, Relating to land services performed by a landman.  3/29/2023 Vote taken in committee.  For more information go to:

SB 624, by Kolkhorst and Middleton, HB 3707, Identical, Relating Relating to the permitting of renewable energy generation facilities by the Public Utility Commission of Texas; authorizing fees.  “This subchapter applies to a renewable energy generation facility regardless of whether the facility is the subject of a wind power facility agreement or solar power facility agreement entered into under Chapter 301 or 302.

“Sec. 35.202.  LEGISLATIVE POLICY AND PURPOSE. The conservation and development of all the natural resources of this state are declared to be public rights and duties. It is also declared that the protection of the wildlife, water, and land of this state against the impacts of renewable energy generation facilities is in the public interest. In the exercise of the police power of this state, it is necessary and desirable to provide additional means so that the installation and removal of renewable energy generation facilities is placed under the authority and direction of the commission.”  3/28/2023 Left pending in committee.  For more information go to:

SB 786, HB 1777 identical, by Birdwell, Relating to the regulation by the Railroad Commission of Texas of closed-loop geothermal injection wells.  “The railroad commission has jurisdiction over closed-loop geothermal injection wells and may issue permits for closed-loop geothermal injection wells, including individual permits, general permits, or permits by rule.”  3/29/2023 Left pending in committee.  Referred to Natural resources & Economic Development  For more information go to:

SB 788, by Eckhardt, Alvarado, Gutierrez, LaMantia, and Miles, Relating to the creation of the Office of Environmental Justice within the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality. 3/1/2023 Referred to Natural Resourcew & Economic Development.  For more information go to:

SB 1186, by Hughs, Relating to the regulation by the Railroad Commission of Texas of brine mining.  3/29/2023 Left pending in committee.  For more information go to:

SB 1659, by Schwertner, HB 1570, Identical, Relating to the sunset review process and certain governmental entities subject to that process.  “APPLICATION OF SUNSET ACT. The Texas Board of Professional Geoscientists is subject to Chapter 325, Government Code (Texas Sunset Act). Unless continued in existence as provided by that chapter, the board is abolished and this chapter expires September 1, 2033 [2025].”  Scheduled for public hearing on 4/4/2023.  For more information go to:

SB 2196, by Hancock, HB 4086 Identical, Relating to the identification and mapping of aggregate production operations by The University of Texas Bureau of Economic Geology.  Scheduled for public hearing on 4/5/2023.  For more information go to:

SB 2213, by Blanco, Relating to establishing and funding a grant program to plug leaking water wells in certain counties.  3/22/2023 Referred to Finance.  For more information go to:

SB 2291, by Zaffirini, Relating to the plugging of abandoned or deteriorated water wells; authorizing a fee.  3/22/2023 Referred to Water, Agriculture, & Rural Affairs.  For more information go to:

SB 2379, by Schwertner, Relating to the definition of the Edwards Aquifer for the purposes of an aquifer storage and recovery project.  3/23/2023 Referred to Water, Agriculture, & Rural Affairs.  For more information go to:

SB 2397, by Zaffirini, HB 4532, Identical, and SB 2540, Duplicate, Relating to the consideration of modeled sustained groundwater pumping in the adoption of desired future conditions in groundwater conservation districts.  3/23/2023 Referred to Water, Agriculture, & Rural Affairs.  For more information go to:

SB 2540, by Blanco, HB 4532, Identical, and SB 2397, Duplicate, Relating to the consideration of modeled sustained groundwater pumping in the adoption of desired future conditions in groundwater conservation districts.  3/23/2023 Referred to Water, Agriculture, & Rural Affairs.  For more information go to:

Henry M. Wise, P.G.
The Wise Report


The Wise Report
Henry M. Wise, P.G.
March 27, 2023

The Texas Legislature is back in session through May 29, 2023.   I’m currently checking for bills of general interest to geologists in Texas and will be updating this list as things change.   New information is in bold.


HB 57, by Zwiener,  Relating to climate change planning and reporting.  2/23/2023 Referred to Environmental Regulation.  For more information go to:

HB 570, by Raymond,  Relating to a study by the Texas Division of Emergency Management of the potential effects of droughts and wildfires in this state. Scheduled for Public hearing on 3/28/2023.  For more information go to:

HB 583, by Raymond, Companion bill SB-382, identical, Relating to the production by the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality of an annual report on public drinking water supply systems. 2/23/2023 Referred to Natural Resources.  For more information go to:

HB 952, by Dulton, Relating to the carcinogenic risk level used in the development of certain environmental remediation benchmarks.  “The commission shall set each carcinogenic risk level used by the commission in the development of a protective concentration level, risk-based exposure limit, or any other remediation standard used in connection with this chapter or a rule adopted under this chapter, including the Texas Risk Reduction Program (30 T.A.C. Chapter 350) or a similar program established by the commission, at a rate not greater than one in one million.” 3/2/2023 Referred to Environmental Regulation.  For more information go to:

HB 1093, by Cunningham, Relating to planning and financial responsibility requirements for certain aggregate production operations; providing for the imposition of an administrative penalty.  “The responsible party must submit to the commission certification of the restoration plan, within the appropriate area or discipline, issued by a licensed engineer or licensed geoscientist. Components of the restoration plan may be  independently certified, as appropriate.”  3/2/2023 Referred to Natural Resources.  For more information go to:

HB 1276, by Hinojosa, Relating to the reduction of methane gas flaring on land dedicated to the permanent university fund.  3/3/2023 Referred to Energy Resources,  For more information go to:

HB 1318, by Darby, Relating to the regulation of brine mining.  3/27/2023 Withdrawn from schedule.  For more information go to:

HB 1570, by Holland, SB1659, Identical, Relating to the sunset review process and certain governmental entities subject to that process.  “The Texas Board of Professional Geoscientists is subject to Chapter 325, Government  Code (Texas Sunset Act). Unless continued in existence as provided by that chapter, the board is abolished and this chapter expires September 1, 2033 [2025].”  Scheduled for Public hearing on 3/29/2023.  For more information go to:

HB 1687, by Murr, Relating to the regulation of certain aggregate production operations by the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality; authorizing an increase in the amount of a fee.  3/7/2023 Referred to Environmental Regulation.  For more information go to:

HB 1721, by Raymond, Relating to the regulation of oil and gas waste; imposing a fee.  “An applicant shall submit an additional nonrefundable fee of $200 for a permit to drill, deepen, plug back, or reenter a well for which the applicant proposes to use a reserve pit located at the well site to dispose of oil and gas waste, as defined by Section 91.1011, from the well.”  3/7/2023 Referred to Energy Resources.  For more information go to:

HB 1777, by Darby, SB 786 identical, Relating to the regulation by the Railroad Commission of Texas of closed-loop geothermal injection wells.  “The railroad commission has jurisdiction over closed-loop geothermal injection wells and may issue permits for closed-loop geothermal injection wells, including individual permits, general permits, or permits by rule.”  3/7/2023 Referred to Energy Resources.  For more information go to:

HB 1782, by Hinojosa, Relating to a requirement that an applicant for a permit to drill an oil or gas well submit a gas capture plan for the well.  3/7/2023 Referred to Energy Resources.  For more information go to:

HB 1915, by Zafirini, SB 604, identical, Relating to land services performed by a landman.  Scheduled for public hearing on 3/27/2023.  For more information go to:

HB 2443, by Cody Harris, Relating to the authority of certain persons to petition a groundwater conservation district to change certain rules.  3/23/2023 Reported favorably as substituted.  For more information go to:

HB 2941, by Zwiener, Relating to the authority of the Railroad Commission of Texas to require water pollution abatement plans for certain pipelines; creating a criminal offense; providing for the imposition of a civil penalty.  Scheduled for Public hearing on 3/28/2023.  For more information go to:

HB 3707, by Patterson, SB 624, Identical, Relating to the permitting of renewable energy generation facilities by the Public Utility Commission of Texas; authorizing fees.  “This subchapter applies to a renewable energy generation facility regardless of whether the facility is the subject of a wind power facility agreement or solar power facility agreement entered into under Chapter 301 or 302.
Sec. 35.202.  LEGISLATIVE POLICY AND PURPOSE. The conservation and development of all the natural resources of this state are declared to be public rights and duties. It is also declared that the protection of the wildlife, water, and land of this state against the impacts of renewable energy generation facilities is in the public interest. In the exercise of the police power of this state, it is necessary and desirable to provide additional means so that the installation and removal of renewable energy generation facilities is placed under the authority and direction of the commission.”  3/20/2023 Referred to State Affairs.  For more information go to:

HB 3746, by Goldman, Relating to the repeal of registration and other regulatory provisions applicable to code enforcement officers and sanitarians.  Makes exceptions for geoscientific work performed by non geologists.  Scheduled for public hearing on 3/29/2023.  For more information go to:

HB 3839, by Goodwin, Relating to financial security requirements for operators of oil and gas wells.  3/20/2023 Referred to Energy Resources.  For more information go to:

HB 3840, by Goodwin, Relating to the extension of the deadline for plugging certain inactive wells under the jurisdiction of the Railroad Commission of Texas.  3/20/2023 Referred to Energy Resources.  For more information go to:

HB 4047, by Guillen, Relating to a study on uranium deposits in this state.  The TCEQ shall conduct a study on the uranium deposits in this state and how utilizing those deposits could lessen the United States’ reliance on foreign sources of uranium.  The Report shall be submitted o the governor, lieutenant governor, and speaker of the house of representatives by December 1, 2024.  3/20/2023 Referred to Energy Resources.  For more information go to:

HB 4086, by Kuempel, SB 2196 Identical, Relating to the identification and mapping of aggregate production operations by The University of Texas Bureau of Economic Geology.  3/20/2023 Referred to Environmental Regulation.  For more information go to:

HB 4119, by Guillen, Relating to procedural requirements for uranium mining production area authorizations.  3/21/2023 Referred to Natural Resources.  For more information go to:

HB 4120, by Guillen, Relating to the inspection of the location of a proposed Class I injection well.  “For a proposed Class I injection well, the executive director may satisfy the requirements of Subsection (a) by accepting an inspection report prepared by an engineer or geoscientist licensed in this state.”  3/21/2023 Referred to Natural Resources.  For more information go to:

HB 4225, by Zweiner, Relating to a study conducted by the Railroad Commission of Texas to determine the net reduction in the amount of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere resulting from the use of carbon capture, utilization, and storage technology.  3/21/2023 Referred to Energy Resources.  For more information go to:

HB 4532, by Kacal, SB 2397, Identical, and SB 2540, Identical, Relating to the consideration of modeled sustained groundwater pumping in the adoption of desired future conditions in groundwater conservation districts.  Scheduled for public hearing on 3/28/2023.  For more information go to:

HB 5279, by Wilson, Relating to a prohibition on interbasin transfers of state water.  3/24/2023 Referred to Natural Resources.  For more information go to:

HJR 119, by Goodwin, Proposing a constitutional amendment guaranteeing the right to a clean and healthy environment.  “(a) The public, individually and collectively, has the right to a clean and healthy environment, including clean water, clean air, healthy soil, and diverse and abundant native flora and fauna, and to the preservation of the natural, cultural,scenic, recreational, and healthful qualities of the environment.  The right to a clean and healthy environment is inherent, inalienable, indefeasible, and equal with other protected inalienable rights of liberty reserved to the public. The state shall equitably protect this right for the public and may not take any action to infringe on this right.

“  (b)  The public natural resources of this state are the common property of all persons, including future generations.  The state, including the legislative, judicial, and executive branches and each state agency and political subdivision, shall conserve, protect, and maintain the state’s public natural resources for the benefit of the public, including future generations.”  3/13/2023 Referred to Natural Resources.  For more information go to:

HJR 142, by Talarico, Proposing a constitutional amendment guaranteeing the right to a clean, healthy, and sustainable environment.  “(a) The public, individually and collectively, has the right to a clean, healthy, and sustainable environment , including access to clean air, clean water, and an environment generally favorable to each person’s well-being.

(b)  The legislature shall enact laws to combat climate change and improve this state’s resilience to climate change by systematically reducing greenhouse gas emissions.”  3/15/2023 Referred to Natural Resources.  For more information go to:


SB 257, by Eckhardt, Relating to the reduction of methane gas flaring on land dedicated to the permanent university fund.  Prohibits routine methane flaring, operators must adhere to the USEPA’s new source performance standards for methane emissions, implement quarterly inspections, etc.  2/15/2023 Referred to Natural Resources & Economic Development. For more information go to:

SB 382, by Zafirini, Companion Bill HB 583, Identical,  Relating to the production by the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality of an annual report on public drinking water supply systems.  2/15/2023 Referret to Water, Agriculture, & Rural Affairs.  For more information go to:

SB 519, by Zaffirini, Relating to the issuance of a permit for a municipal solid waste landfill facility located in a special flood hazard area.  2/17/2023 Referrecd to Natural Resources & Economic Development.  For more information go to:

SB 604, by Zafirini, HB 1915, identical, Relating to land services performed by a landman.  3/22/2023 Left pending in committee.  For more information go to:

SB 624, by Kolkhorst and Middleton, HB 3707, Identical, Relating Relating to the permitting of renewable energy generation facilities by the Public Utility Commission of Texas; authorizing fees.  “This subchapter applies to a renewable energy generation facility regardless of whether the facility is the subject of a wind power facility agreement or solar power facility agreement entered into under Chapter 301 or 302.

“Sec. 35.202.  LEGISLATIVE POLICY AND PURPOSE. The conservation and development of all the natural resources of this state are declared to be public rights and duties. It is also declared that the protection of the wildlife, water, and land of this state against the impacts of renewable energy generation facilities is in the public interest. In the exercise of the police power of this state, it is necessary and desirable to provide additional means so that the installation and removal of renewable energy generation facilities is placed under the authority and direction of the commission.”  Scheduled for public hearing on 3/28/2023.  For more information go to:

SB 786, HB 1777 identical, by Birdwell, Relating to the regulation by the Railroad Commission of Texas of closed-loop geothermal injection wells.  “The railroad commission has jurisdiction over closed-loop geothermal injection wells and may issue permits for closed-loop geothermal injection wells, including individual permits, general permits, or permits by rule.”  Scheduled for public hearing on 3/29/2023.  Referred to Natural resources & Economic Development  For more information go to:

SB 788, by Eckhardt, Alvarado, Gutierrez, LaMantia, and Miles, Relating to the creation of the Office of Environmental Justice within the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality. 3/1/2023 Referred to Natural Resourcew & Economic Development.  For more information go to:

SB 1186, by Hughs, Relating to the regulation by the Railroad Commission of Texas of brine mining.  Scheduled for public hearing on 3/29/2023.  For more information go to:

SB 1659, by Schwertner, HB 1570, Identical, Relating to the sunset review process and certain governmental entities subject to that process.  “APPLICATION OF SUNSET ACT. The Texas Board of Professional Geoscientists is subject to Chapter 325, Government Code (Texas Sunset Act). Unless continued in existence as provided by that chapter, the board is abolished and this chapter expires September 1, 2033 [2025].”  3/16/2023 Referred to Business & Commerce.  For more information go to:

SB 2196, by Hancock, HB 4086 Identical, Relating to the identification and mapping of aggregate production operations by The University of Texas Bureau of Economic Geology.  3/22/2023 Referred to Natural Resources & Economic Development.  For more information go to:

SB 2213, by Blanco, Relating to establishing and funding a grant program to plug leaking water wells in certain counties.  3/22/2023 Referred to Finance.  For more information go to:

SB 2291, by Zaffirini, Relating to the plugging of abandoned or deteriorated water wells; authorizing a fee.  3/22/2023 Referred to Water, Agriculture, & Rural Affairs.  For more information go to:

SB 2379, by Schwertner, Relating to the definition of the Edwards Aquifer for the purposes of an aquifer storage and recovery project.  3/23/2023 Referred to Water, Agriculture, & Rural Affairs.  For more information go to:

SB 2397, by Zaffirini, HB 4532, Identical, and SB 2540, Duplicate, Relating to the consideration of modeled sustained groundwater pumping in the adoption of desired future conditions in groundwater conservation districts.  3/23/2023 Referred to Water, Agriculture, & Rural Affairs.  For more information go to:

SB 2540, by Blanco, HB 4532, Identical, and SB 2397, Duplicate, Relating to the consideration of modeled sustained groundwater pumping in the adoption of desired future conditions in groundwater conservation districts.  3/23/2023 Referred to Water, Agriculture, & Rural Affairs.  For more information go to:

Henry M. Wise, P.G.
The Wise Report





The Wise Report
Henry M. Wise, P.G., CPG
March 12, 2023

The Texas Commission on Environmental Quality had updated the Texas Risk Reduciton Program (RTTP) Tier 1 Protective Concencentration Leels (PCLs).  They can be found at:


The Texas Legislature is back in session through May 29, 2023.   I’m currently checking for bills of general interest to geologists in Texas and will be updating this list as things change.   New information is in bold.

