AIPG-TX Vice-President- Eastern Texas Publishes: “Anecdotes of a Lifetime: Memoirs of a Professional Geologist”

For those of you who haven’t heard or received the announcement, over the past 8 months, Michael D. Campbell, P.G., P.H., CPG has been working on his memoirs. He said, “It’s better now than never.” Titled: “Anecdotes of a Lifetime: Memoirs of a Professional Geologist,” the book is now available. He said that his primary objective was to make a print and digital record for his grandchildren and their grandchildren of the life of their grandfather, his family, friends, and professional associates who lived in the mid-late 20th Century and worked well into the 21st Century as a Professional Geologist.

It is in hardback and paperback on and Barnes and Noble, and is available in Kindle with E-Book, which takes advantage of the numerous cited footnote references of hyperlinks, which relates “the rest of the story.” It contains 17 chapters of 443 pages, 229 footnotes of hyperlinks, 274 photographs, 12 graphics, and an Index of characters and major topics.

Click on the link below for more information on the book and the author, see: