Uranium (Nuclear and REE) Committee Report

Led by UCOM Chair, Michael D. Campbell, and supported by UCOM Vice-Chair (Industry), Henry M. Wise, and selected members of the UCOM Advisory and Consulting Groups, the 2018 UCOM report will be presented by teleconference at the EMD Annual Meeting in Salt Lake City on the May 19th. For additional information who has contributed from the the Texas Section Section see (more).

The Wise Report

The Railroad Commission of Texas (Commission) proposes amendments to §3.53, relating to Annual Well Tests and Well Status Reports Required. The amendments would adjust the testing requirements for oil wells to minimize the frequency of such tests, thereby reducing the administrative burden for those wells and associated costs to industry. The Commission also proposes amendments to §3.52, relating to Oil Well Allowable Production, to reflect the changes in §3.53.

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The Wise Report

At its open meeting on April 24, 2018, the Railroad Commission (RRC) proposed amendments to §§3.52 and 3.53 regarding testing requirements for oil wells. The amendments to §3.53 would allow operators to elect not to perform or file a production capability test for a well after the initial test has been filed except in certain circumstances. If the operator elects not to perform such a test, then the RRC would use the results of the most recent test or optional allocation on file with the RRC. Under the proposed amendments, operators would still be required to file the Form W-10 annually to report the status of each well. The proposed amendments to §3.52 would remove references to annual tests to reflect the proposed amendments to §3.53. For more information go to:  http://www.rrc.texas.gov/media/45028/prop-amend-3-52-and-3-53-well-testing-sig-042418.pdf

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The Wise Report

The Railroad Commission is seeking stakeholder input on our first-ever oil and gas monitoring and enforcement strategic plan. This plan assesses the most effective use of the agency’s resources to ensure public safety and environmental protection. The draft was developed by an RRC multi-disciplinary team and can be found at:


Using a web-based survey tool, the Commission is accepting public comments on the first draft plan until 5 p.m. Friday, April 20, 2018. To submit comments online, complete the survey at:


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AIPG-Texas Scholarship Committee Chair Announces 2018 Texas Scholarship Award Selections

Glen A. Collier, P.G., C.P.G., Chair of the AIPG Texas Section’s Scholarship Committee announced that three Texas Section scholarships have been awarded to the following students in Texas:

2018 Gene M. Shoemaker Graduate Scholarship ($2,500.00)

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The Wise Report

As you may or may not be aware, the Texas Board of Professional Geoscientists (TBPG), like every other board in Texas, undergoes a Sunset Review every four years. The TBPG is currently undergoing such a review. If you have comments, suggestions, etc. about the current TBPG rules, go to:  http://tbpg.state.tx.us/rule-review/ for information as to how.

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Update: Report to Texas AIPG Members on How GeoDayz – 2018 Went in Nacogdoches, Texas

Members of the Texas Section of AIPG:

Update: An article on GeoDayz – 2018 by the Editor of the TPG is about to be released (more). See pages 42-43 (PDF pages 44-45). Also, University of Houston published a news item on their participation in GeoDayz (more).

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The Wise Report

The TCEQ Remediation Division issued a revision to the Incident Report Form (TCEQ-20097) for Leaking Petroleum Storage Tank (LPST) sites. The revisions incorporate the current TCEQ mailbox email address for electronic submittals and lists the current TCEQ telephone number to report emergencies. The form also includes documenting the TCEQ Region in which the facility is located.  Beginning June 1, 2018, all previous versions of the report form will be considered obsolete and will no longer be accepted. The form is available on the TCEQ webpage: https://www.tceq.texas.gov/remediation/pst_rp/downloads.html

Henry M. Wise, P.G.

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Professional and Student Training for Texas Members of the AIPG

In case you missed our e-mail, President Henry M. Wise, P.G., C.P.G. sent out an announcement to all  members of AIPG Texas Section this morning, as follows:

Announcement from the AIPG-TX

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AIPG-Texas Proud to Host GeoDayz in February, 2018

Registration Announcement

American Institute of Professional Geologists – Texas Section is Proud to Host GeoDayz

February 24 and 25, 2018
Sessions Begin
Daily at 9:00 a.m.
Mixer @ 5 p.m. Feb. 24, 2018

See GeoDayz Program, Registration, and Sponsor information (here)

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