HB 57, by Zwiener,  Relating to climate change planning and reporting.  2/23/2023 Referred to Environmental Regulation.  For more information go to:

HB 570, by Raymond,  Relating to a study by the Texas Division of Emergency Management of the potential effects of droughts and wildfires in this state. 2/23/2023 Referred to Homeland Security & Public Safety.  For more information go to:

HB 583, by Raymond, Companion bill SB-382, identical, Relating to the production by the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality of an annual report on public drinking water supply systems. 2/23/2023 Referred to Natural Resources.  For more information go to:

HB 952, by Dulton, Relating to the carcinogenic risk level used in the development of certain environmental remediation benchmarks.  “The commission shall set each carcinogenic risk level used by the commission in the development of a protective concentration level, risk-based exposure limit, or any other remediation standard used in connection with this chapter or a rule adopted under this chapter, including the Texas Risk Reduction Program (30 T.A.C. Chapter 350) or a similar program established by the commission, at a rate not greater than one in one million.” 3/2/2023 Referred to Environmental Regulation.  For more information go to:

HB 1093, by Cunningham, Relating to planning and financial responsibility requirements for certain aggregate production operations; providing for the imposition of an administrative penalty.  “The responsible party must submit to the commission certification of the restoration plan, within the appropriate area or discipline, issued by a licensed engineer or licensed geoscientist. Components of the restoration plan may be  independently certified, as appropriate.”  3/2/2023 Referred to Natural Resources.  For more information go to:

HB 1276, by Hinojosa, Relating to the reduction of methane gas flaring on land dedicated to the permanent university fund.  3/3/2023 Referred to Energy Resources,  For more information go to:

HB 1318, by Darby, Relating to the regulation of brine mining.  3/3/2023 Referred to Energy Resources.  For more information go to:

HB 1570, by Holland, SB1659, Identical, Relating to the sunset review process and certain governmental entities subject to that process.  “The Texas Board of Professional Geoscientists is subject to Chapter 325, Government  Code (Texas Sunset Act). Unless continued in existence as provided by that chapter, the board is abolished and this chapter expires September 1, 2033 [2025].”  3/9/2023 Referred to State Affairs.  For more information go to:

HB 1687, by Murr, Relating to the regulation of certain aggregate production operations by the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality; authorizing an increase in the amount of a fee.  Filed 1/26/2023.  For more information go to:

HB 1721, by Raymond, Relating to the regulation of oil and gas waste; imposing a fee.  “An applicant shall submit an additional nonrefundable fee of $200 for a permit to drill, deepen, plug back, or reenter a well for which the applicant proposes to use a reserve pit located at the well site to dispose of oil and gas waste, as defined by Section 91.1011, from the well.”  3/7/2023 Referred to Energy Resources.  For more information go to:

HB 1777, by Darby, SB 786 identical, Relating to the regulation by the Railroad Commission of Texas of closed-loop geothermal injection wells.  “The railroad commission has jurisdiction over closed-loop geothermal injection wells and may issue permits for closed-loop geothermal injection wells, including individual permits, general permits, or permits by rule.”  3/7/2023 Referred to Energy Resources.  For more information go to:

HB 1782, by Hinojosa, Relating to a requirement that an applicant for a permit to drill an oil or gas well submit a gas capture plan for the well.  3/7/2023 Referred to Energy Resources.  For more information go to:

HB 1915, by Zafirini, SB 604, identical, Relating to land services performed by a landman.  3/8/2023 Referred to Energy Resources.  For more information go to:

HB 2443, by Cody Harris, Relating to the authority of certain persons to petition a groundwater conservation district to change certain rules.  Filed 2/17/2023.  For more information go to:

HB 2941, by Zwiener, Relating to the authority of the Railroad Commission of Texas to require water pollution abatement plans for certain pipelines; creating a criminal offense; providing for the imposition of a civil penalty.  Filed 3/9/2023.  For more information go to:

HB 3707, by Patterson, SB 624, Identical, Relating to the permitting of renewable energy generation facilities by the Public Utility Commission of Texas; authorizing fees.  “This subchapter applies to a renewable energy generation facility regardless of whether the facility is the subject of a wind power facility agreement or solar power facility agreement entered into under Chapter 301 or 302.  Sec. 35.202.  LEGISLATIVE POLICY AND PURPOSE. The conservation and development of all the natural resources of this state are declared to be public rights and duties. It is also declared that the protection of the wildlife, water, and land of this state against the impacts of renewable energy generation facilities is in the public interest. In the exercise of the police power of this state, it is necessary and desirable to provide additional means so that the installation and removal of renewable energy generation facilities is placed under the authority and direction of the commission.”Filed 3/6/2023.  For more information go to:

HB 3746, by Goldman, Relating to the repeal of registration and other regulatory provisions applicable to code enforcement officers and sanitarians.  Makes exceptions for geoscientific work performed by non geologists.  Filed 3/7/2023.  For more information go to:

HB 3839, by Goodwin, Relating to financial security requirements for operators of oil and gas wells.  Filed 3/7/2023.  For more information go to:

HB 3840, by Goodwin, Relating to the extension of the deadline for plugging certain inactive wells under the jurisdiction of the Railroad Commission of Texas.  Filed 3/7/2023.  For more information go to:

HB 4047, by Guillen, Relating to a study on uranium deposits in this state.  The TCEQ shall conduct a study on the uranium deposits in this state and how utilizing those deposits could lessen the United States’ reliance on foreign sources of uranium.  The Report shall be submitted o the governor, lieutenant governor, and speaker of the house of representatives by December 1, 2024.  Filed 3/8/2023.  For more information go to:

HB 4086, by Kuempel, SB 2196 Identical, Relating to the identification and mapping of aggregate production operations by The University of Texas Bureau of Economic Geology.  Filed 3/8/2023.  For more information go to:

HB 4119, by Guillen, Relating to procedural requirements for uranium mining production area authorizations.  Filed 3/8/2023.  For more information go to:

HB 4120, by Guillen, Relating to the inspection of the location of a proposed Class I injection well.  “For a proposed Class I injection well, the executive director may satisfy the requirements of Subsection (a) by accepting an inspection report prepared by an engineer or geoscientist licensed in this state.”  Filed 3/8/2023.  For more information go to:

HB 4225, by Zweiner, Relating to a study conducted by the Railroad Commission of Texas to determine the net reduction in the amount of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere resulting from the use of carbon capture, utilization, and storage technology.  Filed 3/8/2023.  For more information go to:

HB 5279, by Wilson, Relating to a prohibition on interbasin transfers of state water.  Filed 3/10/2023.  For more information go to:

HJR 119, by Goodwin, Proposing a constitutional amendment guaranteeing the right to a clean and healthy environment.  “(a) The public, individually and collectively, has the right to a clean and healthy environment, including clean water, clean air, healthy soil, and diverse and abundant native flora and fauna, and to the preservation of the natural, cultural,scenic, recreational, and healthful qualities of the environment.  The right to a clean and healthy environment is inherent, inalienable, indefeasible, and equal with other protected inalienable rights of liberty reserved to the public. The state shall equitably protect this right for the public and may not take any action to infringe on this right.

“  (b)  The public natural resources of this state are the common property of all persons, including future generations.  The state, including the legislative, judicial, and executive branches and each state agency and political subdivision, shall conserve, protect, and maintain the state’s public natural resources for the benefit of the public, including future generations.”  Filed 2/21/2023.  For more information go to:

 HJR 142, by Talarico, Proposing a constitutional amendment guaranteeing the right to a clean, healthy, and sustainable environment.  “(a) The public, individually and collectively, has the right to a clean, healthy, and sustainable Previous HitenvironmentNext Hit , including access to clean air, clean water, and an Previous HitenvironmentNext Hit generally favorable to each person’s well-being.

(b)  The legislature shall enact laws to combat climate

 change and improve this state’s resilience to climate change by systematically reducing greenhouse gas emissions.”  Filed 3/2/2023.  For more information go to:

Texas Senate Bills

SB 257, by Eckhardt, Relating to the reduction of methane gas flaring on land dedicated to the permanent university fund.  Prohibits routine methane flaring, operators must adhere to the USEPA’s new source performance standards for methane emissions, implement quarterly inspections, etc.  2/15/2023 Referred to Natural Resources & Economic Development. For more information go to:

SB 382, by Zafirini, Companion Bill HB 583, Identical,  Relating to the production by the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality of an annual report on public drinking water supply systems.  2/15/2023 Referret to Water, Agriculture, & Rural Affairs.  For more information go to:

SB 519, by Zaffirini, Relating to the issuance of a permit for a municipal solid waste landfill facility located in a special flood hazard area.  2/17/2023 Referrecd to Natural Resources & Economic Development.  For more information go to:

SB 604, by Zafirini, HB 1915, identical, Relating to land services performed by a landman.  2/17/2023 Referred to Natural Resources & Economic Development.  For more information go to:

SB 624, by Kolkhorst and Middleton, Relating Relating to the permitting of renewable energy generation facilities by the Public Utility Commission of Texas; authorizing fees.  “This subchapter applies to a renewable energy generation facility regardless of whether the facility is the subject of a wind power facility agreement or solar power facility agreement entered into under Chapter 301 or 302.

“Sec. 35.202.  LEGISLATIVE POLICY AND PURPOSE. The conservation and development of all the natural resources of this state are declared to be public rights and duties. It is also declared that the protection of the wildlife, water, and land of this state against the impacts of renewable energy generation facilities is in the public interest. In the exercise of the police power of this state, it is necessary and desirable to provide additional means so that the installation and removal of renewable energy generation facilities is placed under the authority and direction of the commission.”  2/17/2023 Referred to Business & Commerce.  For more information go to:

SB 786, HB 1777 identical, by Birdwell, Relating to the regulation by the Railroad Commission of Texas of closed-loop geothermal injection wells.  “The railroad commission has jurisdiction over closed-loop geothermal injection wells and may issue permits for closed-loop geothermal injection wells, including individual permits, general permits, or permits by rule.”  Filed 3/1/2023.  Referred to Natural resources & Economic Development  For more information go to:

SB 788, by Eckhardt, Alvarado, Gutierrez, LaMantia, and Miles, Relating to the creation of the Office of Environmental Justice within the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality. 3/1/2023 Referred to Natural Resourcew & Economic Development.  For more information go to:

SB 1186, by Hughs, Relating to the regulation by the Railroad Commission of Texas of brine mining.  3/9/2023 Referred to Natural Resources & Economic Development.  For more information go to:

SB 1659, by Schwertner, Relating to the sunset review process and certain governmental entities subject to that process.  “APPLICATION OF SUNSET ACT. The Texas Board of Professional Geoscientists is subject to Chapter 325, Government Code (Texas Sunset Act). Unless continued in existence as provided by that chapter, the board is abolished and this chapter expires September 1, 2033 [2025].”  Filed 3/9/2023.  For more information go to:

 SB 2196, by Hancock, HB 4086 Identical, Relating to the identification and mapping of aggregate production operations by The University of Texas Bureau of Economic Geology.  Filed 3/9/2023.  For more information go to:

 SB 2213, by Blanco, Relating to establishing and funding a grant program to plug leaking water wells in certain counties.  Filed 3/10/2023.  For more information go to:

 SB 2291, by Zaffirini, Relating to the plugging of abandoned or deteriorated water wells; authorizing a fee.  Filed 3/9/2023.  For more information go to:

 SB 2379, by Schwertner, Relating to the definition of the Edwards Aquifer for the purposes of an aquifer storage and recovery project.  Filed 3/10/2023.  For more information go to:

 SB 2397, by Zaffirini, HB 4532, Identical, and SB 2540, Duplicate, Relating to the consideration of modeled sustained groundwater pumping in the adoption of desired future conditions in groundwater conservation districts.  Filed 3/10/2023.  For more information go to:

 SB 2540, by Blanco, HB 4532, Identical, and SB 2397, Duplicate, Relating to the consideration of modeled sustained groundwater pumping in the adoption of desired future conditions in groundwater conservation districts.  Filed 3/10/2023.  For more information go to:


Henry M. Wise, P.G., CPG
The Wise Report


The Wise Report
Henry M. Wise, P.G.
February 25, 2023

The Texas Legislature is back in session through May 29, 2023.   I’m currently checking for bills of general interest to geologists in Texas and will be updating this list as things change.   New information is in bold.

Texas House Bills

HB 57, by Zwiener,  Relating to climate change planning and reporting.  2/23/2023 Referred to Environmental Regulation.  For more information go to:

HB 570, by Raymond,  Relating to a study by the Texas Division of Emergency Management of the potential effects of droughts and wildfires in this state. 2/23/2023 Referred to Homeland Security & Public Safety.  For more information go to:

HB 583, by Raymond, Companion bill SB-382, identical, Relating to the production by the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality of an annual report on public drinking water supply systems. 2/23/2023 Referred to Natural Resources.  For more information go to:

HB 952, by Dulton, Relating to the carcinogenic risk level used in the development of certain environmental remediation benchmarks.  “The commission shall set each carcinogenic risk level used by the commission in the development of a protective concentration level, risk-based exposure limit, or any other remediation standard used in connection with this chapter or a rule adopted under this chapter, including the Texas Risk Reduction Program (30 T.A.C. Chapter 350) or a similar program established by the commission, at a rate not greater than one in one million.” Filed 12/8/2022.  For more information go to:

HB 1093, by Cunningham, Relating to planning and financial responsibility requirements for certain aggregate production operations; providing for the imposition of an administrative penalty.  “The responsible party must submit to the commission certification of the restoration plan, within the appropriate area or discipline, issued by a licensed engineer or licensed geoscientist. Components of the restoration plan may be  independently certified, as appropriate.”  Filed 12/21/2022.  For more information go to:

HB 1276, by Hinojosa, Relating to the reduction of methane gas flaring on land dedicated to the permanent university fund.  Filed 1/11/2023,  For more information go to:

HB 1318, by Darby, Relating to the regulation of brine mining.  Filed 1/12/2023.  For more information go to:

HB 1687, by Murr, Relating to the regulation of certain aggregate production operations by the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality; authorizing an increase in the amount of a fee.  Filed 1/26/2023.  For more information go to:

HB 1721, by Raymond, Relating to the regulation of oil and gas waste; imposing a fee.  “An applicant shall submit an additional nonrefundable fee of $200 for a permit to drill, deepen, plug back, or reenter a well for which the applicant proposes to use a reserve pit located at the well site to dispose of oil and gas waste, as defined by Section 91.1011, from the well.”  Filed 1/26/2023.  For more information go to:

HB 1777, by Darby, SB 786 identical, Relating to the regulation by the Railroad Commission of Texas of closed-loop geothermal injection wells.  “The railroad commission has jurisdiction over closed-loop geothermal injection wells and may issue permits for closed-loop geothermal injection wells, including individual permits, general permits, or permits by rule.”  Filed 1/27/2023.  For more information go to:

HB 1782, by Hinojosa, Relating to a requirement that an applicant for a permit to drill an oil or gas well submit a gas capture plan for the well.  Filed 1/27/2023.  For more information go to:

HB 1915, by Zafirini, SB 604, identical, Relating to land services performed by a landman.  Filed 1/25/2023.  For more information go to:

HB 2443, by Cody Harris, Relating to the authority of certain persons to petition a groundwater conservation district to change certain rules.  Filed 2/17/2023.  For more information go to:

HJR 119, by Goodwin, Proposing a constitutional amendment guaranteeing the right to a clean and healthy environment.  “(a) The public, individually and collectively, has the right to a clean and healthy environment, including clean water, clean air, healthy soil, and diverse and abundant native flora and fauna, and to the preservation of the natural, cultural,scenic, recreational, and healthful qualities of the environment.  The right to a clean and healthy environment is inherent, inalienable, indefeasible, and equal with other protected inalienable rights of liberty reserved to the public. The state shall equitably protect this right for the public and may not take any action to infringe on this right.

“  (b)  The public natural resources of this state are the common property of all persons, including future generations.  The state, including the legislative, judicial, and executive branches and each state agency and political subdivision, shall conserve, protect, and maintain the state’s public natural resources for the benefit of the public, including future generations.”  Filed 2/21/2023.  For more information go to:

Texas Senate Bills

SB 257, by Eckhardt, Relating to the reduction of methane gas flaring on land dedicated to the permanent university fund.  Prohibits routine methane flaring, operators must adhere to the USEPA’s new source performance standards for methane emissions, implement quarterly inspections, etc.  2/15/2023 Referred to Natural Resources & Economic Development. For more information go to:

SB 382, by Zafirini, Companion Bill HB 583, Identical,  Relating to the production by the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality of an annual report on public drinking water supply systems.  2/15/2023 Referret to Water, Agriculture, & Rural Affairs.  For more information go to:

SB 519, by Zaffirini, Relating to the issuance of a permit for a municipal solid waste landfill facility located in a special flood hazard area.  2/17/2023 Referrecd to Natural Resources & Economic Development.  For more information go to:

SB 604, by Zafirini, HB 1915, identical, Relating to land services performed by a landman.  2/17/2023 Referred to Natural Resources & Economic Development.  For more information go to:

SB 624, by Kolkhorst and Middleton, Relating Relating to the permitting of renewable energy generation facilities by the Public Utility Commission of Texas; authorizing fees.  “This subchapter applies to a renewable energy generation facility regardless of whether the facility is the subject of a wind power facility agreement or solar power facility agreement entered into under Chapter 301 or 302.

“Sec. 35.202.  LEGISLATIVE POLICY AND PURPOSE. The conservation and development of all the natural resources of this state are declared to be public rights and duties. It is also declared that the protection of the wildlife, water, and land of this state against the impacts of renewable energy generation facilities is in the public interest. In the exercise of the police power of this state, it is necessary and desirable to provide additional means so that the installation and removal of renewable energy generation facilities is placed under the authority and direction of the commission.”  2/17/2023 Referred to Business & Commerce.  For more information go to:

SB 786, HB 1777 identical, by Birdwell, Relating to the regulation by the Railroad Commission of Texas of closed-loop geothermal injection wells.  “The railroad commission has jurisdiction over closed-loop geothermal injection wells and may issue permits for closed-loop geothermal injection wells, including individual permits, general permits, or permits by rule.”  Filed 2/8/2023.  For more information go to:

SB 788, by Eckhardt, Alvarado, Gutierrez, LaMantia, and Miles, Relating to the creation of the Office of Environmental Justice within the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality. Filed 2/8/2023.  For more information go to:

SB 1186, by Hughs, Relating to the regulation by the Railroad Commission of Texas of brine mining.  Filed 2/24/2023.  For more information go to:

Henry M. Wise, P.G.
The Wise Report


The Wise Report
Henry M. Wise, P.G.
February 17, 2023

The Texas Legislature is back in session through May 29, 2023.   I’m currently checking for bills of general interest to geologists in Texas and will be updating this list as things change.   New information is in bold.

HB 57, by Zwiener,  Relating to climate change planning and reporting.  Filed 11/23/2022.  For more information go to:

HB 570, by Raymond,  Relating to a study by the Texas Division of Emergency Management of the potential effects of droughts and wildfires in this state. Filed 11/14/2022.  For more information go to:

HB 583, by Raymond, Companion bill SB-382, identical, Relating to the production by the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality of an annual report on public drinking water supply systems. Filed 11/14/2022. For more information go to:

HB 952, by Dulton, Relating to the carcinogenic risk level used in the development of certain environmental remediation benchmarks.  “The commission shall set each carcinogenic risk level used by the commission in the development of a protective concentration level, risk-based exposure limit, or any other remediation standard used in connection with this chapter or a rule adopted under this chapter, including the Texas Risk Reduction Program (30 T.A.C. Chapter 350) or a similar program established by the commission, at a rate not greater than one in one million.” Filed 12/8/2022.  For more information go to:

HB 1093, by Cunningham, Relating to planning and financial responsibility requirements for certain aggregate production operations; providing for the imposition of an administrative penalty.  “The responsible party must submit to the commission certification of the restoration plan, within the appropriate area or discipline, issued by a licensed engineer or licensed geoscientist. Components of the restoration plan may be  independently certified, as appropriate.”  Filed 12/21/2022.  For more information go to:

HB 1276, by Hinojosa, Relating to the reduction of methane gas flaring on land dedicated to the permanent university fund.  Filed 1/11/2023,  For more information go to:

HB 1318, by Darby, Relating to the regulation of brine mining.  Filed 1/12/2023.  For more information go to:

HB 1687, by Murr, Relating to the regulation of certain aggregate production operations by the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality; authorizing an increase in the amount of a fee.  Filed 1/26/2023.  For more information go to:

HB 1721, by Raymond, Relating to the regulation of oil and gas waste; imposing a fee.  “An applicant shall submit an additional nonrefundable fee of $200 for a permit to drill, deepen, plug back, or reenter a well for which the applicant proposes to use a reserve pit located at the well site to dispose of oil and gas waste, as defined by Section 91.1011, from the well.”  Filed 1/26/2023.  For more information go to:

HB 1777, by Darby, SB 786 identical, Relating to the regulation by the Railroad Commission of Texas of closed-loop geothermal injection wells.  “The railroad commission has jurisdiction over closed-loop geothermal injection wells and may issue permits for closed-loop geothermal injection wells, including individual permits, general permits, or permits by rule.”  Filed 1/27/2023.  For more information go to:

HB 1782, by Hinojosa, Relating to a requirement that an applicant for a permit to drill an oil or gas well submit a gas capture plan for the well.  Filed 1/27/2023.  For more information go to:

HB 1915, by Zafirini, SB 604, identical, Relating to land services performed by a landman.  Filed 1/25/2023.  For more information go to:


HB 2443, by Cody Harris, Relating to the authority of certain persons to petition a groundwater conservation district to change certain rules.  Filed 2/17/2023.  For more information go to:

Texas Senate Bills

SB 257, by Eckhardt, Relating to the reduction of methane gas flaring on land dedicated to the permanent university fund.  Prohibits routine methane flaring, operators must adhere to the USEPA’s new source performance standards for methane emissions, implement quarterly inspections, etc.  2/15/2023 Referred to Natural Resources & Economic Development. For more information go to:

SB 382, by Zafirini, Companion Bill HB 583, Identical,  Relating to the production by the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality of an annual report on public drinking water supply systems.  2/15/2023 Referret to Water, Agriculture, & Rural Affairs.  For more information go to:

SB 519, by Zaffirini, Relating to the issuance of a permit for a municipal solid waste landfill facility located in a special flood hazard area.  2/17/2023 Referrecd to Natural Resources & Economic Development.  For more information go to:

SB 604, by Zafirini, HB 1915, identical, Relating to land services performed by a landman.  2/17/2023 Referred to Natural Resources & Economic Development.  For more information go to:

SB 624, by Kolkhorst and Middleton, Relating Relating to the permitting of renewable energy generation facilities by the Public Utility Commission of Texas; authorizing fees.  “This subchapter applies to a renewable energy generation facility regardless of whether the facility is the subject of a wind power facility agreement or solar power facility agreement entered into under Chapter 301 or 302.

“Sec. 35.202.  LEGISLATIVE POLICY AND PURPOSE. The conservation and development of all the natural resources of this state are declared to be public rights and duties. It is also declared that the protection of the wildlife, water, and land of this state against the impacts of renewable energy generation facilities is in the public interest. In the exercise of the police power of this state, it is necessary and desirable to provide additional means so that the installation and removal of renewable energy generation facilities is placed under the authority and direction of the commission.”  2/17/2023 Referred to Business & Commerce.  For more information go to:

SB 786, HB 1777 identical, by Birdwell, Relating to the regulation by the Railroad Commission of Texas of closed-loop geothermal injection wells.  “The railroad commission has jurisdiction over closed-loop geothermal injection wells and may issue permits for closed-loop geothermal injection wells, including individual permits, general permits, or permits by rule.”  Filed 2/8/2023.  For more information go to:

SB 788, by Eckhardt, Alvarado, Gutierrez, LaMantia, and Miles, Relating to the creation of the Office of Environmental Justice within the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality. Filed 2/8/2023.  For more information go to:

Henry M. Wise, P.G.
The Wise Report


The Wise Report
Henry M. Wise, P.G.
February 10, 2023

The Texas Legislature is back in session through May 29, 2023.   I’m currently checking for bills of general interest to geologists in Texas and will be updating this list as things change.   New information is in bold.

HB 57, by Zwiener,  Relating to climate change planning and reporting.  Filed 11/23/2022.  For more information go to:

HB 570, by Raymond,  Relating to a study by the Texas Division of Emergency Management of the potential effects of droughts and wildfires in this state. Filed 11/14/2022.  For more information go to:

HB 583, by Raymond, Companion bill SB-382, identical, Relating to the production by the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality of an annual report on public drinking water supply systems. Filed 11/14/2022. For more information go to:

HB 952, by Dulton, Relating to the carcinogenic risk level used in the development of certain environmental remediation benchmarks.  “The commission shall set each carcinogenic risk level used by the commission in the development of a protective concentration level, risk-based exposure limit, or any other remediation standard used in connection with this chapter or a rule adopted under this chapter, including the Texas Risk Reduction Program (30 T.A.C. Chapter 350) or a similar program established by the commission, at a rate not greater than one in one million.” Filed 12/8/2022.  For more information go to:

HB 1093, by Cunningham, Relating to planning and financial responsibility requirements for certain aggregate production operations; providing for the imposition of an administrative penalty.  “The responsible party must submit to the commission certification of the restoration plan, within the appropriate area or discipline, issued by a licensed engineer or licensed geoscientist. Components of the restoration plan may be  independently certified, as appropriate.”  Filed 12/21/2022.  For more information go to:

HB 1276, by Hinojosa, Relating to the reduction of methane gas flaring on land dedicated to the permanent university fund.  Filed 1/11/2023,  For more information go to:

HB 1318, by Darby, Relating to the regulation of brine mining.  Filed 1/12/2023.  For more information go to:

HB 1687, by Murr, Relating to the regulation of certain aggregate production operations by the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality; authorizing an increase in the amount of a fee.  Filed 1/26/2023.  For more information go to:

HB 1721, by Raymond, Relating to the regulation of oil and gas waste; imposing a fee.  “An applicant shall submit an additional nonrefundable fee of $200 for a permit to drill, deepen, plug back, or reenter a well for which the applicant proposes to use a reserve pit located at the well site to dispose of oil and gas waste, as defined by Section 91.1011, from the well.”  Filed 1/26/2023.  For more information go to:

HB 1777, by Darby, Relating to the regulation by the Railroad Commission of Texas of closed-loop geothermal injection wells.  “The railroad commission has jurisdiction over closed-loop geothermal injection wells and may issue permits for closed-loop geothermal injection wells, including individual permits, general permits, or permits by rule.”  Filed 1/27/2023.  For more information go to:

HB 1782, by Hinojosa, Relating to a requirement that an applicant for a permit to drill an oil or gas well submit a gas capture plan for the well.  Filed 1/27/2023.  For more information go to:

SB 257, by Eckhardt, Relating to the reduction of methane gas flaring on land dedicated to the permanent university fund.  Prohibits routine methane flaring, operators must adhere to the USEPA’s new source performance standards for methane emissions, implement quarterly inspections, etc.  12/1/2022 Filed. For more information go to:

HB 1915, by Zafirini, SB 604, identical, Relating to land services performed by a landman.  Filed 1/25/2023.  For more information go to:


Texas Senate Bills

SB 382, by Zafirini, Companion Bill HB 583, Identical,  Relating to the production by the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality of an annual report on public drinking water supply systems.  Filed 1/11/2023.  For more information go to:

SB 519, by Zaffirini, Relating to the issuance of a permit for a municipal solid waste landfill facility located in a special flood hazard area.   Filed 1/20/2023.  For more information go to:

SB 604, by Zafirini, HB 1915, identical, Relating to land services performed by a landman.  Filed 1/25/2023.  For more information go to:

SB 624, by Kolkhorst and Middleton, Relating Relating to the permitting of renewable energy generation facilities by the Public Utility Commission of Texas; authorizing fees.  “This subchapter applies to a renewable energy generation facility regardless of whether the facility is the subject of a wind power facility agreement or solar power facility agreement entered into under Chapter 301 or 302.

“Sec. 35.202.  LEGISLATIVE POLICY AND PURPOSE. The conservation and development of all the natural resources of this state are declared to be public rights and duties. It is also declared that the protection of the wildlife, water, and land of this state against the impacts of renewable energy generation facilities is in the public interest. In the exercise of the police power of this state, it is necessary and desirable to provide additional means so that the installation and removal of renewable energy generation facilities is placed under the authority and direction of the commission.”Filed 1/26/2023.  For more information go to:

SB 788, by Eckhardt, Alvarado, Gutierrez, LaMantia, and Miles, Relating to the creation of the Office of Environmental Justice within the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality. Filed 2/8/2023.  For more information go to:

Henry M. Wise, P.G.
The Wise Report


The Wise Report
Henry M. Wise, P.G.
Feberuary 4, 2023

The Texas Legislature is back in session through May 29, 2023.   I’m currently checking for bills of general interest to geologists in Texas and will be updating this list as things change.   New information is in bold.

HB 57, by Zwiener,  Relating to climate change planning and reporting.  Filed 11/23/2022.  For more information go to:

HB 570, by Raymond,  Relating to a study by the Texas Division of Emergency Management of the potential effects of droughts and wildfires in this state. Filed 11/14/2022.  For more information go to:

HB 583, by Raymond, Companion bill SB-382, identical, Relating to the production by the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality of an annual report on public drinking water supply systems. Filed 11/14/2022. For more information go to:

HB 952, by Dulton, Relating to the carcinogenic risk level used in the development of certain environmental remediation benchmarks.  “The commission shall set each carcinogenic risk level used by the commission in the development of a protective concentration level, risk-based exposure limit, or any other remediation standard used in connection with this chapter or a rule adopted under this chapter, including the Texas Risk Reduction Program (30 T.A.C. Chapter 350) or a similar program established by the commission, at a rate not greater than one in one million.” Filed 12/8/2022.  For more information go to:

HB 1093, by Cunningham, Relating to planning and financial responsibility requirements for certain aggregate production operations; providing for the imposition of an administrative penalty.  “The responsible party must submit to the commission certification of the restoration plan, within the appropriate area or discipline, issued by a licensed engineer or licensed geoscientist. Components of the restoration plan may be  independently certified, as appropriate.”  Filed 12/21/2022.  For more information go to:

HB 1276, by Hinojosa, Relating to the reduction of methane gas flaring on land dedicated to the permanent university fund.  Filed 1/11/2023,  For more information go to:

HB 1318, by Darby, Relating to the regulation of brine mining.  Filed 1/12/2023.  For more information go to:

HB 1687, by Murr, Relating to the regulation of certain aggregate production operations by the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality; authorizing an increase in the amount of a fee.  Filed 1/26/2023.  For more information go to:

HB 1721, by Raymond, Relating to the regulation of oil and gas waste; imposing a fee.  “An applicant shall submit an additional nonrefundable fee of $200 for a permit to drill, deepen, plug back, or reenter a well for which the applicant proposes to use a reserve pit located at the well site to dispose of oil and gas waste, as defined by Section 91.1011, from the well.”  Filed 1/26/2023.  For more information go to:

HB 1777, by Darby, Relating to the regulation by the Railroad Commission of Texas of closed-loop geothermal injection wells.  “The railroad commission has jurisdiction over closed-loop geothermal injection wells and may issue permits for closed-loop geothermal injection wells, including individual permits, general permits, or permits by rule.”  Filed 1/27/2023.  For more information go to:

HB 1782, by Hinojosa, Relating to a requirement that an applicant for a permit to drill an oil or gas well submit a gas capture plan for the well.  Filed 1/27/2023.  For more information go to:

Texas Senate Bills

SB 257, by Eckhardt, Relating to the reduction of methane gas flaring on land dedicated to the permanent university fund.  Prohibits routine methane flaring, operators must adhere to the USEPA’s new source performance standards for methane emissions, implement quarterly inspections, etc.  12/1/2022 Filed. For more information go to:


HB 1915, by Zafirini, SB 604, identical, Relating to land services performed by a landman.  Filed 1/25/2023.  For more information go to:


SB 382, by Zafirini, Companion Bill HB 583, Identical,  Relating to the production by the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality of an annual report on public drinking water supply systems.  Filed 1/11/2023.  For more information go to:

SB 519, by Zaffirini, Relating to the issuance of a permit for a municipal solid waste landfill facility located in a special flood hazard area.   Filed 1/20/2023.  For more information go to:

SB 604, by Zafirini, HB 1915, identical, Relating to land services performed by a landman.  Filed 1/25/2023.  For more information go to:

SB 624, by Kolkhorst and Middleton, Relating Relating to the permitting of renewable energy generation facilities by the Public Utility Commission of Texas; authorizing fees.  “This subchapter applies to a renewable energy generation facility regardless of whether the facility is the subject of a wind power facility agreement or solar power facility agreement entered into under Chapter 301 or 302.

“Sec. 35.202.  LEGISLATIVE POLICY AND PURPOSE. The conservation and development of all the natural resources of this state are declared to be public rights and duties. It is also declared that the protection of the wildlife, water, and land of this state against the impacts of renewable energy generation facilities is in the public interest. In the exercise of the police power of this state, it is necessary and desirable to provide additional means so that the installation and removal of renewable energy generation facilities is placed under the authority and direction of the commission.”Filed 1/26/2023.  For more information go to:


Henry M. Wise, P.G.
The Wise Report


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AIPG-TX Scholarship Applications Deadline is February 1, 2024

Texas Students:

This is a  reminder to all qualified undergraduate and graduate students enrolled in Texas universities/colleges to apply for either the Foss Scholarship (for undergraduates) or the Shoemaker Scholarship (for graduate students) before the deadline of February 1, 2024.

If interested, you should follow the guidance provided on-line (here). If you have any questions, feel free to contact me.

Regina Capuano, Ph.D., C.P.G., P.G
Chair, AIPG-TX Scholarship Committee

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AIPG YouTube Channel Now Has New Videos Available

AIPG YouTube Channel

Subscribe to the AIPG YouTube Channel and click on the bell to get notified of new videos. Should any of the following video not start up properly, click on the original AIPG site and find the video there.

The current list of videos from National Office:

  • AIPG Texas Section Webinar Series: An Overview of the Texas Water Plan with Temple McKinnon. In this video Temple McKinnon, Director of Water Supply Planning for the Texas Water Development Board talks about the plan for 2022 and beyond. Temple highlights opportunities, creative approaches, and challenges that face Texas as the state works to secure future water supply.  (2022).
  •  A Reality Check: Climate Change and Weather (pdf) of presentation – September 20, 2022 Dr. Jory Pacht, began his career at ARCO in the exploration research department in 1980, and ARCO recognized his contribution in its 1987 Annual Report where his team was credited with adding $350 million of reserves. His work continued at RPI International as a Senior Scientist working in the Gulf of Mexico and offshore Africa. In 1992, he founded Seis-Strat Services, Inc., a geological and geophysical service company employing up to 35 geo-scientists in seven countries. He sold Seis-Strat in 2007 From 2004 to 2007 Dr. Pacht formed and sold three PE-funded oil and gas production companies with partners. He is currently the President of Altair Resources. Dr. Pacht has won five best paper awards and has published over 80 papers and abstracts. He serves on the Alumni Advisory Board of the School of Earth Sciences at Ohio State, where he received his Ph.D. and gives talks worldwide on energy.
  • AIPG Texas Section Webinar Series: The Geology of Central Texas Part 3 with John Berry, PG., CPG, AIPG-TX Councilor-at-Large, and past AIPG National Editor. In this video, Joh Berry outlines the geologic evolution of Texas during the Tertiary (65 ma to 1.8 ma) covering the development of Texas hydrocarbon and coal resources, the erosion of mega canyons in Texas and, of course, the evolution of mammals and other flora and fauna during this remarkable time in Earth’s history. (2022).
  • AIPG November 2022 Town Hall: Matt Rhoades, AIPG 2022 National President, and Aaron Johnson, AIPG Executive Director. In this video, Dawn Garcia hosts as AIPG President Matt Rhoades and Executive Director Aaron Johnson give some updates on current and future initiatives for AIPG.
  • AIPG October 2022 Town Hall: Mark Schaaf, AIPG CPG Member, Outlines the New and Improved AIPG Mentoring Program. Mark Schaaf, AIPG 2022 National Advisory Board Representative and AIPG 2023-24 National Treasurer, outlines the new and improved AIPG Mentoring Program. This program, which is designed to assist early- and mid-career geologists find mentors who can help them further their careers, is the newest item in our expanding list of member benefits. Come and listen as Mark outlines how you can benefit from this great program.
  • AIPG September 2022 Town Hall: Some PFAS in the Subsurface, with Nate Stevens. Nate, who is principal hydrogeologist with Kleinfelder, gives us an inside look at what PFAS are and how these chemicals behave in the subsurface. A great overview of how PFAS behave in the environment.
  • AIPG July 2022 Town Hall: Black Granite From Hell, with Steve Stokowski. Steve talks about one of his most challenging forensic geology cases. He unravels the failure of ‘black granite’ being used for the primary stone for a ware memorial. Listen as Steve explains why this granite was not suitable for this project.
  • AIPG May 2022 Town Hall with Aaron Johnson and Mark Schaaf provide updates on the AIPG Mentoring Program, AIPG initiatives such as the Global Geoscience Professionalism Group and the AIPG University Degree Program-CPG Requirements comparison, and take questions from AIPG Members.
  • A Perspective of the Historical Coal Mining Industry in Michigan, Adam Wygant, Michigan State Geologist.  Adam takes you on a tour of the history of coal mining in Michigan. He weaves together history, geology, and environmental impacts to create an interesting, vibrant, and illuminating portrait of the coal mining history of Michigan. (2022)
  • The World Class MVT Ore Deposits of the Viburnum (MO) Trend and Tri States (MO-KS-OK) Districts, Aaron Johnson, AIPG Executive Director. Aaron gives an overview of the geology and genesis of the world-class Mississippi Valley-Type ore deposits in the Viburnum Trend and Tri-States District. Dr. Johnson will introduce you to the discovery and mining history, the regional geology, stratigraphy, mineralogy, and formational mechanisms of these remarkable ore deposits. (2022)
  • Contact Metamorphism-Red Sandstone State Park, Utah, with Mark Dennen. – Mark gives a short description of contact metamorphism that occurred when a basaltic lava flow baked the underlying sandstone. (2022)
  • Geology of Central Texas – The Mesozoic: Rifting, Drifting, Drowning, then getting Bombed!, John Berry, AIPG Texas Section Webinar Series.  John gives us a detailed overview of the geologic history and evolution of modern-day Texas, during the Mesozoic Era. John covers the rifting that broke apart Pangea, the formation of the great Texas salt deposits, and the geologic forces that resulted in the extinction of the dinosaurs. (2022)
  • The Mountains Beneath Our Feet, John Berry, AIPG Texas Section Webinar Series, John Berry, a professional geologist with a long and varied career, takes us on a geological history lesson, helping viewers to understand the geologic underpinnings of Texas. Come along as John shows us how Texas was built! (2022)
  • Careers in Geology and the Role Licensure can Play. In this video, Lauria Racca gives an overview of the types of careers that are out there for young geologists, by examining the trajectory of her career. She ties these careers to the role of licensure for professional geologists. (2021)
  • The Dinosaurs of Cowboy Country, Robert Font, professional geologist and former college professor, gives a brief overview of the dinosaurs found in the Glen Rose formation of Texas. Informally titled “The dinosaurs of Cowboy Country” this video gives some insight into the number of difference species and types of dinosaurs that are associated with the Glen Rose Formation. (2021)
  • Geologists in Action: Navigation Dredging, Bill Aley is a member of the AIPG, and is a licensed professional geologist in Florida and California. In this video, Bill gives an overview of the services he provides as part of a navigation dredging project to maintain a federal navigation channel near Stuart, Florida.(2021)
  • Missouri State Petrology Field Trip from the Knob Lick Granite Quarry, In this video, Missouri State Geologist Kasey Buckley gives a brief description of the geology of the Knob Lick granite, and highlights some of the features visible at this historic quarry. Kasey Buckley is a graduate student at Missouri State University, and an accomplished Dirt Track Vintage Stock Car racer. (2021) 
  • What Geologists Do, Robert Font describes what it is that geologists actually do. Dr. Font uses examples from his career as a geologist to introduce viewers to the broad variety of work that geologists perform all over the world. (2021) 
  • A Brief Introduction to Well-logs and Their Uses, in this video, Robert Font gives a brief explanation of the uses of well logs to understand porosity, determine the potential for fluids to be present, determine the present, determine the presence of radioactivity, and to identify salt-water-rich layers.(2021) 
  • Geologists In Action: Columnar Jointing in Rhyolite at Hughes Mountain Conservation Area, Washington County, Missouri (2021)
  • Geologists in Action: Dr. Aaron Johnson Leads a Field Trip to Missouri’s Einstein Tin-Tungsten Mine, Dr. Aaron Johnson , Executive Director of AIPG leads a field trip for the Missouri State University Petrology course, to the Einsteini Mine, in Silvermines Recreation Area, in Madison County, Missouri. If you want to learn more about the Einstein Mine or about the 1.5 billion-year-old igneous terrane in Southeast Missouri, check out this publication from the Missouri Department of Natural Resources! (2021) 
  • Leveraging Airborne Geophysics to Support Coastal Groundwater Management, in this video geologist Ian Gasttschalk discusses the use of Airborne Geophysics to better manage groundwater in coastal regions. This video was part of the Illinois/Indiana AIPG Sectional Series. (2021) 
  • Geologists in Action! Reflected Light Ore Microscopy, in this video, mining geologist Jim Paschis, AIPG CPG Member, gives an overview of how ore microscopy provides critical information for geologists working in economic and mining geology. (2021)
  • Lessons Learned Along the Way, the California Sectional Meeting from April 8, 2021. Matt Rhoades, AIPG CPG Member, speaks on lessons learned along the way as a geologist that young geologists and students will find very helpful. Matt’s talk starts at 1:34:14. (2021)
  • Honesty–Avoiding the Misuse of Models, in this video, David Abbott provides a thoughtful and thorough look at the primary principles that underlie scientific integrity and uses those principles to discuss best practices with respect to using geological models. Combining case studies, thought exercises, and real-world experience, David delves into the use of models in geology, and provides a critical look at how geologists can avoid some of the pitfalls common to the use of models in geology. (2021)
  • Core Splitting: The Assumptions Underlying a Best Practice, in this video, David Abbott brings his extensive experience in mining geology to bear on best practices in core splitting. David illustrates the idea of sample homogeneity and includes a discussion of statistical analyses. The video is a great introduction to how core-splitting is used to create models and is used in creating mineral reserve estimates. (2021)
  • Resume Writing and Interviewing, in this video is a recording of the California Section of AIPG’s Zoom conference focusing on Resume Writing and Interviewing for students and Early Career Professionals. The conference includes suggestions and tips for networking, resume writing tips, tricks, and suggestions, and includes a mock interview after which attendees were able to ask questions and get feedback about how to approach the entire job search process. From student to senior management, there is something in this conference for everyone! (2021)
  • Geologists in Action — Using Drones to Sample Man-Made Lakes, this video shows some cutting edge use of drone technology to sample man-made lakes in Nevada. Watch as McGinley and Associates shows us how unmanned drones can be used to sample and monitor water quality in Nevada. This use of drones not only provides better sample location controls, but also minimizes risk to workers, and can decrease the time necessary per sample, allowing for a more efficient sampling procedure. (2021)
  • Early Career Professionals have opportunities to grow their leadership skills, Keri Nutter, AIPG CPG Member, 2019 AIPG National President, describes how being an AIPG member has been an invaluable part of her professional development. (2021)
  • I’ve Found Opportunities I never would have encountered, Matt Rhoades, AIPG CPG Member and 2021 President-Elect, in this video talks about what AIPG has meant to him during his 30-year career. (2021)
  • 2020 Environmental Careers for Geologists, Ron Wallace, AIPG CPG Member

AIPG-TX YouTube Channel

For additional YouTube Videos:

Year of Space” from The Geological Society of London, see (here).

Additional Videos from:


AIPG Members – Send in Your Geologists in Action Videos!

AIPG has our very own YouTube Channel! We have started a series of YouTube videos will focus on “Geologists in Action.” Here’s where you come in. We want you to make a short (1-5 minute) video of yourself being a geologist. Whether that’s in the field, the lab, the office, or some other place, we want AIPG members to be the stars of the show. Be sure to introduce yourself (I’m John Doe, a Certified Professional Geologist with AIPG) and to give a short description of what it is you’re doing. You could be removing leaky storage tanks, making a geologic map, analyzing samples in the lab, or talking with clients. We want to share videos of you doing what you do!

Why? Because we know that the general public isn’t aware of what we geologists really do. We think this effort can help to change that. And you can be at the center of that action!

Here are few things to remember:

  1. You’ll want to make sure your company and your clients are ok with you making the video. We don’t want to expose any proprietary information, or put companies or clients in a difficult spot.
  2. Make sure you have permission to be onsite and to film in that location.
  3. Read and agree to the video release information that gives AIPG the right to post your video.
  4. Show your excitement and passion for the field and your career! Geology annually ranks as one of the ten most fulfilling careers with the highest rates of job satisfaction in the USA.

You can email your short videos directly to us at, upload it online, or contact the office (303) 412-6205 to upload to a shared folder. If your video is chosen for our channel, we’ll let you know, and we will be sure to let you know when your video will premiere.

Thanks for all you do to support AIPG.

With Best Regards,


Aaron W. Johnson, Ph.D.
Executive Director
American Institute of Professional Geologists
1333 W. 120th Avenue
Westminster, CO 80234
303-412-6205 ext. 110

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The AIPG-TX Guidebook is Nearing Completion for the April 2023 Field Trip in West Texas

The 2023 AIPG-TX Field Trip to west Texas will cover subjects such as economic geology (gold & silver, and rare earths), hydrogeology and structural geology. At the center of attention will be the Eagle Mountains, having one the most scienic views in all of Texas.

Henry Wise, P.G., CPG, President, AIPG-TX, advised the Texas Board recently that Bruce K. Darling, PhD, P.G., CPG, (AIPG-TX District II Representative), assisted by Roger W. Lee, PhD, PG, (Councilor-at-Large), Michael Jacobs, PG, (District I Representative), Michael D. Campbell, P.G., PH, CPG., (Vice-President-Eastern Texas), and Bruce Handley, P.G., CPG.,(Member-at-Large), along with others are well along in preparing the Guidebook for the April Field Trip.

Since there will be a maximum of 30 participants, Henry suggests that you make preparations early to reserve “your seat” for the Field Trip.

Final preparations are being made for establishing the hotel space for 30 participants along the way, and for meeting up at a designated location and for field vehicles leaving El Paso, Texas on April 20 and arriving back on April 23, 2023.

The estimated cost will be $1,200.00/person, which includes motels, box lunches, water, and Field-Trip Guidebook.
Registration deadline: March 20, 2023 or until filled (30 max).

Contact Michael Campbell or 713-248-1708) to register your preliminary interest in attending the Field Trip.

Formal registration is now open.

See Update (here).

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Tuesday, November 15th, at 7.00 p.m.

BY JOHN AMOS, founder and CEO, SkyTruth


For more than 20 years, SkyTruth has harnessed the power of satellite images to shine a spotlight on environmental issues and incidents around the world. A nonprofit conservation technology organization based in Shepherdstown, WV, SkyTruth was founded by a geologist and now operates as a distributed team of 12 computer programmers, data scientists, image analysts, geospatial analysts, and communications specialists, producing images, data, and analyses that illustrate and measure the impacts of drilling, mining, commercial fishing, and other human activity on terrestrial and marine ecosystems.

They are experts in using cloud computing and AI techniques (machine learning) to automate and scale the analysis of satellite images and other forms of remote sensing data. This approach is exemplified by Global Fishing Watch, a project built by SkyTruth in partnership with Google and marine conservation organization Oceana to reveal all of the commercial fishing activity in the ocean. Currently we are working to automate the detection of oil slicks at sea from vessels and oil production facilities.



John is an expert in the use of satellite images and other remote sensing data to understand and communicate local, regional and global environmental issues. Educated as a geologist (at the University of Wyoming for his M.S. and Cornell University for his B.S.), John spent 10 years applying image processing, image analysis, and digital mapping techniques to conduct environmental, exploration and resource assessment studies for the energy and mining industries and government entities.  In 2001, he founded SkyTruth, a nonprofit 501(c)(3) organization dedicated to strengthening environmental conservation by illuminating environmental problems and issues through the use of satellite images, aerial photographs, and other kinds of remote sensing and digital mapping.

LINK: Register at On the lower right hand side of the page is a box “CALENDAR”.  This event is the last item in the list. Click on it to register

COST (Includes certificate for 0.1 CEU/1.0 PDH)

NOTE:  All moneys generated by this Webinar series go towards the AIPG-TX Scholarship Fund.
The deadline to apply for Scholarships for summer 2023 and the 2023-2024 Academic Year is Feb. 1st, 2023. See

John Berry, P.G., C.P.G.

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Premiere of AIPG Texas Section YouTube Channel – 1:00 PM October 26, 2022 and more Begining 8:00 PM

The premiere of the AIPG Texas Section YouTube Channel will include three videos of lectures presented during the 2022 AIPG GeoDayz training program held in early August, 2022 in Austin, Texas. Convenor: Roger Lee, Ph.D., P.G.

The three lecture premieres will be presented at 30-minute intervals. Others will soon follow. Plus, other videos of interest will be included here as they become available.

To prepare for the premeres, click to:

Additional 2022 AIPG GeoDayz YouTube videos will be available on October 27 at 8:00 PM, 9:00 PM and at 10:00 PM.


The AIPG Texas Section Webinar Series:

Part 1: The Mountains Beneath Our Feet, Part 1:

Part 2: The Geology of Central Texas, Part 2: The Mesozoic:

Part 3: TBA

AIPG National lists  many topical YouTube training videos (Here).



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AIPG National Award – The Matthew J. Rhoades 2022 National Presidential Certificate of Merit to John L Berry, P.G., CPG

The Matthew J. Rhoades 2022 National Presidential Certificate of Merit was made to John L Berry, P.G., CPG for his outstanding contributions to the AIPG Texas and imolementations of the highly sucessful AIPG AIPG Texas Section webinar series. The Award was made to John Berry by Henry M. Wise, P.G., CPG, President of AIPG Texas Section with Michael D. Campbell, P.G., P.H., CPG, Vice-President – Eastern Texas providing the photography.

Each year, the AIPG President awards one or more certificates of merit to individuals who, through dedicated and meritorious service, have made an outstanding contribution to the Institute. John has certainly made sigificant contributions over the years in serving the AIPG Texas Section as a Councilor-at-Large, convenor of the AIPG-TX webinars, and earlier as the AIPG Editor of the Professional Geologist.

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